šŸ”¶ HarmonicDyne Helios

email sent to me last night from Drop

Just got a new update! looks like theyā€™ll be shipping them out in the next few days :smiley: cant wait >.< :

Dear Helios Supporters,

We hope you find this update exciting!

We really appreciate your patience during the past days and today we have fantastic news to share with each and every of you. Under the concerted effort of our team, we will be able to ship out all the orders in the following couple of days. Approximately, 100 parcels were sent out yesterday, and the rest of the orders will be shipped out in the first week of May. An email with the tracking number will be sent to you if your parcel has been shipped out. For backers who bought the DHL express shipping service, your HarmonicDyne Helios headphone will be delivered to you within the next 5 to 8 working days . For standard shipping, please kindly allow 10 to 30 days before the parcel arrives.

On the other hand, we are working hard with our courier and Indiegogo to make sure that all tracking numbers can be loaded correctly. The tracking number will be updated to your Indiegogo account in the following 2 to 3 days, and please donā€™t hesitate to reach out at [email protected] anytime if you have any questions.

We highly appreciate your patience with the waiting for the HarmonicDyne Helios arriving. This campaign is a huge success to us especially while considering the global impact caused by the COVID-19. We will never be able to accomplish our goal without all the love, trust, and support from each and every of you. THANK YOU!

Your music liberation awaits! Stay tuned!


HarmonicDyne and Linsoul Team


Judgement day is soon to arrive it sounds like.

Donā€™t get your hopes too high yet lol. Iā€™ve been waiting on a package from China for a month. Shipped in 24 hrs and has been sitting ever since. Packages are all sitting on hold there. Releasing a couple at a time.

I also got the dhl shipping for that package and itā€™s still stuck. So the company refunded me the dhl shipping cost.

Just opened these up today and WOW! These headphones look awesome in person. Shiny stainless steel cap of the cups with the cityscape design and swirling ornament. Laser cut designs on the cup have a edge to it. Rubbing your fingers across it it almost feels like it could cut. but it looks classy. The walnut wood on the cup and headband are very nice.

Wide swivel and tilt. The pads have a good quality to them and the pad under the band feels nice and cushiony. They look like Velour. The cable is cloth covered with about 9 foot length and the cityscape design on the strain and title on the plug both metal. strangely enough a 1/4 adapter screws on the plug but i received none with my headphones. I found one in my drawer that screwed on fine. I got 5 pads with this headphone and all looks like good quality.

These headphones sound like 400$ headphones. And easy beats everything in the under 200$ price range and maybe even 300$ range. I tested these on Amazon Ultra HD songs with higher bitrate and frequency than CD quality. First the detail is awesome. very detailed headphones. Competes with higher end headphones. I give it a 10. geared towards bright but not painful. very good treble extension. I dont know how they managed to put this much treble into the drivers yet its not harsh at all. Reminds me of the treble on beyerdynamic dt880, but the body is here also. And easy to drive. ive only gone up to 10 oā€™clock on my RNHP amp. my lg v20 drives them with sufficient volume but doesnā€™t get too loud. sounds great on the v20 with its quad DAC.

But just superb treble. excellent. I give it a 10. These drivers remind me of Bio cellulose drivers. Mids are also very present and good i give it a 8. Bass is good also but not as extended as the treble. But good bass about a 9. Sounds like a neutral headphone but with elevated treble and bass. Sounds like a exciting headphone. but at the same time refined. Imaging is fantastic on these, 10! also the spatial recreation are fantastic anther 10! You can clearly hear instruments far to the left or right and clearly defined. Very nice wide soundstage. but not too wide. These headphones sound like they look. Classy.

Iā€™m so blown away about this. I was expecting the worse based on all the skepticism on this. but thank god Zeos was right. These sound wonderful. and yes i think it can trade some blows with Sundara. Even at 200$ these headphones are a bargain and may help to bring prices down on the headphone market. If i can get these at 200$ why buy other more expensive headphones? Get ready for he flood hifiguides. when this headphone gets released a LOT of people are gonna be buying.


Nice write up, Anthony.

They do look nice, and Iā€™m glad youā€™re enjoying them. The grill pattern is very nice indeed.

Iā€™m happy that it worked out. :+1:t4:


Stylin!!! waiting on mine but I am sure it will be quite awhileā€¦ just not that luckyā€¦


DHL shows I should get mine Monday!


hey ANT have you tried the 990? as from what you are describing you may want to take a look at that. build is defintiely not as good but like when you compared to the 880 the helios sound very similar to the 990


isnt the treble on the dt990 harsh? and does it lack body like the 880? I compared dt880 in terms of treble. there are other things about the helios. like the detail and imaging/separation. that i doubt the 880 can compete


it definitely doesnt lack body. and the 990 can be perceived as harsh, but usually just rides the edge of too much. but Helios at least in terms of measured treble performance seems to look similar. but I have not listened to the helios and probably wont buy it. I was just asking as maybe if you ever had the chance into trying the 990 600 ohm a comparison would be cool. the 990 has that same mid bass performance but seems to have more extension. and maybe less mid performance.


hmmm. lately ive decided to stop buying so many headphones and focus more on the higher end. the helios will probably be my last. but its a class act. i doubt the 990 can compete. can anyone out there do a comparison?

Thing is, i dont know if its something to do with its looks or Linsoulā€™s claims. but theres a lot of skepticism out there about the Helios. the reviews ive read are not fair. i doubt it will get a fair shake in a comparison with anything.

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I just got mine in the mail this morning so Iā€™ve a few hours to try out. Here are my impressions thusfar.

  • It is pretty. I mean, among a lot of the headphones I own, Verum 1ā€™s included, this is one of the prettiest of its kind. The wood look (I still think the headband is fake wood contrary to what Linsoul claims) makes it feel premium from afar. Handling it also doesnā€™t give the impression that itā€™s cheap either. Itā€™s not a tank like the Focal Elex, but itā€™s not like its going to fall apart in your hands. Props to that.

  • I am not sure if you need burn in time, but I really feel that the pair I have is veiled. You can sort of pick up details (I use Violet Evergarden Theme and Carole and Tuesdayā€™s After the Fire as my default reference) but everything has such a warm wash. If I had to compare it to other headphones, this has the same kind of feel as the KPH30iā€™s. Warm, full bodied, but finer details are shrouded.

  • They are comfortable, even with non memory foam stock pads. The large pads and the way the headband is shaped makes it for a comfortable wear on my head after an hour of wear. I usually go for 3-4 hours in a single sitting so Iā€™ll update this as I go.

  • Iā€™ve been pad swapping them to compensate for the veiled sound. I tried the ZMF Ori suedes that Zeos recommended. They were better, but still felt veiled. So I figured Iā€™d try perforated pads (Brainwavz perforated round XL) despite Zeos saying it makes the highs a touch sharp. Turns out the veil lifted a fair bit with them. I may try Yaxi TH900 angled hybrids if they fit, but all of this depends on whether a burn-in changes the sound to be more what people say about them.

Thatā€™s about it though. Itā€™s too soon to tell whether this is a stay or sell, but it definitely didnā€™t wow me on the first few hours with the sound. Maybe itā€™s because I just got an Elex and its set a high bar to follow. Iā€™ll update this after Iā€™ve given it a proper burn in and sit down with pads Iā€™m happy with.

Post burn in opinion below


linsoul and what they did leading up to release sketched me out why I am personally a hard skeptic. Z 's review just kinda didnt help. I havent really read anything bad about them. most people just kinda deem them to be mediocre or appropriately priced


Yeah thats not right. My pair are very detailed with a LOT of treble. I think you got a faulty pair like i did with the m570ā€™s They also where veiled contrary to what people where saying. I sent them back. Maybe you can email them and get a replacement?

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good to hear that they sound great! would be curious to see the impressions of other people. specially people who can compare them to stuff in similiar price ranges and other higher end stuff


QC issues already? or a difference of opinionā€¦we defo need some more feed back


Iā€™d hope itā€™s just different opinion and not faulty pair. That would give me concern. Part of the reason why Iā€™ve avoided most of the chifi stuff to be honest, including monoprice.

But it sounds more like different perception overall. I mean it falls in line with reviews so far where some like zeos say theyā€™re amazing and others say theyā€™re simply not bad. Sounds like theyā€™re just a hit or miss for people. Which also falls in line for most chifi stuff. Love it or hate it. Maybe not hate it, but just ā€œehhhhā€ it lol.

I still wouldnā€™t mind a pair one day for display. They are lookers, Iā€™ll give them that.


I doubt it. bright is bright and veiled is veiled. Anyone who hear these headphones cannot deny they have a LOT of treble. I think his phones are clearly faulty. he should return them