Earbuds Discussion Thread

First time I’ve managed to use my DX312 4.4mm direct to RCA …@Rikudou_Goku S3 sounds dope :+1:


Hey everyone, I wanted to share my quick experience with the Moondrop U-2 earbuds. While I’m not typically a fan of earbuds, I have been impressed by a few, such as the Longyao Yinman 600. So, I decided to try the Moondrop U-2, and here are my impressions:

  1. I was surprised by the quality and quantity of the bass from an earbud, but unfortunately, it overshadows the mid-range.
  2. The vocals and many instruments sound recessed, making them seem in the background.
  3. The treble is a bit dark.

I think this covers how they sounded, and here’s the FR graph for those interested.


That’s interesting, I have these coming in as well and I guess I was expecting them to be on the brighter side.

Thanks for sharing!

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You’re welcome! Once you get them, let us know about your listening experience. I was a bit surprised because my FR graph is quite different from the one Moondrop has on their website.

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Yeah I think that’s the graph I saw before and just expected them to be on the brighter and leaner side.

I’ll definitely be sharing!

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Been conflicting feedback so far on this.

Some people calling it bright, others calling it dark, some not even using foams. Some think it’s on the EB2S Pro Level, others that it’s X6 level.

Only consensus is that it performs to it’s price as a sub $35 bud SQ wise. DIYers need not be too worried about Moondrop manufacturing muscle.


DiYers are definitely safe from the big companies as far as I’m concerned. People like @Rikudou_Goku are pushing the boundaries when it comes to price-to-performance and I doubt big wig companies like Moondrop will be trying to wow the market as much as the little guys are trying to do. I’ll definitely be sharing my thoughts once they come in up against the other buds I have in my collection, like the Serratus and the Lancer 1s. Different price categories I know, but those are my best benchmarks.


Everyone should be aware that bud graphs are memes…

Honestly, it really should be the opposite, just like how in the chifi iem world, diy/small companies cant compete at budget prices (Crin just talked about that in one of his recent videos).


Yeah, I’m kind of shocked that they haven’t been ripping off your gen1 and tgx’s tunings since they’re mx500 and the barriers to using that shell are nonexistent.

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My conclusion (from some years ago) is that they dont give a shit about the tuning, they just slap a driver into a shell and call it done.

Even this latest moondrop is very barebones…


don’t insult the guy that decided to get inspiration from a paperclip :rofl:


Yeah, well, as far as I’m concerned these big wig companies, especially Moondrop, don’t care to really bring high quality products to the market and put the time in because they know their name will carry the release rather than the actual work.

The only companies really putting their best foot forward right now are Simgot and Ziigaat. Even my beloved Thieaudio has been getting lazy with their tunings imo. Hype 2, 4, 10 and Monarch MK3 look almost identical on a graph and quite frankly, I think that’s a missed opportunity. They could have created an entire line up (Hype series) that was completely different from the Monarchs of the world. But nah, slap the house sound on their and we’re good. At least Simgot and Ziigaat are trying different tunings and/or driver configs with each release keeping things fresh.

Buds are a completely different story. Those are completely overrun by the DiYers in the community.


When I started designing my own interpretation of a monitor as a side hobby…my business partner blatantly told me I was wasting my time and was unprofitable as a venture on such a small scale

I had not even considered the economic viability of this project since it would at its core be a one/off production run…maybe two

Curiously I ran a feasibility study from a business economic model standpoint and the numbers are pronounced compared to the ventures I currently am engaged in…and that is still with almost all the manufacturing infrastructure already in place

KZ and their Henry Ford/Elon Musk methodological approach to simplified manufacturing processes is the key to profitability and on a scale where your ROI is more well defined with larger margins


I’ll still probably complete my custom IEMs but kudos to anyone out there rolling the dice trying to make a go of it

that’s why I have built a relationship with my business partner…he’s always thinking finance…to him everything is about amount of risk versus reward…he just doesn’t take huge risks…keeps me grounded…whether for good or bad

“with great risk comes great reward”…Thomas Jefferson


I mostly prefer IEMs and don’t have much experience with earbuds, though I do listen to a few each year. I wanted to remove the graph I posted earlier because many people mentioned that earbuds’ FR graphs can be inaccurate, but I can’t edit my post. I’d like to ask, do you have any recommendations for earbuds? If so, could you please share a link and suggest an earbud with neutral tuning or perhaps neutral with a bass boost? @domq422 mentioned above that you are pushing the boundaries. Do you have a link about your earbuds where I can learn more? :slightly_smiling_face:

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Done it for you :+1:

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Crinacle recently dropped a video that I found pretty interesting about just how difficult it is to make an IEM business economically viable: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCqV3ZRcZ9g


It’s a good video. Shouldn’t really be anything surprising to anyone who works in manufacturing but I’ve seen way too many people call stuff overpriced (or worse, an outright scam) because ‘it’s only a few dollars worth of metal/plastic/etc.’ as if that was the most important factor.


Besides my own buds, the Qian39 is a great starter rec not only because its good for a chifi bud but also because if that shell fits you well, you can upgrade directly to my gen 3 buds and know that the fit/comfort works.

PM me if you are interested.


LREY Dionysus

The Successor to Protheus

32 ohm custom titanium diaphragm
Tuning: Balanced with bass boost.

Limited so :eyes:


I saw this and thought, how exactly was the Protheus upgraded? Driver is the same, shell the same…maybe just down to tuning?