Earbuds Discussion Thread

Copy that. That goes to show how little I know! Makes sense though. I’ve got them on right now. I want to see how long I can have them in before they start to bug me, if they do. So far, so good. It’s really interesting how they deliver a different sort of presentation. It’s a different experience from headphones. I can’t quite explain why at the moment, but it is. I can feel my brain re-wiring itself to process the new sound. Anyway, it’s impressive and I’m having fun at it. :+1:t2: :headphones:

Edit: As much as I am enjoying the sound, the small 3 ft cable is a buzz-kill! Just sayin… :laughing:

Well, sheeit! I have decided to give this a shot. I just ordered up a 1More Penta.

I like how they go in the ear, and they seem to be reviewing well. Much stokage!

I’ve found if you stretch them yes it helps to fit them, but then they’re a bit slack/baggy once in place so now I just take a deep breathe grab some tweezers and gently work my round the bud, sort of like fitting a tyre to a pushbike :+1:


The new LREY Classic 1

Stabilized Turkish walnut with 2 way pipe vents (1 pipe directed to the bass port)

With custom 32 ohm drivers and shell structure, bass is deep and big with clear instruments. Vocals are intimate and focus; while the stage and imaging on this set is nice…


Even more pics to show off LREY’s craftsmanship



The Penta P50 arrived late yesterday afternoon. Obviously I have had very little time with them, so I don’t have an official opinion yet. That said, a few things have struck me straight away:

  • The packaging and presentation of this set is really impressive. It makes the unboxing experience kind of special.
  • They are smaller than I thought they would be, which is a good thing. They go into my ear super easy and are very comfortable to wear, at least for the small amount of time I had them in.
  • The cable is short and had that “memory” of being coiled, but it is straightening out pretty quickly, so fears of it being snaggle-prone are reduced. Since it is a removable mmcx type, I have a nice 2M 16 core silver-plated replacement cable coming.

As for how they sound, it’s too early to tell. Right out of the box they are a little edgy and shrill, but I’m sure they need a little time to settle in. I can say for sure that the detail is crazy good. You don’t miss a thing. I mentioned how they go into my ear well and seem to be pretty comfortable. Where I think I am going to struggle is getting a really good seal.

It took me all of 10 seconds to realize that to get the kind of bass that is enjoyable, you HAVE to have a really good seal. The bass is there, I can hear it, but without a good seal there is virtually zero bass. This could be a problem, but again, I am just getting to know them so I am going to reserve judgement until I figure this out one way or the other. They give you a good selection of ear tips, so I will be playing with these over the coming days to see what can be achieved.

From a fitment standpoint, I don’t know how much different these are from the Audiophile type of IEMs with the nice shells and such. These may not work out for me at the end of the day, but if they don’t at least I have tried them. To be continued!


I booked one of these bad boys! :money_mouth_face:


Haha nice bro! Excited for your impressions

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One more follow-up. This will be the last post here because I don’t think these P50s are earbuds! I believe these qualify as IEMs. And not really the bullet type either. It appears that I have gone off the original plan completely! :laughing:

2 things happened. First, the replacement cable arrived and it is a nice upgrade both in comfort and sound. Second, as I was playing with the ear tips to try and get a good seal, I tried the 12mm foam tips. Yahtzee! The foam tips for me work way better than the silicon tips, at least for this set. All of a sudden, there was the bass and that nice punch. The mids are fantastic. Really good imaging and stage. I am still kind of stunned by the detail. These things are really good.

And there it is. Whether this leads to more exploration is unknown. I will just enjoy the 2 sets I have for now. I’m still getting used to wearing them, it’s so different from headphones! To be continued…

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Oh the shell design!! Looks really cool!! Those vents at the bottom :kissing_heart:

How much are they?? Do let us know if they’re better than Silvanus.

@Kenyon is this the week you get your W03 Pro??

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Yet to get in my hand. You know you’ll get to listen to them first hand :smile:

Come Friday I will be in Lrey bliss hopefully.

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Thought this would be of interest to others!


Very 3D printed Sony M9 vibes…

@Rikudou_Goku don’t have an aneurysm over the blasphemy :joy:

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oh god, that looks terrible tbh. Chonky and over ear are the 2 things I would hate on buds. (i hate chonky for iems as well though.)

I thought it was more Z1R though.

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Do you think this is designed for a cable down or over ear fit? Trying to envision where that weird contoured tongue is gonna sit in the ear…

Has to be over ear considering how chonky/heavy it looks, it needs to have the support of the over ear cable or it will be a very poor fit if not just fall out of the ear.

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