🔶 HarmonicDyne Helios

hmmmm i think it{s a mix for him. i mean, its like i wouldnt be proud of the 4xx because i hate it. but when i had the 58x i was proud for sure, great headphone that made my music come to life

love for Helios and all but fyi - if you live somewhere warm (Spain) and tend to sweat profusely as those of northern European decent tend to…and if you have a white Ikea desk…maybe wash the stock pads


High quality indeed. Thanks for the advice, as a Spaniard you gave me just another reason not to buy those.




Those circles are not good.


Even with shity dye of the pads…at 130 or whatever the gogo price was, these are still fave set for now…

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I don’t disagree that those can be good for the money. But some people are like: oh my god! These are the best ever!

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This headphone, I suspect, will make people believe they are more sensitive to treble than they actually are. There is treble sensitivity and then there is just bad piercing treble from a bad headphone, which sounds to be the case here. My guess from people’s description is that these just have elevated treble which is being perceived as detail.


So kinda like budget Beyerdynamic T90s? lol

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I dont agree. I’ve found the treble control here to be superb. I was surprised how well the treble was done on these and ive had some very high treble headphones i didnt like

But i know it can be a bit much for some people. I tried my treble track Duran Durans “Is there something i should know?” and it handled it fine. Its like for me it just hits the limit of what i can take treble wise. and i never experienced a headphone that can do that before. one of the things that blew me away about this headphone.

Other headphones are too dark or veiled or the treble is too high. The Arya and the Aiva and Ananda treble was too high for me. or maybe they peaked on frequencies i didnt like. But the Helios hits just the right intensity and then stops. lol i dont get it. i dont know who tuned these but their near perfect to me. Thing that bugs me is the grain they get sometimes. Thats why i would love a higher ohm version or for harmonicdyne to come out with a higher end version.

But there are many foams out there you can get cheap to reduce treble if its too much for you. I heard the Sennhieser foams are the best. I think i found some on aliexpress.

Duran Duran lip sync rite?

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You defo need to try some good IEM’s with your sound preferences?..
and for your treble test try…



Oh yeah i love kate bush and thats my fav album of hers. But i tried the Sensual World track and it didnt seem to have that much treble when compared to other tracks ive found. For instance i just found the track “Walker” by Fitz and the Tantrums. and it has a LOT of treble in that song so i tried something…

So i was browsing around Amazon Music and i found some tracks that sounded unpleasent in the Helios. Up till know everything sounded ok but these tracks had a lot of treble with a lot of high frequency percusion. “The Waker” by Fitz and tht Tantrums and “Grove is in the Heart” from Deelight, and Unbelievable from EMF. So i decided to try some filters.

Sennhieser Foam Mod:

Ok so according to this article the Sennhieser foam makes the least mount of change to the overall frequency response. bringing down the treble:

So i went to Aliexpress and found these:

They dont say their from Sennhieser and they came in a plain envelope. But it does say its for Sennheiser headphones. So i hoped for the best and bought them for 6$ you get both thick and thin foam. I can see through these the best.

I got a paper towel and used my finger to feel the edge of the hole in the headphone pad and drew a circle on it. I cut the circle and used it as a template for the foam and cut. I put the foam inside the Helios tucking the edges under the pad.

It worked! the treble was reduced a small amount and the treble on those tracks where not as bad as before. It still sounded ok, i dont think the other frequencies where effected. I tried the thicker foam and it seemed to have a stronger effect of lowering treble. I tried using both the thin and the thick and i think it took it down some more but a tiny bit. But the treble is still a little bit too much.

Next i tried some EVA foam Sheets 1mm. found here:

This is very thin material and i cant see through it like the Sennhieser foam. but its filtered the treble high frequencies a lot! The Sennhieser foam had a small effect. But i can hear the effect these have right away. Problem is it sounds like its effecting the other frequencies too. It worked in Grove is in the heart. the percussion no longer effects me. and the rest of the frequencies sounded good. but i’m getting a veil on other songs. Thing is its easy to pull the foam out for the songs that arent effected and put them in for the ones that are.

Ok so next i tried some Felt 1 mm thick found here:

This material is a little thicker than the EVA and i can see through it. unlike the EVA. And it worked like gang busters! It took down the treble on grove is in the heart and did not sound veiled as the EVA foam. I think we have the winner. music sounds great in it and no piecing treble. Other frequencies dont seem to be effected.

Unbelievable still sounds a little high though. so i put in the thick sennhieser foam on top of the felt and that seemed to work for that song.

I also noticed the sibilance is not as bad as before also.

I felt a little like Goldilocks trying these different filters. but it was educational. tempted to try some toilet paper next but the quality of the toilet paper i have is questionable since corona


Ok this is weird. i dont know if its me or if something is going on with my Helios or setup but those songs sound fine now without any filters. weird.

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that’s happened to me before lol. i don’t know if it’s just that sometimes you are more treble sensitive than others or what but there have been times that i put on the foam or something because a headphone is too sibilant but then i take them off and even tho there is a sound difference there is no sibilance lol

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Well this all happened within a couple of hours. I doubt my senses would have been effected so quickly. Also theres a big difference between treble that bothers you cause its too high. and treble that just hits the right amount. Thats one of the many things that blew me away about this headphone. Its bright but it doesnt bother me. like a lot of other bright headphones. still i wish it wasnt sibilant. sometimes its sibiliant

But yeah something happened here. very weird. next time i’ll try rebooting everything when i have treble issues with the Helios. could just be a system thing. maybe its the computer or the DAC or something

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Another 2 cents worth…


This made me laugh harder than it should have. I believe you’re thinking of Milli Vanilli. :rofl:

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