Earbuds Discussion Thread

Hey buddy how do LREY compare to Cypherus Audio Black Dragon Susvara?

Would’ve loved to open it and make changes but unfortunately the buds are not mine to make any modifications. In its stock form, has a lot to improve.

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I loved TGX Desolation sound and its pairing with WooAudio Tube Mini but not anymore. Silvanus is far better and will now replace the Desolation sound of my top pick.


My impressions of King Dragon:

The sub-bass extends deep and has a good texture, though it feels a bit loose.

The mid-bass sounds slightly smeared and lacks a bit of clarity, resulting in a diffuse and mildly unfocused sound. It doesn’t have much energy or impact and bleeds slightly into the lower midrange. Despite this, the details are nicely highlighted and easy to pick up even in the bass.

Male vocals have good texture and come through with a good tonal balance, though the mid-bass slightly masks finer details and reduces clarity ever so slightly.

Female vocals are just a tad forward and can sound slightly dense for my preference, which takes away some of their energy.

The soundstage feels narrow and slightly congested, with vocals and instruments needing a bit more spacing between them.

The overall timbre of instruments is slightly skewed, making them sound thick and heavy.

If the mid-bass were toned down a bit, it would significantly improve the clarity of the vocals.


Wow, that’s high praise! I’d love to get more impressions of the Silvanus :pray:


Will be posting impressions of Melos today and Silvanus tomorrow.

Melos is actually quite good at $100

Edit : I’ve been made aware that these are $100


No idea, haven’t heard them. But there is someone who have both LREY Aurora and Black Dragon Susvara, he told the Black Dragon is still better. I really cannot imaging how it must sound, but I’m not paying 1000+ USD to find out when 275 USD can give me Silvanus.

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Cool thanks for the reply man :smiley: maybe Nightjar’s bud will be close to Black Dragon Susvara as the unfinished version definitely sound like it was aiming at the same sort of tuning, but I’m guessing that won’t be cheap either :smile:

My impression of Melos:

The sub-bass is adequate, though a +2dB boost could enhance its impact. Currently, it exhibits a slight softness and lacks precise definition.

The mid-bass is incisive and avoids bleeding into the mids, maintaining a clear distinction while still feeling cohesive. However, a bit more definition could improve its performance, as it has some soft edges. In guitar-centric tracks, there’s a noticeable higher resonance.

Male vocals are perfectly balanced with good tonal weight and texture.

Female vocals generally come across as natural and not shouty. There’s a slight warmth that benefits male vocals significantly but leaves female vocals needing a bit more energy to shine. Despite this, female vocals remain very good, and this critique is a matter of fine-tuning rather than a major flaw.

Both male and female vocals at their high pitches provide a satisfying experience without overreaching.

The upper midrange and lower treble need a bit more separation to prevent the vocals and the trailing ends of tones from blending together.

The upper treble feels airy and wet, providing a sense of space without any excessive sparkle or shimmer. For my preferences, it performs decently well, and I have no complaints.

Instruments sound natural and almost lifelike, occupying their own space on the stage.

The soundstage is relatively close to your head and narrow but does not feel congested. It is tall and has decent depth.

Layering is good, managing complex tracks well by ensuring vocals and various instruments have their own space without becoming crowded. I did notice that the vocals are positioned slightly higher, which is an interesting characteristic that might be subjectively good or bad.

For the price, the detail retrieval is commendable. While the resolution is slightly lacking, it is still sufficient to keep you happy, allowing you to hear finer minute details easily.


Perfectly expressed!

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Glad to have met you this London! Glad I recognised your name.

Yup, it is very likely the earbuds Nightjar are making will come with a removable cable. And if somehow we do not do that, it won’t be an expensive wire so it can still be in the lower pricings compared to the cables. It’s not being released soon, but will definitely be a release in the future. Also will look so much nicer compared to the proto’s!


Like wise :smiley:

Cool please hit me up when it’s due for release…


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@Rikudou_Goku can’t believe I haven’t already try this with the S3’s…foam :doughnut:’s tricky as fuck to fit, even my misses tapped lol…but with tweezers and :cold_sweat: a real fun tweak :+1:


Foam rolling, aye? Nice! Just wondering, does stretching donut foams help? I bought a bunch of donuts but haven’t actually used them yet lol

I didn’t know where else to put this, here looked right!

I was in session, just cleaning and maintaining etc. when I stumbled upon something. I have been thinking about trying a set of wired earbuds but have been on the fence. I found this set of buds that came with the XM device I used to use years ago. These things are not bad at all, certainly not garbage or anything!

Of course, the first thing I did was clean them up and try them on. No music yet, let’s just see if I can tolerate them. Turns out, they fit amazingly well. They don’t go in too far, and the main thing is, they are staying in! My memory of trying the larger disc type wit the foam covering was that the right one would always flop out. It’s my messed up ear causing it. But for whatever reason, these buds are staying in and are not causing any discomfort. With that, I connected them to the SH-9 and queued up some reference Steely Dan stuff.

I was pretty much blown away. The fidelity and quality of the music was so much better than I expected. There was plenty of bass and even extended bass. I think this was the biggest ah-ha moment that first hit me. There was actual punch and rumble, but it was clean and not sloppy at all. The presentation was strong, clean and engaging, great stage - I was extremely surprised. As mentioned, these buds are certainly not the best, but I am pleasantly surprised by how good they are. I went to work right away on the Peace APO and built a profile for them, and was able to dial them really well! This type of listening is legit.

This is super interesting. I was really skeptical going in, but this is really cool. It certainly opens up new possibilities! I’m not even sure where to go from here. I should probably try to stick with this form factor, as I know this works. Huh…


congrats on the discovery! i wouldn’t consider this an earbud (has a silicone insert) but more an IEM.


Those are bullet iems, not earbuds.


Copy that. That goes to show how little I know! Makes sense though. I’ve got them on right now. I want to see how long I can have them in before they start to bug me, if they do. So far, so good. It’s really interesting how they deliver a different sort of presentation. It’s a different experience from headphones. I can’t quite explain why at the moment, but it is. I can feel my brain re-wiring itself to process the new sound. Anyway, it’s impressive and I’m having fun at it. :+1:t2: :headphones:

Edit: As much as I am enjoying the sound, the small 3 ft cable is a buzz-kill! Just sayin… :laughing:

Well, sheeit! I have decided to give this a shot. I just ordered up a 1More Penta.

I like how they go in the ear, and they seem to be reviewing well. Much stokage!

I’ve found if you stretch them yes it helps to fit them, but then they’re a bit slack/baggy once in place so now I just take a deep breathe grab some tweezers and gently work my round the bud, sort of like fitting a tyre to a pushbike :+1: