Good audio reviewers and ones to stay far far away from

Is it industry standard sound engineers mix with neutral headphones and monitors, what amps do they use to hear their mix ?

Wanted to share this fine quote from Alan Parsons:
ā€œAudiophiles donā€™t use their equipment to listen to your music. Audiophiles use your music to listen to their equipment.ā€

I know this is true for some, and it is completely fine (though not how the artist wants his art to be ā€œconsumedā€).

Which one are you?


Suppose for the most part the artist dont really care what gear the consumer uses for playback. " dont matter what you call me, long as you call me." If you peek over at a website like steve hoffman the sound mixer Is the artist. Over there, the forum is filled with threads on which album version is the best engineered from a popular artist.

steve guttenberg has said on his channel, hes got a background in the music industry working for a recording studio chesky records, the owner is a musician sound mixer and ā€œaudiophileā€, steve worked sales of home audio and now reviews gear and music. So when it comes to ā€œaudiophileā€ or well recorded music, he might be a guy to help find reference material to get the most performace out of your system. He himself does not look down on popular music. But thinks what most think is a ā€œaudiophile recordā€ is not well recorded music. Sounds fair.

You can say it this way, the artist sees audio gear as an appliance and not as an instrument. Does the gear matter to the artist, no. does the artist matter to the audiophile,yes. otherwise we will all be recording farts to playback on our systems.


HA! Thatā€™s a good one! I use the equipment to listen to the music, definitely. That said, itā€™s fun to play with said equipment and acquire the best stuff you can.

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Me too.

But I think that there are also a lot of people who use the music to listen to their equipment. While I have nothing against them, it kind of feels as though the music is less important in that case, while in theory, the audiophile hobby should be all about music.


Agreed. You have to admit though, some of this gear is pretty bitchinā€™, aint it? LOL! I will never really get to get too high up the chain in terms of high end gear, and that is a bummer. I believe someone once said ā€œA manā€™s got to know his limitationsā€. And I do. But I 'm havin fun with what I have, and look forward to more.

Besides, HiFi isnā€™t all there is. I have motorcycles to feedā€¦ :sunglasses:

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What a better combination than motorcycle and audiophile passions?


Indeed. I havenā€™t even addressed the sound system on my touring bike yet. But that is a rabbit hole I am not willing to go down just yet. Itā€™s pretty good as is. Iā€™m having enough fun with the stuff inside the house!

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+1. Add wine to this also. We shall build an army.


I think that that is the perfect trio !!!

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For lusophones, Leonardo Drummond, a.k.a. ā€œMind The Headphoneā€ on Youtube.

Even if he doesnā€™t like the headphone in question (the linked review being one such occasion), he mentions all characteristics in an objective manner, making it easy for a person that would enjoy such sound signature to make a decision based on his experience.
Some ā€œbairristasā€ such as myself donā€™t like his accent (with the typical sharp ā€œSā€ from Rio, that sounds like an ā€œXā€) , but i can look away since his reviews are usually very sincere.
He also owns a headphone brand called Kuba Audio, iā€™m yet to listen to any of his products, however.

Dave tapā€™s out of Youtubeā€¦


Good. I felt he was really out of line with his recent video going after Goldensound. Just got really bad vibes from him during that whole thing.


I think he lost his audience after that video, it was biased and toxic and I think his claims in it were too far fetched. It looked more as a personal attack on Golden Sound (and why?) than anything else.


I like Dave heā€™s honest :wink: Iā€™m not quite sure why he made that vid and got involvedā€¦NO NEEDā€¦but things are what they are so Iā€™ll carry on reading his written reviews, the whole MQA/Tidal thing means nothing to me so I have no side or interest in that :man_shrugging:


I like lachlan quite a biteā€¦ Him and Sandu go hard in the paint to provide extended details, functionality, and performance commentary.


Yeah I liked what he was putting out too, but it felt really out of place among his other videos unfortunately. Too bad it turned out how it did :frowning:

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To be honest I couldnā€™t even get through the whole video. This guy is straight up creepy imo. All he did was attack this Goldensound person, only to have this person come back and destroy him. It was pretty funny, actually. The comments that follow are hilarious.

Looks like olā€™ Dave committed suicide, there! Funny thing is, the whole thing seemed unnecessary.


Wow. I love how this guy describes lines.