šŸ”¶ HarmonicDyne Helios

If you have any nasal congestion or sinus pressure, perhaps from allergies, it could have an impact. You might temporarily be sensitive to things that you are usually fine with.

Take some sudo and youā€™ll be rocking your favorite pair in no time.


Nah! Duran Duran did too. Look it up


Dis place tryin to silence me wit flags. Wont be silenced! Ummm ummmm

Back to my response


Can we just skip to the part where you come out as being a second account created by Ant?


Iā€™m not a troll. i like to joke around but i got better taste than that

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Listening to Midnight Oil tonight on these. sounds really good

hmmm i donā€™t know about that lol. i can think of many times that u trolled and then admitted you were using your weird sense of humor. i can appreciate that, from one troll to another lol

Well i thought it was trolling turns out it was just joking around :smiley:

see, i knew i was watching too much Monty Python. But i couldnt stop :flushed:

Iā€™ve been pondering lately about the way this headphone reproduces treble. I posted some thoughts in right here in the Beyerdynamic Tygr thread

Another 2 cents worthā€¦

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Hes says the vocals sound nasal. thats ridiculous. I heard no nasal like quality to the vocals. they sound fine. He goes on about the treble sounding metallic. but ignores how well done the treble is. He just sounds like another frequency nerd who wants nothing but natural neutral laidback sound but thats not what the Helios is. Its a fun/exciting headphone. He says the Helios doesnā€™t sound ā€œcorrectā€ to him lol

He tries to compare it to a modified 58x. He couldnā€™t even keep from modifying his 58x! But thats a ridiculous thing to do since their both such different headphones. he even references Jeremy Clarkson at the end of his review. I cant recommend this reviewer

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I recon youā€™ll see more people buying these with their Linsoul vouchers to try them.

Overall reaction to these from a VARIETY of reviewers seem to be largely underwhelming.

If that be the case we could see a few for small :dollar: on the used market then?

Hopefullyā€¦ Iā€™ll try these one day. Need to put my curiosity to rest.

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Those guys are just nerds. And look at the used market, you cant find any for sale. Ive had the best headphones around and these have blown me away. trust me these headphones are greatness

Has anyone tried these with different pads? Iā€™m considering getting audeze pads for mine when they arrive since I know Zeos said that it increases soundstage. Also how wide is the soundstage? I know theyā€™re supposed to be more intimate but Iā€™m not the biggest fan of how close my hd650s sound, so are they close like them, or a bit wider than them?

I havenā€™t tried this, but might now. Thicker pads do generally widen the stage a bit, but also change the sound because thereā€™s more room for the sound to bounce around in. The other consideration is that angled pads like the LCDs generally are intended to position a flat driver more at an angle to give a more natural directionality to the sound. Since the Helios already have angled drivers, using an angled pad could push the angle a bit. I have some Dekoni LCD Suedeā€™s Iā€™ll try later and report back.

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Thanks, Iā€™d like to try out different pads and see what they do to them, but if thereā€™s no point in me spending Ā£40+ then I might as well spend that money elsewhere :sweat_smile: I know the ones Z used were zmf ori pads, but they seem to be relatively similar to lcd micro suede ones

Or all the reviewer listens to is Bob Dylan and Tom Pettyā€¦ then everything would actually sound nasal.

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It sounds very open. Its hard to describe cause its so different from any headphone ive heard. I recently listened to all my headphones again. like 18 of them in one evening lol. and when i got to the Helios at the end the difference was so prominent.

The problem with some people feeling that closed in sound with the sennhieserā€™s is its veil. to me the closeness of its soundstage combined with that veil did make it sound more claustrophobic.

But headphones like the Helios and the Aiva and their treble just sound awesome with the closer soundstage.

But again the Helios is different with how open and big it sounds. even with the closer soundstage it still sounds very open