Earbuds Discussion Thread

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What happened to all the earbuds on TgXear? I see a lot are removed, like the metal serratus bell. Is he already discontinuing these?

I think hes shrinking his offerings although I am sure he would be willing to make you something he previously offered if he still has the components

I’ve heard (can’t recall where and who exactly wrote it… Discord?) that Jim has received some lukewarm feedback in which people said that non-MX500 Serratus didn’t sound as it should (based on the description and reviews). Someone had a chance to compare both MX500 and bell-shaped models and the first felt more natural, more refined. Jim doesn’t want to offer half measures, so…
Also, he’s once mentioned that he felt more confident in tuning MX500 shell.

As to why most of the previous models (Ripples, Tantalus, Alpha…) disappeared - no idea.


Newbsound (Bisoy Siosan) has released two very limited run buds stealthily, and I was fortunate enough to message him at the right time to secure both.

Left - Newb50, 32 Ohm Titanium film, 50 USD
Right - Jester, 32 Ohm Biofiber, 100 USD

I have to admit - both of them sound way better than they are priced. The Newb50 easily trades blow with whatever $100 buds I have heard. And the Jester is one of the best I have heard at around $200.

Newb50: Mild U shaped. Highly transparent and revealing set, with a very natural, well-extended, and distinctly present subbass. The midbass has a nice slam as well. Midrange and treble are very prominently present, treble is very well extended also. Big stage, very wide, tall, and nice depth as well. Three-dimensional imaging and outstanding separation. Notes are very crisp and well-defined. Upper mid can be a bit shouty and sound a bit unrefined sometimes - but that is the only con and not always present also.

Jester: If Newb50 blew my mind, Jester blew my whole consciousness. It took the sound of the Newb50 and enhanced it in every possible way. Slightly more emphasized bass, similarly transparent midrange, slightly pushed back treble for a more natural presentation, with similar extension. It is more balanced and more refined as a whole. The stage is more holographic with more depth. Notes sound similarly crisp and slightly more well-defined. No shout in any part of the whole spectrum. Even better separation. Just altogether an exhilarating experience.

There are only 5 units of Newb50 and 4 units of Jester in existence. Extremely lucky to have them in my collection. They have that distinct Newbsound house sound - very natural bass and holographic presentation. Loving them to bits!

May be an image of text that says "MUSICAL wd"


Really interesting - would you be able to compare the Jester to some more mainstream DIY or Consumer buds - say the Rikubud GR2 which I seem to remember you owning…? Thanks in advance :+1:

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GR2 has bigger and bolder bass with fuller bass texture, and a bit more intimate presentation. The stage feels slightly congested. The treble is a bit splashy and peaky. The notes are slightly smaller in size. The details are slightly less as well. Overall GR2 is more fun and grooving.

Jester has a bit smaller midbass note, subbass is very natural. The presentation is very open and airy, with more separation. The notes are bigger, better defined, and have more perceivable details. The midrange is more transparent. The treble is very refined, brilliant but not splashy, with no peaks, but excellent details. Overall it feels more refined and beautiful.


Jester sounds similar to Serratus! You have the Serratus right? How do they compare?

Jester has more sub and midbass than serratus, so that it sounds more natural.
The notes of Jester are less sharply defined than Serratus. But still, they are crisp and very well-defined.
The presentation is slightly laid back on Jester, compared to Serratus’s very forward mid and treble.
The soundstage is more expansive on Jester in every direction, with more space between the notes, and similar separation and imaging.
Jester has similar amount of details, but the note definition of Serratus feels more tactile due to the sharper edges.
They are differently tuned altogether, and Jester is much closure to my preference than Serratus.

However, please take this with a grain of salt, as I last heard the Serratus 3 weeks back, so the comparison is from memory. I sold it after getting and comparing it with Sunniva. After Sunniva, I could not even tolerate the Serratus any more :sweat_smile:


Thanks so much for that - really helpful / especially your follow on serratus comparison. :+1:

Went to order a Jester but unfortunately - all sold out / hopefully Newbsound will be producing some new buds in larger quantities going forward.

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He doesn’t do bulk production any more. I think he is making a basshead bud. I am gonna buy one. Keep an eye out for it.

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FiiO FF1 Promo for early adopters

(1) Time: Starts from August 18, 10:00:00 (GMT+8)

(2) Quantity: 100 pieces limited, first come, first served

(3) Offer price: 17.99 USD (40% off)



Bought one, thanks!


Picked one up as well - thanks @Ohmboy


For $18? Sure I’ll bite


Still loving the KBEar Stellar, definitely a closed back analog take though, this would be interesting as it’s so vented/open still with a giant DD

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Anyone saw them available somewhere else? Could need a pair with a mic for the office.

Unfortunately Fiio and many other shops on aliexpress do not ship to Germany.

Hey bro, sorry I missed this. My daughter was born 3 months prematurely and then she died from heart complications so I haven’t been around much. I’ll swing by headf in the next day of two and check in. I hope you and yours are doing well! :sunglasses:


My heartiest condolences. Please take care of yourself and your family. Hobby can wait. I sincerely wish you to find peace and solace among your loved ones.

This too shall pass.