Goober's Journey Into the IEM Game or "Why Are You Not As Good As....?"

Cuz they have a bad rep lol. Thats why they usually market anything NOT knowles/sonion as “customised” driver.


Hi Goober,

I somehow ordered a Kbear Rosefinch just because there was a deal that hard to pass by. I googled for reviews and they said that it is for basshead so I’m quite nerve when I first put it in my ear. But somehow the bass sound normal to me but the mid and treb sound normal and easy to listen but the bass level is too big and that make me hard to increase volume to bring it out. Not sure I’m a basshead or not :)))

I tried some mods = taped the side vent and created the tape vent so the bass level go down and mid and treb can kick in. Then I found out you have 350 Filter + High Density Foam + Nozzle Foam Mod on your Kbear (350 Filter + High Density Foam + Nozzle Foam Mod). I tried to search on those but not found anything yet. Could you point out how I can apply these mods ?

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On each nozzle, there’s a filter. You take them off. Then you put a piece of low-density foam inside the nozzle:

Just found this amazing item on AliExpress. Check it out! $4.68 35% Off | 50pcs Earphones Tuning Foam DIY Earphones Sound Tube Tuning Cotton Dustproof Foam Filter

And then replace the filter with a 350mesh filter:

Just found this amazing item on AliExpress. Check it out! $2.96 35% Off | 20pcs DIY Earphones Tuning Paper Damping Front Shell Filter Mesh Increase Low Frequency

The mod I prefer now, though is just to change the filter for a 500mesh filter. Less parts to deal with

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Thank you for your information.
Uhm, so specifically I need to do like this youtube video:

plus put the foam inside the nozzle before apply the new filter?

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Yes, correct.

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The Second Rikubuds Retrospective or Oops He Did It Again!

So last time I visited the RIkbuds collection, I was rampaging through the Gen 1 buds where I finally ended up on Grand Rider 1 as my Rikbud of choice. I pretty much missed the entire Gen 2 lineup, save for Grand Alter Saber 2. I liked that a lot but I didn’t find it surpassing my favorite buds (GR1 and TGXear Ripples).

@Rikudou_Goku’s Gen 3 hit with a lot of fanfare, thanks to RIku’s (semi?) proprietary shell design which primarily promised a better fit experience. That got my foot in the door but the earbuds are what keep me coming back. Overall, Riku’s Gen 3 is a home run across the lineup, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t significant differences in the three current Gen 3 earbuds. So thanks to @Sonofholhorse I was able to get the one Gen 3 set I don’t have in-house (Saber 3) and am able to do a full comparison of the three.

With that said, let’s get into it and see where everything shakes out.

Songs to Listen to and Follow Along:

As usual, I’m going to write my thoughts in generalities, but I’ll give you a sample of songs that I listen to, that will relate to the concepts I write about. Feel free to ask for specifics, if you don’t keep up with my thought processes.


Swashers/Bubbles - Yosi Horikawa (For imaging/detail retrieval (:00-1:00 Swashers), general technicalities check (both), soundstage depth/dynamics/layering/separation (:00-:30 Bubbles))

The Speedwalker (Live at Madison Square Garden) - The Fearless Flyers (For bass elements, particularly sub-bass/mid-bass interplay, drum kits, soundstage/layering)

DISINTER MY HEART - TRAILS (For treble response and resolution, male vocals, midrange response)

Savior - Rise Against (For rock bass elements, male vocals, layering and imaging, treble clarity :38-1:30)

When I Fall (Outta Love) - Kevin Olusola (For Imaging/detail retrieval :00-:07, tonality, timbre, male/female vocal interplay)

Fundamental Elements of Madness - Dax Johnson (For soundstage width 1:10-1:26, piano tonality)

Holding On (Rome In Silver Remix) - Dabin (For female vocals, tonality, mid-bass response within mix From 1:12-1:36)

1 Thing - Sophie Powers (For sibilance, harshness/shoutiness, high volume listening check 1:28-2:01

*Wire & Guns - KID DAD (For general tonality (warmth vs. brightness) and note weight :10-35, for high volume listening 1:34-2:08)


I’ve Been Tryna Give it to You All Night, What’s It Gonna Take to Get You All Alone; I Just Want You Here By My Side, I Don’t Wanna Be Here Baby On My Own
Alone - Kim Petras
(IEM Tuning Style: Earbuds for all three)

We’re gonna run a different format today; rather than break down each set one by one, I’m going to look at each set in a Versus format. And after we’ve gone through all three matchups, I’m going to bring out a special Final Boss for a last matchup. An important note is that all impressions are done with the stock high-density foams on all three sets. I prefer Alter Rider 3 with medium-density foams but I wanted an even playing field to describe the differences in each earbud so I used HDF for my control. Other than that, we’re ready to go, so starting out:

Saber 3 vs. Alter Rider 3


  • Saber has good bass, full stop: Actual sub-bass presence and nice midbass. Hits normal IEM bass quantity levels (for neutral-tuned sets). Solid quality
  • AR3 carries just a little bit less quantity than Saber. It’s good sub-bass but balances to the midbass a little more evenly. I still would say it’s carrying enough bass to not be out of place with a neural-tuned IEM
  • Saber is more sub-bass emphasized, AR3 is more balanced. Both are good, it’s purely preference


  • Saber is meaty in the low-mids. Vocals are a little more open and a half step forward, compared to AR3. Safe is the word that comes to mind. Upper-mids are okay but less emphasized.
  • AR 3 has warmth, but is clearer in the low-mids. Is more neutral. Vocals are not really forward. They are balanced with instrumentation: You kinda have to pick one to focus on over the other, or take what the track is giving you. Not harsh at all: Rock sounds good, non-sibilant to my ear.
  • Saber is more low-mid focused, with enough upper-mids to get by but could use a hair more energy. AR3 is a more balanced approach that I think it hits the mark it wants for a more neutral playback. Saber hits its mark too. Again, preference is the major delineator here.


  • Saber comes off with good emphasis in the treble. Drum kit in The Speedwalker has nice bite in it, balanced by the low-end
  • AR3 could sound a little bright to some: it has a similar treble emphasis to Saber but the more neutral midrange/bass makes some of those same details pop a little more in your ear. Also carries more air in the treble than Saber
  • Detail-chasers, I’d lean to AR3. People who fatigue from too much treble would be safer with Saber

Soundstage and Technicalities

  • Saber has decently good width but not as much height as AR3. Is more linear left-to-right in Fundamental Elements. Not a lot of depth to be heard in Bubbles, notes sound more one-dimensional in dynamics than expected; not bad, just not doing as much as I’d want. Swashers sounds more IEM-like than earbud like
  • AR3 has good width and height to the soundstage. Fundamental Elements has a bit of a down-left to center to up-right slope from 1:15-1:25. Depth is in line with Saber. More dynamic range to hear in the bouncing balls on Bubbles. Heavy balls not as meaty as Saber, but more distinctive bounces. Swashers sounds more fluid on AR3, not the best playback, but more in line with expectations.

Saber 3 vs. Grand Alter Saber 3


  • GAS3 has a close-to-neutral bass. There’s a balance between sub and midbass with very good quality but not much quantity.
  • Much stronger sub-bass presence. Quality is close enough but clear quantity advantage to Saber


  • Warm tonality but very clean mids on GAS3. Forward vocal presentation. Energetic but not bright upper-mids. Impressively well-balanced to my ear
  • Warm tonality with a little more thickness on Saber. Vocals are positioned pretty equal to GAS but the mids clarity gives advantage to GAS if you prioritize vocals. A bit more energetic presentation of upper-mids. GAS is more neutral


  • Easy, smooth treble with very good details on GAS3. Proper emphasis without pushing treble details forward.
  • Not hearing much of a difference in treble playback. Saber provides nice clarity to balance low-end. Cleaner overall tuning would likely give an advantage to GAS3 but Saber isn’t a slouch in treble

Soundstage and Technicalities

  • GAS3 has a lot more depth in soundstage with very good width. Doesn’t have the heft on bouncing balls that Saber can with extra bass but has more dynamic range to differentiate the bounces. Extremely good imaging/separation. Has low-left to center to up-right slope on Fundamental Elements. Has one of my favorite reproductions of Swashers, short of Ripples.
  • Saber still has width but not much height or depth, with one-note dynamics. Doesn’t stand up to technicalities on GAS3

Grand Alter Saber 3 vs. Alter Rider 3


  • GAS3 has enough bass for the tuning but won’t be satisfying if you’re not looking for a neutral-type tuning that emphasizes the upper end over the low-end. Very good if looking for balanced tuning though
  • AR3 has a pretty similar amount of sub-bass but there’s more midbass emphasis that puts amore warmth and weight on the bass. Still maintains a neutral leaning but more low-end emphasis


  • GAS3 is more neutral in the mids, though not lacking warmth. Vocals are more emphasized, do not get overtaken in busy passages. Easily the most vocal set of Gen 3
  • AR3 has meatier low-mids with more warmth. Upper-mids are between adequate and emphasized. Vocals are very good in less busy tracks but end up equal with instrumentation when tracks get more congested. Not for vocal enthusiasts, relatively speaking


  • GAS3 plays brighter with the lowered bass quantity. Not super airy but a very good amount for the tuning. Very mature, composed treble.
  • AR3 is not bright, when compared to GAS3, comes off as enough treble, with more air, but not as emphasized.

Soundstage and Technicalities

  • GAS3 has good depth of stage on Bubbles, with a moderate width; neither wide nor shallow. While lacking the deep extension on bass has great dynamic range and the cleanliness of the sound signature presents great imaging, including one of my favorite replays of Swashers
  • AR3 has a very competent replay of Swashers with good imaging and better note-weight. Plays with very good depth on Bubbles and extremely pleasant dynamic range. Just a step behind GAS3 when comparing the full package.

Overall, I’d put the three sets on a bit of a spectrum: Saber is the smoother, deeper sounding set. It doesn’t struggle with the upper-end but compared to other two it is more full-bodied.

Alter Rider 3 is the balanced all-rounder. If you don’t want the warmest/bassiest boy or the most vocal-centric set, but you want enough of both, this is the better choice.

Grand Alter Saber 3 is the set to get if you want the best vocal experience, with the cleanest profile. This is the neutralhead’s bud of the Gen 3 sets so far.

Of the three, if I was going to pick one to be the top dog it’s hard to go against GAS 3. While if I only had one to pick I might lean AR3 (its versatility to get closer to both Saber and GAS3 would play best in that case), the one that just does its thing best, in my opinion, is Grand Alter Saber 3.

So if GAS3 is the one survivor, it means it’s time for the Final Boss to come and meet its challenger:

Grand Alter Saber 3 vs. Yincrow RW-3000


  • GAS3 has a light, clean bass. It’s not deficient overall; sub-bass doesn’t have much emphasis but midbass pops enough. Quality trumps quantity to be just present enough but not intruding on the mids
  • RW-3000 has flat-out more quantity; has actual sub-bass presence with strong midbass. Bass is still clean overall; has less bleed than Saber 3, more quantity than AR3. Best overall bass of the four


  • RW-3000 has warm mids. Note-weight is fantastic: it’s more of a balanced-warm than warm-neutral. Much more emphasis on low-end overall. Vocals aren’t drowned in that low-end. They are a slight bit forward, balanced overall, but have some moments of being a little hot. Not actually harsh for me but could tip over the line for some.
  • GAS3 is more warm-neutral, in comparison to RW-3000. Certainly not overly bright but do not have the thickness of any of the other buds for me. Vocals are absolutely forward and the emphasis; they sit in front of the music and are clear and present. They are amazing, and scale well. There’s no hotness or sibilance for as high as I want to take the volume


  • RW-3000 treble is smooth and relaxed. It’s not the star of the show but takes nothing off the table. Good resolution and clarity that lets every play with very good balance
  • GAS3’s treble is incredibly balanced. Great resolution and clarity to my ear without having any boosting or spiking. Doesn’t try to extend too much just to have air, but you have enough to make sure details pop

Soundstage and Technicalities:

  • RW-3000 has a nice sense of depth, okay width and height. Bass gives good weight to balls in Bubbles, and maintains great dynamic range/imaging. Good imaging on Swashers but sounds a little distant at good listening volume. Good sense of low-left to center to high-right imaging on Fundamental Elements
  • GAS3 has a little less of a sense height on the left to center to right of Fundamental Elements. Much better presence on Swashers. Water feels more forward like I’d expect with fantastic imaging. Less sense of depth than RW-3000 but pinpoint imaging with amazing dynamic range, even if lacking the full-bodied bass

Overall, RW-3000 and GAS3 are complimentary sets to me. RW-3000 is very much a direct competitor to Saber 3, as they have extremely similar mission statements. RW-3000 does a lot of Saber does well, but I would take the intangibles of RW-3000 over Saber by a little bit. I don’t think RW-3000 quite matches GAS3 across the board: RW-3000 is superior in bass, and while they have different midrange philosophies they’re both great at their chosen style. Treble is a little bit to GAS3 for me but those soundstage/technicalities intangibles tip the scale to the GAS3 to me. But the two sets are absolutely on the same level with each other.

So for me, I think the very best of the best is the Grand Alter Saber 3. In my collection, it sits right below Ripples as one of the very best I’ve got. But depending on your tastes, library, and budget, I think any of the Gen 3 Rikubuds can hit the spot. And that’s going to be it for this review. Enjoy your days, and take care till next time!

Rank for Rikubuds Saber 3, Alter Rider 3 & Grand Alter Saber 3, and Yincrow RW-3000: Saber 3 - B+; Alter Rider 3 - B+; Grand Alter Saber 3 - A; Yincrow RW-3000 - A
Recommendation Level: Highly Recommended For All
Rank As a Food: Chocolate Fondue Fountain


I’m on the waitlist for Saber 3. Guess I’ll get my head chopped off by that Rikubuds. :love_you_gesture: :hammer:


BQEYZ Wind, Orveti OD200, and Dunu Falcon Ultra or A Review So Good It Needs a 1DD Runback

So last time, I did a 3 earbud comparison featuring the Rikubuds Gen 3 collection. Well thanks again to the kindness of friends and strangers alike (@Sonofholhorse, @rattlingblanketwoman, and @Merhumblegrumble) I can bring you another face-off. This time involving the aforementioned 1DDs, with a special Final Boss that I happened to get around the same time, for myself. Time to find out which way the single dynamic cookie crumbles.

Songs to Listen to and Follow Along:

As usual, I’m going to write my thoughts in generalities, but I’ll give you a sample of songs that I listen to, that will relate to the concepts I write about. Feel free to ask for specifics, if you don’t keep up with my thought processes.


Swashers/Bubbles - Yosi Horikawa (For imaging/detail retrieval (:00-1:00 Swashers), general technicalities check (both), soundstage depth/dynamics/layering/separation (:00-:30 Bubbles))

The Speedwalker (Live at Madison Square Garden) - The Fearless Flyers (For bass elements, particularly sub-bass/mid-bass interplay, drum kits, soundstage/layering)

DISINTER MY HEART - TRAILS (For treble response and resolution, male vocals, midrange response)

Savior - Rise Against (For rock bass elements, male vocals, layering and imaging, treble clarity :38-1:30)

When I Fall (Outta Love) - Kevin Olusola (For Imaging/detail retrieval :00-:07, tonality, timbre, male/female vocal interplay)

Fundamental Elements of Madness - Dax Johnson (For soundstage width 1:10-1:26, piano tonality)

Holding On (Rome In Silver Remix) - Dabin (For female vocals, tonality, mid-bass response within mix From 1:12-1:36)

1 Thing - Sophie Powers (For sibilance, harshness/shoutiness, high volume listening check 1:28-2:01

*Wire & Guns - KID DAD (For general tonality (warmth vs. brightness) and note weight :10-35, for high volume listening 1:34-2:08)


Always Stays the Same, Nothing Ever Changes; English Summer Rain, Seems to Last Forever
English Summer Rain - Placebo
(IEM Tuning Style: Midcentric - Oriveti OD200 (Silver Nozzle); Harman-Neutral - Dunu Falcon Ultra Blue Nozzle) Harman-Neutral; BQEYZ Wind Warm-Neutral; Dunu Falcon Ultra (Brass Nozzle) Warm-Neutral)

We’re doing this comparison like last time: It’s going to go through an A/B comparison of each contender, and at the end my preferred set will take on the Final Boss. Got it? Good! One housekeeping note: The Oriveti OD200 Black Filter doesn’t make this comparison at all because it is terrible. The problems that people have with Simgot sets, that find them unlistenable, hit me like a truck with the Black filter. The upper-mids are amongst the worst I’ve heard: they’re so overboosted that strings sound brittle and vocals sound wispy and ghastly. It also had soundstage so squeezed (in width and depth) that I thought they were broken and they had me running to my other IEMs to make sure I was hearing the cues in songs like Swashers and Fundamental Elements correctly. Early frontrunner for Worst Experience of 2024.

Now, moving on from that abomination:

Wind vs. Falcon Ultra (Blue Filter)


  • Quantity feels mostly the same, but it’s the quality of the bass that makes it sound different
  • Falcon Ultra feels a little faster in decay: Hits don’t linger as long
  • Wind has more satisfying impact while also not lingering too long, avoids leading to bleed


  • Low-mids sound too similar to separate
  • Wind has cleaner upper-mids thanks to less elevation
  • Falcon Ultra a little overdone: Will show sibilance and harshness. Wind is smoother in vocals and instrumentation to my ear


  • Both sets are pretty smooth. Too similar to separate

Soundstage and Technicalities

Wind vs. Falcon Ultra (Blue Filter)

  • Falcon Ultra plays a little narrow in soundstage. Okay depth and a bit of expansive headstage. Shows good dynamic range on Bubbles; Pretty good imaging of water splashing on Swashers
  • Similar headstage width on Wind with good depth but not as expansive headstage around the head. Has better dynamic range on Bubbles; A touch short of Falcon Ultra on imaging with Swashers

After this compare, I dropped the Blue Nozzle out. It was in a similar boat as the OD200 Silver Nozzle. It wasn’t as offensive but the upper-midrange was boosted too much, compared to the rest of the signature, for me to get anything worthwhile out of it. So I removed it from consideration.

Wind vs. Falcon Ultra (Brass Filter)


  • Bass feels more similar than between Wind and Blue filter. More quantity to Falcon Ultra now, that makes the bass comparison more equal
  • Bass still lacks that linger with Falcon Ultra vs. Wind; Wind has a little more oomph for me


  • Same as before with the lower-mids between Wind and the Blue Nozzle on Falcon Ultra
  • Vocals and instruments have very similar timbre now. Falcon Ultra issues with sibilance cleared up
  • Not enough difference between them for it to be a dealbreaker one way or the other


  • Nothing in the treble for me to separate them. Smooth treble with enough details but neither are Sparklehorses

Soundstage and Technicalities

  • Falcon Ultra still a little narrow vs. Wind. Dynamic range is more similar but Wind has a touch more weight. Falcon Ultra is a little more airy by comparison but not airy enough to make it a real contrast

Falcon Ultra (Brass Filter) vs. OD200 (Silver Filter)


  • Difference in bass feels more notable in this comparison: OD200 is much fuller
  • Falcon Ultra comes off with the impact of BA bass in A/B. Falcon Ultra lags behind audibly on impact


  • OD200 has meat on the lower-mids with solid enough vocals. They don’t stand out but they aren’t lost in the mix behind low-end either
  • Falcon Ultra has warm low-mids but less thickness, vocals are pleasantly more forward. Better overall balance with Falcon Ultra


  • Treble is not distinguishable enough to note. I get the proper amount of treble I need, and don’t get a sense of fake boosting to pull more details

Soundstage and Technicalities

  • Close to the same amount of narrowness in soundstage; would say Falcon Ultra has better depth. OD200 sounds flatter in headstage
  • OD200 has heavier weight/dynamic range to Wind. OD200 has good range while carrying that weight; Good imaging on Swashers for OD200 but definitely sounds like “playback of water crashing”; Falcon Ultra has a little more realism in its playback for me

OD200 (Silver Filter) vs. Wind


  • OD200 may have a slight bit more quantity. It certainly has a heavier bass. It’s not quite one-note but it’s heavy-handed
  • On a spectrum, if I called Falcon Ultra lighter impact and OD200 heavier impact, Wind is more in the middle. It’s cleaner than OD200 but has better weight than Falcon Ultra


  • OD200 is a little more lower-mid focused than Wind. Just a little bit meatier
  • Wind vocals are a little more in front of the mix compared to OD200
  • Easier for some details to pop on Wind, not that either is a detail monster


  • First time a difference showed up in this end. Get a little bit more details on Wind in a song like Devora - Not Dead Yet in the cymbals from :25-1:00. Just a little bit more emphasis gets squeezed out

Soundstage and Technicalities

  • Wind has audibly more depth in soundstage, is comparable in width. Wind is superior overall in headstage
  • Wind has better overall dynamics; OD200 pops when bass is needed but Wind plays the differences in bouncing balls in Bubbles better
  • Imaging suffers for OD200 on Swashers. The dynamics sound alright but Wind is simply more fluid in reproducing the moving water

So when it comes to Falcon Ultra and OD200 (in their most preferable nozzle configurations) and Wind, I think Falcon Ultra and OD200 trade real blows with each other: If you prefer a thicker, low-end emphasizing playback or want a warm but cleaner playback, there are enough differences between the two, to have a fair contrast.

I think both of them take a step back to Wind overall, and it wasn’t really close for me. The three sets all have their own twists on the flavor we’re all used to by now, but they’re all playing from the same playbook. It took a lot of time and effort to hear what all the hype was about with OD200 and even when I did finally get there, I still wasn’t personally sold all that much. I got from “this is kinda horrible” to “I hear what people are liking about this but it’s not really for me”. Falcon Ultra is firmly in the “it’s fine, but they don’t need to ask $240 for this” category. I’d get the Simgot EA1000 every day, over Falcon Ultra: It’s a more resolving driver to my ear, and I’m ready to mod it to where it fits my tastes best. It’s simply a superior option.

The Wind was just better for me. It doesn’t have the bass quantity and tonality of OD200, but it’s more of the Goldilocks-type, between OD200 and Falcon Ultra. On top of that, it has the best soundstage and technicalities intangibles of the three, and it wasn’t really close. Of the three, Wind is the easy choice for me. Which means its time to step up to the Final Boss BQEYZ Wind is taking on:

BQEYZ Wind vs. Oriolus Isabellae


  • Wind has strong sub-bass over midbass emphasis. Pretty good quantity and quality bass. This is good stuff
  • Isabellae matches Wind on quantity to my ear. Has about equal sub-bass emphasis with a touch more weight in the midbass


  • Wind has warmer, thicker note-weight. More meat in lower-mids. Vocals a little more forward. No threat of harshness/sibilance
  • Isabellae is warm but more clarity in lower-mids, a little less emphasis. Vocals are better IMO, a half-step less forward but the right tonality. Energetic when turned up to higher volume, but doesn’t cross line to sibilance


  • Wind carries enough energy in treble. Doesn’t play as dark, but there are more energetic treble playbacks. Pushes more treble/treble details at higher volume but is super comfortable at mid-volume
  • Isabellae is energetic in treble like Wind but comes off more refined, especially in mid-treble (8-10k). Pushes some treble details forward, but not excessively so.

Soundstage and Technicalities

  • Wind’s stage is maybe an itty bit wider than Isabellae but does not carry the depth of stage. Has good layering/separation and dynamic range but a step behind Isabellae. Very good playback of Swashers on Wind, is 90% the playback of Isabellae but just doesn’t have the last bit of realism to pull me all the way in
  • Isabellae is not very wide in soundstage, has a lot of depth of stage and plays a little bit with height. Very good dynamic range playing Bubbles, like the layering/separation it shows. Very close to an ideal IEM playback of Swashers. Extremely good imaging

So, basically, if Wind is that step ahead of OD200 and Falcon Ultra, the Isabellae is outclassing Wind in the same way. Wind is equal to possibly marginally better in bass and has a little thicker note-weight, if that is a pro to you. After that, Isabellae slaps Wind: It’s got better vocals, can push the treble better, and proves itself to have superior intangibles, to my ear. This is not enough of a contest: Isabellae is simply the better IEM to me.

I don’t often say a $600+ IEM is so superior to its competition that it is the set people should get. And I’m still not doing that now (gotcha!). But I will say, for my tastes, if I was only going to have one to keep, it wouldn’t be a difficult choice to go with the Isabellae (on the merits of the sound). Lucky for me, I found it secondhand for a great deal that I would make 10 times out of 10. But if we’re talking full price, that (as always) is a personal choice that only you can make. But I do see why someone who has the Issy would value her at full price. I don’t say that often or lightly, so take that as you will. And that’s going to be it for this review. Enjoy your days, and take care till next time!

Rank for Oriveti OD200 (Silver Nozzle) (Midcentric), Dunu Falcon Ultra (Brass Nozzle) (Warm-Neutral) and BQEYZ Wind (Warm-Neutral): OD200 - B-; Falcon Ultra - B-; Wind - B
Recommendation Level: Lukewarm Recommendation Relative to Other Options: Wind; Not Recommended Relative to Other Options: OD200 and Falcon Ultra
Rank As a Food: That Overripe Fruit In Your Fridge You Know You Need to Use/Eat Before It Goes Bad


Excellent write-up as usual! Thanks for putting in the time to do all of the comparisons and I hope that you enjoyed your time in doing it!


Excellent write up and great comparisons

1 Like

Phenomenal Write ups! Precise and a pleasure to read. I stumbled upon you after I saw your "Edit s3 video to your writeup, but i had unity on my mind.

As of a few days ago as am I. Glad to see another person.

Can not wait for my Unity. Thanks @GooberBM @ToneDeafMonk for those videos.


I can’t take any credit on the Plunge Unity. I’ve never put set to ears. But, good on those Canucks for stealing your monies.

Thanks for all your positive comments. Except for the times I thought Falcon Ultra and OD200 were awful, I did enjoy myself. LOL


I was reading your S3 stuff as I was watching a unity video lol so i got my self all mixed around.

then I saw tone and got myself all mixed up. :rofl:

1 Like

Oriolus Isabellae $600+. In 2024, that’s kind of a joke :joy:


If I find a used one I would pick one up.


There is one 2nd hand being sold in Poland for cir 315€ at the moment.


In terms of paying that price? Absolutely.

Are they a top 5% 1DD? Out of all the IEMs I’ve heard, yes.

Therein lies the rub. I’m not paying $600 for them but having them, they put most of my IEMs to shame. So what price do you up on that?


In the current rapidly developing market (not only ChiFi) maybe 350-400 dollars, but not more.


To the classifieds with you then, good sir


I paid ~$350 for mine around 2 years ago. Deals and steals abound if you look long enough.