Earbuds Discussion Thread

Quick question for a friend:
Are there any recommendable open back iems for gaming and discord? Should be maximum 200€
I gave him my Rikubuds for testing but he doesnt like them because of the feel in the ear. He wants iems.

Sony EX800st/1000
Audeze Isines

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Thanks buddy I’ve had three custom cables from them and as you said they’re real easy to deal with :+1: but I just thought Riku might know of one that does an ‘off the shelf’ cable.

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All sorted :beers:


So an update: I just got my ears on the Yincrow X6s and my initial impressions are…pretty underwhelming. What’s the point of these when IEMs exist? I want to understand what you guys are hearing, because it seems pretty dope. Is it an issue with fit? Do I need different foams and those earhook thingies? They definitely feel like they barely sit in my ears. Is that right?


First of all, welcome to earbuds! Hopefully you can get to a point where you enjoy earbuds as much as some of us!

Now, you said you like Harmanish tuning? And does that mean your IEMs are Harman tuned? Perhaps you’re underwhelmed because the bass quantity is different.

If you can listen to earbuds exclusively for a couple days and let your brain adjust, you might start to come around.

And yes, you might be struggling with fit as well - poor fit = poor bass perception. Have you seen a diagram showing the recommended wearing position for earbuds?


Sorry I’m not familiar with that set, what shells are they? because they can make a big difference to both sound and comfort a bit like IEM’s… bad fit = bad sound and comfort. A good fitting set should sit comfortably in your ear without needing continual adjustment… foams, form/shape and density can help but will also effect the sound somewhat…I did try ‘ear hook thingies’ but that made any fit issues I had worse lol YMMV.
Hopefully a bit of trial and error with some different density foams and rubber doughnuts plus a bit more time will help you get a better understanding…for me £ per £ flatheads > IEM’s.


If that is the case it is no wonder you are not impressed as fit is crucial for bud sound.
Try the Qian39, if that doesnt work for you then you might need to pass buds.



Could you please share the “the diagram for recommended wearing position for earbuds” ?


A few years ago, specifically three years ago, I bought the Yincrow X6 headphones due to great recommendations from the audiophile community. Specifically, thanks to @Rikudou_Goku . Riku described them as earbuds with a very warm sound, with powerful bass, and yet with trebles that were very comfortable to listen to. And in general, they kinda thehe Blon 03 of earbuds iirc, which are personal favorites of mine due to their emotional value and sound. I loved the sound when I received them, and I truly fell in love with them. They seemed like little Porta Pros. Over time, I think I ended up losing them, and the truth is that I haven’t listened to them in years, and recently I bought them again, and the sound is nothing like what I remember. I still have the Porta Pros, so I have the comparison close hehe. The original sound of the headphones I mentioned bears no resemblance to what they have now, which is very shouty and lacking in bass, and they don’t sound natural at all. Is it possible that there has been a silent revision? It would be very disappointing as I had a truly fabulous memory of them.

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I have not heard anything about that, but my own unit is also pretty old so who knows…it is chifi…

@Rikudou_Goku thanks for recommending Qian39 this is the first bud which clicked me what real earbuds sounds like…due to excellent fit I guess.

Excellent pairing with Ovidius B1 dongle no hiss etc.

Now what would be next level from this keeping the excellent fit and soundwise bit more subbass and improved technicalities like separation layering etc.

I still love my eq’d T800 (thanks for your eq profile)
But earbud soundstage is like openback headphones.


Next step up would be Rikubuds IMHO


Serratus always jams well with tubes…


I have yet to try my pair of Serratus on my tube amp, I need to get down on that one of these nights for sure


Deffo worth it imho…It’s like chugging on a cool glass of mango Lassi with your fav :hot_pepper: curry, a match made in heaven lol.


lol I’m gonna have to give them a go 'round soon, maybe tomorrow night, the misses is going out with her friends so I’ll have some quiet time haha


My Gen 3 lineup uses an improved version of just that shell.


Moondrop budget buds look retro AF.

The wide stem might be troublesome, at least for me.