šŸ”¶ HarmonicDyne Helios

That definitely looks like the same headphone just the wood is cut with the installed steel grill


Would make sense for how they pumped out the numbers during lock downā€¦


I see in that listing it says ā€œSingle-side Monitoring: Adjustable headband for free-style and single-side monitoring perfect for when you need to hear both the upcoming track and the current speaker output when beat matching.ā€ That headband was designed to swivel to the side it would seem, kinda like what some dj headphones did on their headbands, I wonder if the helios can do it

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I dont know what this means. can you provide a picture?

How did you find out about this?

Kinda like this, think these are beats pro, almost looks like an inverse version of the headband of the helios kinda

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Cant seem to do that with my pair

Interesting, thanks for checking

I browse Alibaba and DHGate just to see what is out there. Stumbled on that.

The range of motion is pretty much 180 degrees on both axes. Hereā€™s a video:

I canā€™t see any doubt that these headphones are identical, at least in terms of the headband and most of the cups. It would be interesting to see under the pads of this model.

There are a lot of possibilities here:
a) This is just a rebadged generic
b) The factory that makes the Helios is running a ā€œthird shiftā€ and making these on top
c) They sourced a generic design that was easily available and then customised it, changed the drivers and tuned it.

Hopefully option c but hard to tell without a direct comparison!


The company is called Hutmtech or Shenzhen Hutianmei Technology. They are based outside of Shenzhen, China. They make a lot of audio electronics like headphones, IEMā€™s, and bluetooth speakers.

I dont think this is the same driver. Might be the same housing. I think maybe ThieAudio/Linsoul bought the housing from this HutMTech and used their own driver in it and did their own tuning. For one thing the driver on the Hutmtech headphone has noise canceling. The Helios does not. And the frequency range for the Hutmtech is 20Hz - 20kHz and the Helios is 10Hz - 40kHz

hmm, so it sounds like they bought this design did a small mod to the outside but mainly customized the driver, but the driver is still dynamic. Unsure if thatā€™s worth what they are asking, $180 think the indie gogo said the full price was $200, for helios and like $40 for this other pair and can probably be bought cheaper if a company makes a deal to buy in bulk. $140 more for some modifications. Suppose thatā€™d be pretty subjective. Does annoy me however, that they advertised this like its some design they came up with themselves and itā€™s in a prototype stage when thatā€™s pretty blatant on being the same design.

Because it is closed back, they advertise noise cancelling that as a ā€œfeatureā€. Not to be confused with ā€œactive noise cancellingā€.

They are probably the company that has the ability to manufacturer certain components and can also do final assembly and boxing.

Iā€™m sure if you put in an order for 1000 units image , you can negotiate a contract and rate for them to use components and build to your specifications too.

We are all waiting for the Antphone2.

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lol maybe someday. but a warning. its gonna be W shaped with close soundstage. and detailed like crazy!

Lol but i would like it not to be sibilant so it wont have too much treble. and it will have a lot of bass. hopefully all teh frequencies will be clean lol

Hahaā€¦ waitā€¦ W shaped?.. How will you know which end to talk into this phone??

Oh, the middle peak is the camera

and the belt clip is where?

Underneath the top peak. where the utility knife is

Cool!! a good knife is handy

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Better be an ant logo saying choo choo somewhere on there as a decal.