đŸ”¶ GoldPlanar GL2000

Make sure you try them with eq on a really transparent setup and without eq on tubes. They’re not horrible as is but not amazing, though they respond really well to anything really.

Edit: also help me figure out a gaming eq

The thing with Drop right now is, if they don’t ship out by the 12th, then they won’t for at least month because of Lunar New Year.

I owned them for a little while and they where very good. I sold my collection of headphones after upgrading to the Solitaire P. The original hybrid pads where the best for me. Didn’t notice any loss in bass. My DAC is TT2 and the amp was a WA33 with TOTL tubes and maybe that just made it sound better then what most people are experiencing with the GL2000. Guess I was running on high octane. Not a fair comparison with a 13k setup.


Got my GL2000 double magnet today.

First impression - they really need proper power. On my FiiO Q5s with AM3D THX module they are unlistenable.

Overall sound is shouty and unpleasant, specially in the presence region. The sound hurts me so much I couldn’t listen to them for more than 10-15 min. Totally underpowered. So I just left them to burn in.

I can hear however that they have wide soundstage, good sub bass and fine details. All this just doesn’t come together.

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i think switching to the hybrid pads and upgrading your chain would help. I personally found them very pleasant to listen too, at all volumes on my nfb 11.28. I also found that the upper highs were a bit recessed, so i removed the felt around the drivers. The pad swap and felt removal really brought out the highs and maybe reduced the bass slightly.

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It’s Headphone(.)com’s channel and Andrew is paid salary for his work by that shop. I asked him directly and he said yes.
He’s an employee of Headphones(dot)com


They sing on a ifi dsd signature. They also improve quickly with a little burn in.

The leather pads are brighter period. The hybrid pads are very smooth. I only use the hybrid pads.

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I agree to this. GL2k with iFi Signature is a great pairing.


oh my god sinatra on tubes. anything old sounds fucking amazing on these. its just pulls life out of thin air and adds it into the mix.

edit: oh god i forgot about the fallout soundtracks. yes. just yes. all of it.


For anybody who ordered on the first run on mass drop that’s unsure about these or feel that they pulled the trigger too quick, you can cancel the order at the moment as they are running behind schedule.

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Yes. Da. Oui. 100%


Is the felt removal reversible? Any pictures?

It is if you are extremely careful, they are really prone to tearing. I decided that i liked the sound more without them so i tossed the felt. Also my pair came with felt that was cut in a weird way, it was covering like 50 percent of each driver.

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That’s what I did. I try and give Drop a 2nd chance after the crap I went through with the Elex and then this happens. I really shouldn’t buy anything from there.

Are these headphones okay for smaller head? I want to upgrade from 6xx and cant decide between these and ananda.

Ordered from Linsoul 02/01/21. Arrived yesterday.


You will not be disappointed sir.

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I own the Zeus. These are far better to me personally. To me, I would get rid of the Zeus and buy these.

In fact I wanted to return the Zeus, went through a whole back and forth with the Amazon shop they have, and after a week of frustration with their service - and being offered 15% back to just keep them - I kept them. It was that or restock for a payment 20% or so.

The Zeus are bloated compared to these. Some people love the Zeus. They are comfortable, they look fantastic, and they have a fun sound. But the sound ain’t really higher level like the 800’s tier.

These though, the GL2k’s, touch into high end territory more than the Zeus. The GL2k’s have clarity without sacrificing low end presence. Great overall headphone.

The Zeus are tuned with very high bass/low mid elevation. It’s fun, and could be worth it to many people for the low price, but it’s more a one trick pony compared to the higher tier GL2k which is great for practically every musical genre and media playback.

$630 is totally totally worth it.


im surprised i dont see more EQ reactions on here. The upper freq clearly is choppy and the full range could be helped. i get it the EQ isnt desirable for many reasons. however on mid tear gear such as this i think its acceptable to try and get the best possible sound. i saved my m1070s from the trash and feel like i got a new pair of headphones but maybe these are just that much better you dont need it.