šŸ”¶ HarmonicDyne Helios

no sorry, i probably misworded my statement. the ksc75 is the brighter headphone that i prefer to use for pop instead of warmer headphones like the 58x and nighthawks. of course pop stilll sounds fine on the ladder two but i don{t know, feel like it{s missing the magic or sparkle that you get from treble focused headphones.
at least personally thats the case for me

Interesting I personally wouldnā€™t consider the ksc75 to be bright

interesting indeed lol. well i guess thatā€™s why there are many opinions on many headphones. Everything sounds different to everyone. I know alot of people consider the sundaras to be neutral bright but i personally donā€™t see that myself. and Iā€™ve heard someone call the 4xx warm lol

Yeah I think I gotta go home now and listen to my ksc75s just to double check myself haha

Jeez, I hear very v shape then I hear u shape then I hear w shape lol. If you own these someone sit down and compare these to the dt 990 and let me know. Sound stage wise is obviously gona go to the dt 990 but I am curious how this fares against it.


lol well keep in mind bright is not the correct term now that i think about it. most people call it neutral bright if i remember correctly actually. should be something along those lines imo

I just think they are bass light, which kinda leads to them sounding bright at times

Yeah, every review I have read has stated V Shape, possibly U. @Antpage2 is the only person Iā€™ve seen call them W. W shaped tuning is way less common in my experience

U shaped might be more like it. the midrange is there but not as pronounced as the treble and bass. I should say these have a lot of bass and slam to them. but they are very bright. so maybe a U with the right line extended lol

But they do have decent midrange

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gotcha, so would u call them neutral u think?

Have you heard them Mon?!

Thank you for not being quick the judge. Looking forward to hearing your longer term impressions.

Donā€™t have a DT990, but so far the closest comparison Iā€™d say would be a more intimate/aggressive X2HR. Again, with very little ear time, I wonā€™t pass judgment yet.

Was talking about the ksc75 there

Yeah my KSC75 are definitely bright.

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Iā€™ll chuck $80 at it just to be able to place its signature

Define bright for me please haha, maybe Iā€™m thinking of it wrong

Bass light/neutral, treble forward (not necessarily sibilant). I think thereā€™s some peaky treble on the KSC75 that pushes it toward bright from neutral, and it doesnā€™t have a lot of bass presence.

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Ok, I havenā€™t gotten to listen to them as much as Iā€™d like to today, so Iā€™ll continue to give a thought or two as I get more time with them. I want to acclimate to them before doing much A/B, but out of curiosity, I swapped back to the Ether CX since Iā€™ve been listening to that for a couple days now. Comparatively, thereā€™s a definite emphasis of Iā€™d say a few dB in both low and high end, with a similar presence in the vocal region. I wouldnā€™t say mids are recessed so much as low and high are just emphasized/elevated.

The Helios has a very lively presentation thus far. Going from Marley Essentials to the 2010ā€™s Pop playlist, I do think the signature suits pop more so than Reggae, and seems to perhaps be a little picky on recording quality IMO. I imagine itā€™d be fun for EDM, but I plan to do more testing with Classical and Bluegrass tomorrow to see how it can reproduce natural instruments.

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How do you like that detail?