Goldplanar gl1000

And Audeze best look out?

These look suspiciously familiar. If these are rebranded Monolith M350’s, you’re gonna want to stay away from these. Substantial roll off around 2K and it never peaks back up. It was the oddest and strangest thing I’ve ever heard, but maybe Goldenplanar fixed the issue (pending a rebrand confirmation).

They are Monoprice M350. I am hoping Monoprice releases the ATM headphone as well. May be around $ 600. USD . Goldplanar price is a little over $900 , but price seems to change every week or so. May be someone with contacts with Monoprice could ask about the ATM headphones.:man_shrugging:

Lol, how many knockoffs can you make out in that page? I love the heavily pixellated SR1a; I can barely make out “RAAL” on the side of that ribbon monitor headphone. Looks legit! :joy:

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I would like to see them create one where they combine a mysphere driver with a raal driver and with an amt driver lol

Given the weight of the AMT drivers on the HEDDphone, I’m going to need one of these for your Frankenstein cans:


that guy looks way too excited. lol


“To make the world listening better”

Sounds quality, though I’m not certain they’ll be able to clone an AMT driver well. :thinking:

You’re not certain they’ll make the clone AMT-ing well? :face_with_monocle:

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Yeah, I’m gonna say probably not maybe.

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That reminds me of Zeos review of the abyss 1266 headphones. Actually some people in this forum may need those for the heavier cans

They actually aren’t that heavy to me lol, the only cans that I thought were legit heavy were the LCD 4

The LCD4 are 735g about 1.6 punds on your head. Abyss is 640 grams. Actually if i ever seen frankenstien cans its the abyss 1266 lol. something about them seems wrong…

I never have any problems with my cans but i dont wear them as long as a lot of people do. maybe a few hours but never over 3 i think. The people experiencing problems with weight or discomfort are probably wearing them for much longer.

LCD-3 are apparently 540 grams (I suspect that’s without the cable), and I found them to be unpleasantly heavy for long listening sessions.

You gotta get those neck exercises in to wear the audeze lol

Moving up from Porta Pros?..recommend a steroid cycle before using Audeze high tier products :muscle::+1:


everybody should wear these for 2 weeks 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. your neck will be ready for planars or heddphones :slightly_smiling_face:

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