šŸ”¶ Grado SR60e / SR80e

I am glad you knew what I was talking about when I didnā€™t! Yeah, that post does explain a lot. And that guy has more Grados than anyone not in the family, I bet!

@Hazi59 so when looking at the Beautiful Audio stuff, specifically for the 60ā€™s and 80ā€™s would you lean more toward the hybrids as opposed to the full merino or full leather? Any direct experience? I was going to definitely do the headbands but might as well see about the cupsā€¦

The beautiful audio stuff is rather expensive and probobly not worth it for any of the prestige series. I would try turbulent labs for a better than stock head band since they are $50 or Shipibo for $40 (youā€™ll have to email him to see when they come back in stock though). But if you want the full beautiful audio set then I guess go for it since you could always put it on any future Grados or even your Hemps.

As for the sound, they mention on the website that the full lether adds some brightness, the hybrids add some bass, and the full merino adds even more bass.

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There is actually another guy that has like 20 some Grados that did a huge comparison on head-fi.


ive read through this post so many times lol its great, makes me want to try the 225ā€™s despite what ive heardā€¦

thanks ill look into those, i do remember you doing the hemp shipibo mod, man decisions decisions

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I thought that was same guy? And Iā€™ve seen his posts beforeā€¦ crazy layout of Grados. He obviously doesnā€™t agree with the anti-Grado line that they all sound the same!

I feel like heā€™s remiss in ignoring the Alessandros nowā€¦

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The Shipibo gimbals and rod blocks are so nice. I didnā€™t get a headband though because I donā€™t find I need more padding. I did end up ordering a turbulent labs headband on drop a few days ago since I had drop rewards points that made it even cheaper, but that wonā€™t be hear untill October.


right on, im all about it for the hemps, the beyer headband is ok for the e series but is so thick theres just no adjustment, thanks for the turbulent labs link, nice stuff

For Beautiful Audio, the comfort is improved, the earpads do affect the sound a small bit; soundstage is widened, bass is reduced on the leather ones at least. They do retain the majority of the Grado house sound though.

As for the price they are expensive but if you have multiple Grado headphones then you could swap them about to see which has the best improvement. But all purchases are up to the individual if they want to spend their money on them or other options.

The hybrids are closest to stock sound. If you want to warm the sound a bit and get some bass, the merino wool are the way to go. I do not advise buying the full leather ones. Believe it or not, those are the brightest ones.

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happy that my shipibo recommendation worked out for you. :slightly_smiling_face:


Bad news everyone. After hole punching the stock S-cush pads (same sized hole as geekria pads) the bass is not as increased as with the geekria pads. It is increased, but only as much as the earzonk L-cush and Yaxi hole punched. I wonā€™t be able to say for certain untill I get and test the earzonk S-cush and Senn 414 pads, but it seems the material of the geekria pads may play a role in the sound. It also might be driver distance. Like I said, needs more testing.

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Looking forward to getting my modded SR80e.



whoa those cups


ok perfect, i promise no red this time lol

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see i feel this with the hemps and f cushions, it is a way stiffer material and feels different from the front (on ear) to the back

I listened with the geekria pads for a long time today and so far they have not suffered like they did yesterday. This leads me to believe that the deformation that I experienced was due to my hair being damp yesterday (I got caught in the rain while on a walk). These still donā€™t fit all that great, but they are comfortable and stay on.

So I guess for longevity, donā€™t use these pads with wet or damp hair.


Iā€™ve had an idea Iā€™m going to test on Monday when the stuff arrives. Basically Iā€™m going to see if using micropore tape as ā€œattenuation ringsā€ achieves the same bass as the geekria pads, but with other pads. What I intend to do is cover only the outer most ring of holes on the grill with some tape (possibly multiple layers) to see if it has a similar effect as the attenuation rings for fostex TR-X00s (more bass with little to no other effects.).


Iā€™m at a theme park right now but Iā€™ll have more time tonight but my initial impressions of the geekria on the 80ā€™s is like holy crapā€¦