Funny Picture/GIF/Video thread

Over here they are raiding everything soap/disinfectant related.

Feels like the whole country never really used to buy this stuff to being with, considering soap/floor detergent is stuff you only ever buy monthly or once a couple of months. Suddenly they need to stockpile for 2 years?

Also this:

This guy is throwing a party (that’s Mona Sanitary Alcohol, a popular alcoholic beverage):


It’s these people that should contract the virus, pop their clogs so they can’t pass on the stupid gene :rage:


How poor people dress their kids for Halloween

not making the connection between cheap booze and dressing kids for halloween. 0_o


No, Ant. It clearly says how Americans protect themselves against CoronaVirus…

I feel so exposed


is pirating movies and music still a thing? you don’t hear a peep from MPAA or RIAA any more. or perhaps it’s been driven so far underground that those agencies can’t track piracy anymore?

I dont like pirating. If Qobuz doesnt have an album i just buy the CD on ebay for 3$ But it may be all moot these days with all the streaming

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i hate streaming and the idea that I have to be connected to internet all the time

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I still pirate whatever movie/tv show is not available on Netflix/Amazon video. Everything is 3D in the cinemas now and I can’t stand it.

Mostly pirate games to demo them, then buy if I actually play them for more than 1h. But then again there are so many free/heavy discounted games that even this doesn’t happen too often.

Music not at all in recent years, streaming is just cheap and convenient.

Keep in mind, I used to have 2TB drives full to their teeth with random shit some years ago.



Same as with Music Piracy when iTunes came out, convenience of legaly watching a movie is just one notch above piracy.

The copyright clowns are going after Plex though.

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I must have this o.o

And the headphones too

It would be a match made in heaven…

:ok_hand: :laughing:


Sealed Mura Stereo headphones (with extra cushions)


I was showed this by my partner! So funny. :laughing: