Guitar - Instrumental

Dam, I was just going to post the same John Butler video. You have great taste my friend!

Dr. Viossy has been very active lately

And this remains my favorite guitar rendition of Moonlight Sonata, 3rd mvt

My favourite guitarist. Vini Reilly a.k.a. The Durutti Column.

Homage to Catalonia

Pol in G

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Hold on there, young blood! I’m old enough to remember that the original Canon Rock recording came even earlier from Jerry C: Canon Rock (JerryC) - The Original - YouTube

Validation! :slight_smile:

Also loved Andy Mckee then and still enjoy listening to him now.

I suppose I need to post a video of my own so I’ll link the song I heard which inspired me to learn how to play guitar over 20 years ago: Love Thing - YouTube

I mean… yeah, it’s mentioned in the intro to the funtwo video as well, I just didn’t pay much attention to that, figured JerryC was just some friend of his.

But OK, since we’re having our way with ole Pachelbel’s immortal Canon in D Major, here’s a little caleidoscope of musical styles it could possibly be done in, all on guitar, same YouTube era:

A couple more excellent Luca songs:

Medley of ‘Fear of the Dark’, ‘The Trooper’, and ‘Phantom of the opera’.

Clint Eastwood

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evan ebic


Just brilliant. Thanks for this :slight_smile:

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Ear and eye candy…


Dude that Marcin Patrzalek playing is epic. I love his aggressive playstyle. Can’t believe I hadn’t heard his stuff until now.

Here’s him doing some Paganini


You may like this!


New Ewan Dobson video!
(Don’t stop listening just because the opening riff is boring lol)

Fun fact about Ewan. He has a hobby of standing outside very still for many hours waiting for birds to eat off his hand. Here’s 6 hours of that

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New Luca!

Oh, and here’s Mozart on banjo. GLORIOUS.

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Not acoustic but I dig Plini’s playing.


Yvette Young from the band Covet.

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