Gizaudio IEM Discussion Lounge (Ranking, Impressions, News)

Look, I’m not saying it’s the same, but… :eyes:

Davinci adresses the weakness of DM (sub-bass & upper midrange, lower treble extension) while retaining the meaty lower mids and smooth treble.


I agree that the DMs lack bass, but they’re a specialist set for vocals for sure. It’s really tough to improve on the OG DMs imo and I’ve only ever heard 1 or 2 other IEMs best the DMs in terms of vocals specifically. The Davincis do seem like they would be a better all-rounder though.


I’m torn btw pilgrim, Davinci and doscinco (even if they were changed! Still curious about them)


I’m intrigued to hear which 2 sets best the DMs in terms of vocals, in your opinion.

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Of course, but obviously this is just in my opinion. The Elysian Divas is probably #1 in terms of having that little bit extra spice while keeping all of the same characteristics. Ive heard the RSV and studio 4 are also contenders there but I haven’t heard those so I can’t comment. The Monarch MK2, at least my pair, is damn close to the DMs vocal reproduction but the DMs have just that little bit of extra realism. It literally sounds like the vocalist is in the same room as you on some recordings. It’s pretty trippy.


Yeah being it’s hard to choose lol, all I know is I’m still up in the air and I’ve just been blasting The Rain Song on repeat

That sounds so sick that I’m actually intrigued now, I’ve become a bit of a bass head as of late though

In all videos that I seen the DaVinci faceplate colors looks off, much different from the beautiful colors that we can see in the Dunu advertised images:

Photo from Dunu:

and this is reality:

Another thing, I asked to hifigo if the armatures used are sonion or knowles and hifigo replied that they are armatures developed by Dunu. Now what it means? Dunu has some factory where is creating armatures now? Or is it another way to not say that Dunu is using cheap armatures? I would like to know the truth from Timmy, exactly which brand of armatures is used in the DaVinci? I’m not interested in the model used, only in the brand of the armatures. I want to know what I’m buying, if cheap armatures customized by Dunu or not, because the price is not low.


It looks like a lighting difference to me.

Usually when companies say that = bellsing, LS/E-Audio.


I agree with Riku, that’s just an editing/lighting thing. When I get the pair in for review, I’ll show some differences in lighting and editing and how important those two things are when it comes to showcasing colors. At the end of the day, they’re made of wood so every pair is going to be unique.


Damn Straight.


Yes, but the grain in the Dunu marketing photo set is far superior to the other pics. Cherry picked set.

So Davinci does not have Sonions or Knowles? BA-containing IEMs need to have either Sonions or Knowles or no buy for me. I know I can count on Sonion or Knowles reliability. Bellsing and others, well…


You should pay more attention to whether they can implement them well or not rather than the brand tbh…

Although, at like kilobuck+ I sure as hell be pissed if they try to skimp on cost by using bellsing instead of knowles from an ethical standpoint…


But then you contradict yourself…My level of expectation is just at a lower price bracket than you. We all have our standards. I have yet to hear a good Bellsing BA. Unless someone wants to buy me a Bellsing BA set for me to try then I will keep to what I know will produce results and reliability with my cash.

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Simgot EM6L is probably the best non-knowles/sonion set I have tried.


I bet Dunu photoshopped their photos so the iem color looks gorgeus, but instead in reality it is really bad. Zeos showed them in reality in a video and he talked about this thing of the different color compared to the Dunu photo. I watched three videos… and in those three videos the color looks so much different! But I will wait for your photos too.

@Riku I’m surprised that you are defending iems with low quality armatures that are crap. Unbelievable! I agree with HTT, I’m not going to spend my money on cheap armatures, only sonion or knowles for me. I talked with 7th Acoustics asking about their next iem and I asked if they are going to use sonion/knowles saying that I don’t have intention to spend my money on garbage armatures… and they replied to me this:

“No worry, we hate those knockoff BA too. Bellsing & clones have some kind of weird metallic timbre. And cheaper clone is even worse, completely different response from the original BA.”

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Other photos (from reality not photoshopped):

I get what you’re saying, brother. Trust me. At the end of the day, it’s marketing and if they punched up the colors using editing, I’m not surprised, it’s done all the time. The only time you really want to make sure your colors are accurate is with people, don’t want folks looking too blue or too yellow like an oompa loompa! lol

As for the BA debate, I also understand too. I’m under the camp that implementation is everything.


The sound all depends on the tuning, not the brand…

If someone can use the cheaper brands to make something as good or better, its not a problem, as long as the price of the iem is not that high because then u expect the driver to be of higher quality.


I’m curious to know what thinks @hawaiibadboy about your statement. Because the guys at 7th acoustics said to me that those armatures have different sound compared to sonion/knowles but you are saying that the brand is not important (only the tuning) for the sound.

From what I heard from a guy that makes his own DIY iems and other audio gear, the only difference between knowles and a cheaper copy brand of them (assuming same driver model) is that the QC is worse with the cheaper brands and thats it. While some models might have some differences like the knowles CI-22955 being non-vented while the LS/E-Audio version EI-22955 is vented.

Swearing off from buying ANY iem without knowles/Sonion just seems pointless if you ask me, at least if say, the consensus amongst reviewers/consumer say that the iem IS the best in that price range and does not use knowles/sonion, it shouldnt matter.