Goober's Journey Into the IEM Game or "Why Are You Not As Good As....?"

The latter, please!

It’s not that often that we can hear anybody talking about that many earbuds models at once.


I second that vote for a Rikubud roundup, even though…OD200, lol


You are not really opening up the NAS to the internet. Just using a VPN to access it over the internet. Its secure enough. Do let me know if you end up getting a NAS as i am also looking for a similar solution

Edit: You are right it may not be as secure i thought it to be.

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The 1DD shootout, let’s go


Earbudssss :pray::pray::pray:

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gen3 roundup would be my preference


Knowing @GooberBM the troll, he might just drop both at once. :joy:


Do both then your fav DD v’s your fav Riku bud off :+1:


Funny thing is I did spend more time today listening to the IEMs than I did the buds…

But I’m not trying to troll, I swear


I probably comment on it in my own thread when I get it. Just ordered:

Synology DS423+
Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM001G (16TB)
Kingston 16GB RAM SODIMM KCP426SD8/16

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That is great news! I was looking at that one but the prohibitive HDD prices have forced me to wait. How much did your Seagate 16TB cost? Synology has a decent OS and the intel chip will be enough for your needs. I honestly dont think you would need 16gigs of RAM but it never hurts to have more. Please do a follow up on your own thread when you have used it for a bit. Thanks and enjoy

I was just looking at graphs and realizing how little rhyme or reason there is to “what I like” in a headphone

When I accidentally noticed how close KBear could have been to having a “mini Oriolus”-type tuning philosophy, but they went and ruined it by putting out trash for a year straight

Oh what could’ve been…


Do you find yourself listening to certain genres with certain sets that go well or just shotgun blast, whatever you pick up in the moment?


I’m a streaming playlist/shuffle listener, mostly. So I may pick a mood but what I listen to jumps all over the place


When I tried to come up with my own personal ‘ultimate-never-ever-gonna-change-this’ tuning I approximated something like a Frankenstein of FF MSE bass with harman mids but a little more ‘air’. I guess my personality is such that I hunt for information if it’s in the track.

The problem was that…while it worked for most things I listen to…you can get stuck on it and eventually the weaknesses reveal themselves as you traverse genres. This is most obvious on human voices, which I guess makes sense as we are attuned to nuances there. I remember listening to cardigans - lovefool with my usual preference and it ruined Nina Persson’s voice. And then also no track is mixed exactly the same, sometimes the voice is just pushed already. So there’s too many parameters to just enjoy one tuning alone.

90% of the time I have a strong preference but nothing is perfect and would need a few quality sets to cover my bases so I can one day escape the dreaded PEQ. Yeah…that’ll be a dream…

Anyway that got longer than I planned…I’m probably just stating the obvious/preaching to the choir or maybe it doesn’t make any sense at all. Either way, this (ongoing) process is an educational one for me and my brain usually looks like your first image with all the squigs overlaid on each other.


Oh, I’m so with you on this. Especially for the upper mids/treble. The bass and mids I’m less negotiable on: I like a level bass shelf, over a glided sub-over-mids bass. Doesn’t mean I won’t like sets with a glided bass.

I would say, for me my target is to note preference, more than aiming for it every time. But nothing beats listening. I find planar needs way less pinna gain for me; a planar hitting my upper-mids target is probably more energetic than I want. BA bass needs to be a little more elevated in the 100-500Hz, that kinda thing.

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Think that was around 230 usd for me. Keep in mind that prices in Sweden have 25% VAT in them as well…

Yeah, thats definitely overkill lol. An 8gb stick (+2gb stock) would have been more than enough likely. But since the price of 8 vs 16gb was cheap compared to how much I spent overall, I just decided to splurge on it.

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That’s an interesting insight on planars and BA’s. I stopped buying BA sets for now - I’m more budget orientated and fear I won’t get a quality BA driver in a lower range. My spidey senses tell me to find quality DD’s as a safe bet but I also thought FTX crypto was legit so y’know whateva, I could be paranoid.

On preferences…
I saw an interview with Jerry Harvey (of JH audio) where he says bass is a preference and this is a sentiment I observe being echoed by reviewers. That bass is negotiable while mids/treble are fixed. That’s a blanket statement to say the least - everything is a preference and the “audiophile” effort (for the keen) is very much track dependant but if anything I’m more the other way round unless it’s pre-20th century music!
I’m veering dangerously close to imprecise terminology and “audiophile” snobbery so I’m going to slowly back away and come up for air from the screens. I think the reviewing world is in a much better place now there is at least some discussion of specific tracks (kinda needed right?).


If you are in the sub 100 usd range, then you are only really missing Sonion drivers, as those are rarely used there and definitely wont find a sonion BA woofer.

Mids/tweeter drivers wont be much of a difference since you still have access to LS/E-Audio, Bellsing or Knowles.


I really like the E-Audio BAs. Can’t speak to Bellsing I feel those are usually never explicitly called out

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