Foobar 2000 setup - What does it look like

this is what I’ve been searching for <3 Dark mode is a life saver for night owls like me :smiley:

Here’s me. I use a rating system to create autoplaylists of songs I especially like. What I really really really want is a way to total up the song ratings for a given album, and create a “score” for an album based on that. But doing it within foobar seems impossible (can’t interact with multiple tracks at the same time) and I don’t know enough about building databases or automating creating / writing new tags to MP3 files to do it outside of foobar.


Decided to do a little rearranging, though I’m not sure I’m in a final set up.


This is the one I use GitHub - catlinman/foobar2000: NekoRoX Foobar2000 Theme

Deviantart also has some good foobar themes. Explore the Best Foobar2000 Art | DeviantArt


There are parts of that look that I like, while others… Not so much. The color shift on the spectrum is nice, the multi-tone waveform seekbar is good, but the left side looks cluttered as all fuck to me… Kinda makes me think someone tried to rip off iTunes

Tried doing this on my phone, but the APK root location isn’t showing up.

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I’m always way too lazy to set up a nice looking layout and design but it works and I quickly find all my stuff