Gizaudio IEM Discussion Lounge (Ranking, Impressions, News)

Maybe so. I dislike sets that recess female vocals ( I need the 6 kHz dip though). Now I am in “wait and see” mode instead of “I am going to blindly pre-order” mode.

I find the Penon Globe doing, IMO, a less than stellar job with female vocals. And being a bit too “thick”. Pianos can also take a hit due also with a warm tuning. I wonder how the DaVinci will compare with the Globe?

Are the DDs similar to the ones used in the Falcon Ultras?

You know it :')

The globe looks a lot warmer due to that much earlier bass shelf rise and the upper treble roll off.
Female vocals should be better on the DaVinci based on the graph.

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Thanks for clarifying.

I am still quite interested in the DaVinci, but I am going to read more impressions, especially in regards to female vocals and piano, before I jump on a purchase.

I have to keep within budget. I also have this on my radar:

DaVinci has some tough competition.


Oh yeah, Penon doesn’t do female vocals. If you want female vocals, BQEYZ Wind got you covered.


In a nutshell why I am anticipating DaVinci


two for two reason on why I gotta now buy Wind lol

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The Serial does vocals quite well.

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Just finished at Potafes Osaka today. Finally got to spend proper time with Hype 2, 4, and 10. And I gotta say Hype 10 is a clear winner. Personally, I wouldn’t buy Hype 2 and 4 because the timbre is quite unnatural and shrill for the price (the key here is “for the price”, the timbre is good, just not good enough for the money). Hype 10 sounds fuller and much more enjoyable.

Is Hype 10 worth the MSRP??? Not really, but it’s the only one I’d consider bleeding my wallet for out of the three. I’d put Hype 10 at around $500-$600 in quality. Great set!


It’s nice to see you being more active here Timmy :smiling_face:


To clarify, the Hype 2 and 4 are not bad. I just much prefer Hype 10.
I’d say Hype 2 and Hype 4 both perform around $200 - $300 range.
This makes Hype 2 kind of worth the price, and Hype 4 is too expensive for the sound quality.

However, again, I’d only consider the Hype 10 for my personal collection.


My sentiments as well…the 10 is overpriced at 900 but is a fabulous monitor and clearly the best of the Hype brothers

So let it be written…so let it be understood


I agree. H2 and H4 are a bit overpriced. At $200 and $300 it would make more sense.
Not a fan of the bass on those and treble wise, H2 is too dark and H4 has some overly smooth vocals.

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@domq422 Does your database use multiple couplers or the same one to measure all the IEMs?


The database has used the same coupler since its inception as far as I’m aware.

The management of the date base went from @MMag05 over to @VIVIDICI_111 in the last few months and I haven’t heard of Jay using a different coupler but I’m sure he can clear it up for us.


Sweet. Second question, is there a reason for using foam tips for all measurement? I’m curious since it’s quite unique to this database I think…unless I missed some.


I believe the whole reason as to why @MMag05 used foam tips at first is to have the best seal possible. He was learning as he went and he grew the database so quickly that I bet he made a lot of mistakes. I assume the foam tips helped mitigate the bad seal variable.


Same coupler, Mag passed it down to me :saluting_face:


I see, thank you for the clarification.

On the topic of foam.
Foam tips change the treble characteristic quite a bit (sometimes drastically). It makes it less comparable in the treble with other Squigs that use silicone to measure.

Normally, when silicone results in a bad seal, the measurer readjusts until a good seal is achieved and measures multiple times to confirm the result.

Some database measures both Foam and Silicone. I’d love to see your database publish both foam and silicone too if possible :slight_smile:
(so I can compare stuff lol, please and thank you)