Gizaudio IEM Discussion Lounge (Ranking, Impressions, News)

I’ll reveal the whole setup information when the marketing material is done from Dunu (their request).
6K dip can do two things. First is to add separation between mid and high instruments, and second is to help the timbre of vocals sound more natural (less fatiguing, yes). 8K is normal as per 711 coupler graphing.


Thanks man!


You are welcome. Keep up the great work.

The DaVinci faceplates are beauties! :heart_eyes:


I have to admit…the Leonardos have nice faceplates…classy looks



It’s gonna be random patterns like SA6 shells, but should be the same color scheme for all the plates.


I so want the faceplates in the pic. Will the tint be similar but grain vary within the unit line? That tobacco sunburst is so iconic.

Ooops! You already answered my question. Thanks

Dunu should do a special run of S&S tips in creme or tort to complement the faceplates.


Pretty close to the Hola! and very close to a certain someone’s target! :wink:


The Hola started this hobby for me, that’s great. Looks classy as well, I’m very interested.


On that topic, it would be interesting to know what the crossover frequencies are, particularly for the DDs. I’m curious to know how far into the mids the second DD reaches, if at all.

Interestingly, seems kind of reminiscent of the IER-M7 (with differences in bass and extension):

I’ve always been curious about the M7/M9, so this may be a neat alternative!


I think someone on HF said the DaVinci is better than the new Pilgrim! There’s definitely hype building around these.


Impression on Facebook! :point_down:t2:

:fleur_de_lis:Dunu X Gizaudio Da Vinci

"Please take note that the one I tried is the 2nd prtotoype, which has a lower bass shelf compared to the 3rd prototype which will be available for demo at canjam Singapore. We also PEQed this set to match the 3rd prototype with a bit higher bass shelf, but my impressions will be mostly based on the 2nd prototype.

A lot of people have been asking me to compare this vs the Dusk. Actually, they sound similar. I also noticed that it is very very close to my target. I was just shaking my head of how close this is.


  • the tonality is very very natural. Everything has a perfect balance of clarity and nuance. Vocals are forward just the way I like them to be. Instrument timbre is exceptional and is comparable to other mid tier sets like the oracle, studio 4s, and even the 7th acoustics supernova.

-I feel like the bass on the Dusk is still better when it comes to impact, but the balance of bass relative to other frequencies of the Da Vinci is also great. The DD really helps with its physicality. When EQed to the 3rd prototype, the subbass reach is deeper, but the vocals are pushed back a bit.


  • I know how Timmy handles mids. Plus this is a collab from Dunu. This is nothing short of amazing. Again, very natural sounding instruments. Very open sounding as well. The linearity from 200hz makes this set a winner for me.


  • treble is also well done. Not forward to make it glaring. I saw the graph and there seems to be a peak past 10k, but honestly, I find it smooth in that area, or maybe I just didnt have enough time to critic it. Cymbals strikes sound realistic with nice body and sizzle at the end. The air helps make female vocals sound enticing.


  • this is where I am floored with the Da Vinci. The instrument separation, imaging and perceived 3D is easily achieved, especially for my HRTF. I mentioned that it follows my target right? Well let me explain

My target has a specific dip at 6k. I deliberately made this because I found that instrument separation and space around vocals work really well with a 3k gain, at least for my ears.

It is interesting to note that when I like a specific set during a demo, most of them have this dip, and it just strengthens my assumptions of my target.

Going back, I hear instruments floating around my head with the Da Vinci. It extends past behind my ears, going at the back of my head in full circle. Such a holographic experience

:thinking:Preliminary thoughts:

  • you might have noticed that I am shilling the Da Vinci. Is it because Timmy is a friend? But I digress. I shill iems with a 6k dip and follows my target. Most of the sets I tried and I ranked S, have this dip, including the DZ4, studio 4 and OG EJ07…

I do think that the Da Vinci is better than the Dusk. Better timbre, better instrument separation, more holographic, and just more natural sounding. I even think that it is better than the studio 4s, which is my current reference.

Having said that, this is still the prototype and I need to hear the final product for a real comparison. The final tuning should have a bit more bass for a wider audience, not as bassy as the chopin, but enough for everyone to enjoy. Stay tuned for my final review when I get the final product.

Also, for people who will be auditioning this at Canjam Singapore, lemme know your thoughts in comparison to the DUSK. :innocent:



This review is from Neil (Practiphile). Awesome guy, and super chill in person.


I’ll be getting a pair of Da Vincis in for a review/photo sesh hopefully by the beginning of May!

Looking forward to hearing em, Timmy. You’ve been getting some solid impressions so far and I’m hoping I can add to that :metal:


uh oh… Please don’t tell me female vocals are recessed.

Might grab the Davinci when I got the dosh, I could sell my Project M to fund it

Choices choices choices, I want to cry


You’ll smile, your wallet will do all the crying.

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Chopin focus more on female vocals and cleaner sound in general

DaVinci focus on bass texture, richness, and male vocals

Treble on both is pretty normal/ neutral.

I design all my collabs to be different from each other so they won’t be redundant in the same collection.


I totally understand. The issue for me is I have a library filled with female artists with higher pitched vocals with bass guitar being quite prominent.

The tuning looks fine to me in regards to female vocals. The proportions look appropriate, just overall lower in level. Pinna peaks at 3kHz, which is what you want for female vocals. The vocals will just be slightly warmed up, not aaaas clean as with Chopin but you could just as well argue that Chopin goes a step too far and DaVinci closer to natural & organic.

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