Earbuds Discussion Thread

I know you’re ignoring 11.11 but tempted? :grinning:


Already own and love them!


Finally had some decent time with the Ucotech ES-P2s this past weekend and I have to say, they created an absolute gangster of an earbud with this set. I will say that much like the ES-P1s, they probably aren’t for everyone, but they take the ES-P1’s strengths and presentation and really turned it up a few notches with better technical performance and truly holographic staging. They still have some treble roll off and the laid back feel from the ES-P1s though the top end doesn’t roll of as much or as quickly and the timbral accuracy and realism is improved which I didn’t think was necessarily possible since the ES-P1s were already elite in those categories. Overall, the ES-P2s are expensive, but unique and worth the cheddar if you’ve got it.


Welcome back mate! And thanks for sharing your thoughts on the ES-P2!

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Thanks, bro!


@JAnonymous5150 good to see you back chap :+1: - did you ever get any time with the DB1 in the end?


I have them, but I have only gotten about half an hour with them. I’ll have a sesh with them today or tomorrow and give you my thoughts if that’s cool.


Thanks so much chap :+1:

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Hanging again with Riku’s S3’s over the last few days and the vocal replay both male and female on this set is :gem: …Grace Jones or Joe Walsh they’ve got you covered :+1:


Amazing open flat head earphone

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Welcome to HFGF :smiley: would you care to elaborate?

100% - glad to see someone else also enjoying these - ended up buying a pair last year - though the retail pricing outside of the larger sales / value wise - is slightly excessive and obviously the Bell/Yincrow esque shape has it’s fit issues though personally these were an improvement over the older Ks bell stuff. It’s a nice implementation of a more mature Ks house tuning. I really wanted to know the difference with the DB1E but not sure if anyone has both… :man_shrugging: Not a lot of reviews out there on these. Going to pick up the new X10 next sale as looks like some evolution from LBBS - and uses an Onmyoji diaphragm - though Ks do enjoy marketing bullshit such as it taking them 3 years to make a modular cable when you can see they are just using the standard OEM style connectors you can buy from earphone DIY stores… :joy:

Welcome to HFGF and be sure to check out @Rikudou_Goku & his Rikubuds if you enjoyed the DB1 - he is really pushing what is possible with buds and plays to a wider range of tunings than any other DIYer/brand I have encountered.


Looks like my reply is flagged because I didn’t elaborate with any details about DB1

I find wearing it upsidedown over the ear is much more confident fit, I use the simple foam cups covers to keep skin and dust off

On the sound it’s very fast response for all freq range, but it’s not a bass-head kind

What is amazing compared to any iems - open sound, hear environment and can talk to people while playing music, much less phonics and I don’t hear myself when I’m eating :sweat_smile: as in IEMs I prefer not to eat anything


Tgxear Revelstoke…


Good for Jim. Definitely beyond my price bracket


Anyone in the UK wanna get a group deal on LREY earbuds? See below.

W03 Pro (MMCX heads only)
Price: 5,000 PHP
Driver: Custom Beryllium Drivers 32 ohms
Sound signature: Balanced Warm

Lrey Rika
Price: 7,500 PHP
Driver: Custom titanium 110dbDrivers 32 ohms
Sound signature: Balanced

Lrey Aurora
Price: 8000 PHP
Driver: beryllium N52 Drivers 32 ohms
Sound signature: Balanced with boosted Bass

Lrey Protheus
Price: 6,500 PHP
Driver: Custom 80 ohm driver
Sound signature: Balanced

@Ohmboy thoughts?


Good to see my babies here :smiley: Currently the right one, W08, are in my ears, playing Black Sabbath :star_struck:


Nice! Sorry I forgot to credit you! Did you get the cables from LREY?

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No No the cables are all aftermarket cables. The left one is from an Indian manufacturer, the right one is ISN S8…but I have changed it to MB Cable Hybrid cable. Now the W08 sounds cleaner.


Anyone taking the plunge?

@Rikudou_Goku did you say Penon does or doesn’t like you lol

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