Guitar - Instrumental

He also recently did an interview with Rob Scallon

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I had an opportunity to see Tony in Edinburgh before he emigrated to Canada 20 years ago. Great guitarist!


Reinier200shadowDXD one-mic-recordings/515-reinier-voet-ballade-pour-la-nuit

“…These guys and this recording just rocks. Pace, rhythm, tone and soundstage are just off the charts…I think we would all agree that this recording sounds sensational…”
Audiophile Style on Reinier Voet & Pigalle44; ‘Ballade pour la nuit’.

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Wow, this is really nice. I hear what you mean in terms of recording quality. Thanks for sharing. :+1:t2:

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One more from the same label but this time with more microphones. You get an idea of the fidelity on YouTube but do check the one-to-one copy of the DXD master is it simply superb.

New album with Reinier Voet, excellently recorded.

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