đŸ”¶ GoldPlanar GL2000

can you give a tips to avoid the damage during disassembly,
or it’s just simply impossible to take apart?

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It’s 100% possible to take it apart to retune or change the mesh. But as far as the diver goes it would be super hard without a jig.

Just don’t take these screws out and you’ll be good.


Left driver

Right driver

Curious as to why my felt is not lined up properly compared to other photos I’ve seen and if removing this does anything.


it looks like non form holding material that got shifted either during putting on or taking off, either that or they tried to save 5 cents by not throwing out the shitty piece (or more likely ordered the exact amount of that piece they need and didn’t have enough spares to be choose)
Ignore me I am a Sundara owner and a hater but for $600+ that is
 well I don’t want to dampen the mood, fill in the blank.

Edit- I guess they are selling a lot of these so from a production standpoint they are justifiably meh’ing this as a “nobody will ever see or hear problem” yadda yadda $600 yadda yadda Sundara

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Thanks everyone it was my grumpy old Mac mini and a conflict between my system preferences and my audio software.

Loosen the 6 screws, adjust it, tighten screws. Should be pretty damn easy to fix.

Removing the felt will make them brighter. I wouldn’t advise it.

Are there magnets from both sides?

Wow! So Zeos wasn’t joking. If you can only have one, would you pick the ananda or the gl2000

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That hurts to see. RIP

Holy shit i want them now

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I already answered this for someone else but yes

I have a bit of recency bias so I’ll probably pick the GL2000 because it’s shiny and new. They are quite different the way they sound but both are very appealing to me. I am gonna let the GL2k burn in some more before I can decide, but it’s possible I might end up selling the Ananda to get an HD800s to complement it. One thing for sure, I have said ‘wow’ or listened to music with my mouth open with GL2000 more than I ever did with the Ananda.


Pretty sure headphone show is now sponsored by insert company.

Quick thoughts as I can’t really compare it any other headphones other than a £90 pair of closed back “Cloud II Hyper X” . I’ve paired these with a topping A50s and D50s stack and have only heard them so far on the stock pads. Music used was a mix from Spotify and TIDAL


  • Clamping force is light and slips a little, but christ is it comfy, heavy but doesn’t fatigue.
  • 4.4mm cable is exceptional
 wish all cables were like this.
  • No loose scew for me on this one.


  • Detailed
  • Imaging is Very impressive
  • Bass is punchy but depth lacks, in short “It’s there” but nothing great (could be due to the clamp force, or compared to closed back)
  • Vocals are seriously impressive
  • Very Fast (Psytrance works really well and keeps up)

Intial impressions didn’t blow me away, the closed back spoiled me with muddy but very fun bass which just wasn’t there on the Gold’s. The “Honest” neutral sound from the toppings probably played their part in this but it ruined some of my Metal and Rock tracks for me. Worry was setting in fast UNTIL . I played “Beyond the Sea” by Bobby Darin along side a healthy amount of Pink Floyd and then it clicked. These are mighty impressive with their sound stage and imaging. Female Vocals are silky smooth and stop right before it hits any uncomfortable sibilance.

Were these the mind blowing does everything better headphones I thought? No
 but are they worth the price? I certainly think so, but it depends on what you listen to at the end of the day.


  • Some songs come off as a little compressed (this was only really heard during metal and pop songs, but not all of them making me think it was simply just poorly recorded perhaps)
  • Bass feels a little underwhelming, I’m someone who loves their bass so the more shake I can get the better, while the bass is here it certainly doesn’t kick as hard as my ÂŁ90 closed pair. (Maybe break in will help this.)

Yet to hear the hybrids but from what I’ve read so far they might be an straight upgrade. Thanks!


So I’m stuck between these and the HarmonicDyne Zeus for something with a wide soundstage. Currently I’m using the Senn HD58x for gaming and Hifiman HE4xx for most music listening unless I want more mids then it’s back to the 58x. I also have a pair of AKG 7xx but they don’t see much use these days.

Is the GL2000 worth 2x the price of the Zeus?

Would I see much of an upgrade over the Zeus if I went with the GL2000 or am I better off saving my money

Looks like I’ll get to try these next week, friends copy double magnet. Finally
 been trying to find a way to get my hands on these and zeus for a while lol. Waiting on drop sucks.

Good news is if I don’t like them the others get sold brand new when they arrive


Mine were supposed to ship out from Drop today but it seems that isn’t happening. I should have just bought them on Linsoul.

tell us how much you paid tho so we can leave our unwanted and unasked for opinions

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Same boat. Guess I get them when they feel like it. Lol.