Someone asked about equipment that you wouldn’t be caught dead with. How bout music you like that is kind of embarrassing lol? Or music that is everything you stand against but still love. Personally I dont fuck with you by bug sean. Lyrics are everything i hate about rap but i Jam to this song
This is a funny thread.
I have to admit I’ve been enjoying Billy Eilish lately. Pretty silly for a 44 year old man to be enjoying the same music as his 12 year old daughter.
I’m taking her to see Billy Eilish in concert for her birthday. I’m totally going to be that embarrassing dad that is awkardly dancing and singing along!!
Haha oh my, well at least you were honest about it. It’s pretty great however to have a similiar music taste with you daughter. And talking her to the concert
ABBA… I blame the Mrs (a big fan) lol… but since the 1974 Eurovision winning song Waterloo i’ve always had a wee penchant for their music
I wouldn’t say I actually have any guilty pleasures in music taste, but I would say listening to speakers at work is a guilty pleasure because I like doing it sometimes but also personally really hate when other people listen to speakers in public areas, but since I have my own office I don’t end up disturbing anyone (but I still feel like I do no matter the volume lol)
Billie Eilish, I get that. My oldest isn’t interested so much, but I’ve heard a couple of her jams that I can get behind.
My kids like Daya and Sia though, a lot. It’s crazy how much lyrics I know. If it came up on one of my Daily Mixes, I’m not skipping.
My wife makes fun of me every time I listen to Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes… she tells me… ‘you listening to the trust fund kids again?’
Oh and Chuck Mangione, ‘Feels so Good’ is such an air trumpet (flugelhorn) song.
I’ve been known to turn up The Offspring when it comes on
…Death Grips
Nothing to be guilty about! The Money Store is one of the top ten records of the decade imo
On this I’d have to mention a whole bunch of sappy teenage love-song type stuff from the likes of Lene Marlin (Norway), Amy Studt (the churchgoing Avril Lavigne) or Mandy Moore. Oh, and Rihanna, I like Rihanna’s “If It’s Lovin’ That You Want” and “Umbrella”. And Justin Timberlake’s “Cry Me a River” and “What Goes Around Comes Around”. Really 1/3 of my Miscellaneous folder is guilty pleasures if I think about it.
Milli Vanili once in a while
I like the first two Britney Spears albums. I’m also digging Brazilian Girls lately.
Oh…that’s a musical group. OK.
Death grips is awesome embrace that shit
I would say meme music on my end . most of the time when I like a meme song they were already part of my library before they get memed for example these 2. leaves a wierd taste in my mouth knowing that or playing it in the car with my friends.
oh and this song is hard core guilty pleasure cause the vibes are too good and has some good one liners that are just fun
I do the same thing blasting rap music, being an asian man in a very white community while driving out in the backroads on the way and from work everyday is a guilty pleasure
Well I keep the volume very quiet, but it’s more of playing music in public I worry about
Just recently I was playin this pretty loud at home though (actually this kinda stuff might be my guilty pleasure lol)
Lady Gaga. Current pop is mostly vapid and over-produced, but for some reason I appreciate Gaga’s work.
LOL any other Miku fans here?
All these random songs I heared on the radio when I was a child (some argue I still am).
A few examples:
With friends present, I would also not dare listen to Folk, but I very much enjoy it.