Gizaudio IEM Discussion Lounge (Ranking, Impressions, News)

The only set I tried with non-Sonion/Knowles BA’s was the Pula PA02. I think it had atrocious timbre. How much It could be attributed to its treble tuning, I don’t know. I took issues with it even in the midrange though.

Then again, I tried the BGVP DMA which is $300 and has Sonion and Knowles BA’s with decent tuning - it sucked too.

My apologies to @Rikudou_Goku . “Contradicting” was a stronger judgment than necessary.

I would rather have a lower number but higher quality drivers in an IEM, especially at a given price bracket. Others may see it differently. It is all good.

That proves my point. Lower QC, at a minimum, is a big difference. A loose QC can lead to variance in tuning, timbre issues, reliability…


That QC issue can easily be proven by taking a look the graphs.
Which for example, KZ usually does very well at (non-knowles/sonion) and Moondrop (uses knowles) is not.

Did CFA not use bellsing a while ago? and softears E-Audio

They are one of the brands that got named by Knowles. (for the Solaris)

Dunno what they use, but the RSV for example doesnt have any brand specified so not knowles/sonion for sure.



I have never owned a KZ IEM. I am out of the loop with them. I thought Moondrop was using unnamed BAs. At least that is what the Blessing units use? Correct me if I am wrong.

I get your point about graphs. But won’t most people just listen to their IEMs and not graph them? If there is QC issues they will gripe on the internet about the sound being “off” in one form or another? Then we get flame wars about how an IEM sounds when it might be down to variance between units. A serious reviewer/uber-audiophile would probably graph. A reviewer should probably graph what they review, IMO.

B2 uses knowles and “custom” drivers.

B3 doesnt say anything so I assume non-knowles/sonion.

S8 uses knowles, sonion and “softears” BA (dunno if they actually make their own BAs or just another custom bellsing or the likes of it).

Yes, consumers of course dont graph their stuff but relying on these people to say if it has QC issues or not is also unreliable because everyone hears differently and most consumers dont really know what they are talking about.

KZ does have the issue of doing a lot of stealth revisions though, but that I think is more intentional than a qc issue.

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Owning an Elysian makes me wanna learn how to graph so I can check out the channel matching of these. Also how my Variations compared to the other variants out there.


Mail call! Looking forward to listening to them :saluting_face:


Go for it. You got plenty of us in here that can help you out learning to graph. Just hit me up whenever you’re ready.


Thanks homie, I’m gonna start looking into it. I figure it’ll be a more fulfilling adventure into this hobby for me if I look into this.

Might even be cheaper since I’ll have a more precise grasp on what I enjoy


Looking forward to your impressions! :smiley:


Thanks, brother! Haven’t opened them yet, looking forward to seeing what you and Dunu have cooked up this time :ok_hand:


Supermix 4 > Nova

Supermix 4 sounds less thin overall in the low-mids to me + the upper-end details sound clearer.
Most importantly, it fits better than Nova.

If Nova is 4/ 5 stars, than Supermix4 is 4.5/ 5 stars


Excited to hear your impressions on DM !
When is that coming, you think?


I’m getting a pair in my self, looking forward to hearing what all the fuss is about.


If you like Harman-style tuning, you’d like this one.
It’s a slightly less thin take on harman, which is very welcomed.


I was always anti Harman, but @VIVIDICI_111 sent me a EPZ Q1 Pro, which is like, quintessential Harman with less bass and I really enjoy them. So, I’m looking forward to the SM4!


Just got the Galileo, I’ll be honest since I started buying more expensive sets I haven’t had a set that made my heart race under 350, Project M was that set.

Colour me surprised to hear it for Galileo, it’s so great, lived so long on the “I gotta get the cutting edge & maximizing price to performance” I forgot to look back and just get sets I was interested in.

Lesson learned early and I’m glad I did. This is a banger set


I still love mine as well, was my first set and is also currently the only IEMs I own (still uncomfortable for me to wear IEM’s, sadly…eardrum issue). When I do briefly switch to them for a listen and bask in their glory, I have found the S&S tips elevate them even more so than with the stock Letshuoer tips, which I used exclusively before.

This worked for me but I know everyone’s got unique ears/ear canals. Still, would recommend trying if anything to see if it also sounds as good to you (and others).

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