Earbuds Discussion Thread

Honestly don’t know how this has happened to my Serratus, only ever used at a desk or chair, not dropped and stored safely…anyways contacted Jim and he’s like send 'em back and i’ll sort it :+1: so they’re on their way to Vancouver and can’t wait to get them back :crossed_fingers:

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Damn that sucks! Sometimes one can damage earbuds by twisting them inside one’s ears while trying to get a good seal. I’m glad Jim’s going to fix them! He has what, 2 year warranty? I think one of the longest warranties around, and he actually services issues with 0 fine print shenanigans like many chifi manufacturers


Might be that :man_shrugging: as I initially had trouble with a good fit but over time the mx500? shell seems to fit better now without too many issues :+1:

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Interesting tuning option for folks that require it…

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Did Jim ever say how that should be applied? Cause it just looks like a tuning foam to me

Does this make sense? Isn’t shipping to Canada and then back to England more expensive than the material costs? Thought he would just send a new one.

The faceplate cracked?

I had a similar situation this week. Highersound was going to ship my Neptune, but found a similar crack on the faceplate, which looked identical to this one. He changed it to a different faceplate with slightly less transparent look. He told that the more transparent one is not so durable - often cracks.

The left one cracked. The right one is the new one. This is more durable.


£13 to send back, I asked Jim if he’d ship any parts required over so I can do the fix but he wanted to do the work (not sure if it’s a DIY job anyways) tbh happy to pay that :moneybag:for him to sort it and still have a valid warranty :+1:


Don’t know mate just seen this myself :man_shrugging:

Budmaster @Rikudou_Goku what do you say?

If it can be done in 10 seconds it can only be applied to the vent on the back, everything else would require to open the bud. Question is how it stays there. Glue, pressed in?


with the explanation of it reducing bass, it should go right into that shell center hole.

Power of friction.



Covering a little part of the driver does change only the bass? Looks like a HD800S Helmholtz resonator then :sweat_smile:

Really Thought it must be the vent on the back, stupid me… Wait, now I remember seeing graphs of IEMs with covered vents that increase the bass, so it makes sense.

no lol, the shell center vent. Thats the driver.

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Thats the “inner” (closest vent to nozzle) vent, blocking those on iems increases the bass.

“outer” vent on iems does the opposite.

A very easy 10 second process to reduce the bass output by 2-3dBs”…

So will never be used by me…


Yes here you go:

Courtesy of TGXEAR Instagram


Yup, got it

Hifigo on Amazon has them now, Hifigo Website still unavailable.


But hey, Rikubuds Gen3 are coming out this Friday.

