šŸ”¶ Beyerdynamic TYGR 300 R

thats up to the listener to decide there are many with better hearing than us here that would definitely not enjoy them

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I never bothered to look but how much is it to transfer? Anytime I have ordered from like DHL it was like an extra $20 or so and that was from japan or china.

ajapan and china over here I never get hit by customs. anything from the US hurts hard though I just spent a $100 CAD to clear a pair of shoes over the border thank god shipping was free and I got the shoes for a really good price. so i ended up paying retail

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That sounds very annoying lol.

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very much so there is th occasional time where they dont give a shit. but anything worth more than a $150 CAD Im fucked

Well that pretty much goes for every headphone lol. But I think pretty much anyone can pick up a Helios and enjoy them. Whether their the perfect headphone for them is another matter. but if people are here reading a Beyer thread they are gonna like treble lol.

As ive said before and reviewers have noted, the treble on this just hits a level that gives you a full amount of it right to the limit. but just under painful. its wonderful for people who love treble. Its like they tuned the treble on the driver surgically. its, for a better word, perfect.

But Its one of the remarkable things about the Helios. The excellent way it produces treble. Ive had a lot of headphones. ive had headphones that give too much treble so that its painful and you cant turn up the volume (DT880). and headphones that give too little and end up sounding a little dark. Ive found the treble on the Helios remarkable. ive never heard treble like it on another headphone.

Iā€™m very curious about the treble on the TYGR. If it hits the limit of treble perfectly for me as the Helios.

Theres 3 remarkable things about the Helios

1 Its Treble
2 Its detail for a 180$ headphone
3 Its big speaker like presentation.

I hear the same thing about the Tygr and im eager to hear it

You should really give them a try Rice. i think your skepticism of them would really disappear once you heard its sound.

few things here. One look into changing to dekoni elite velour as a possibility, Two pop the pads plastic disc off and put a piece of 4-ply toilet paper that you seperated into pieces and cut into properly sized circles then put back together with the toiler paper being underneath the foam, Three use an amp that fixes that treble and reigns it in more. Magically the treble problem should be fixed like magic

Debateable, lotā€™s of people use the forum who have never tried a beyer let alone a bright headphone venture towards a dt 880 because it is said to be more towards a neutral headphone sound while still maintaining a bright signature also said to be great for competitive gaming. Everyone has very different tastes in treble.

reviewed this one, trebles fine and dialed back. Fairly balanced not very peaky.

Like I said Iā€™ve never been skeptic about the sound of you know me you will know Iā€™m the type to find the good I every headphone I donā€™t actively look for flaws I try to find where they can fit in my collection. Iā€™m not trying to find the perfect pair. I would ha e tried them by now off a friend but rona ainā€™t .along that possible.

I will also say Iā€™m skeptical about anything people say is waaay better than their price. Like you Iā€™ve tried many headphones as well and as someone who focuses a lot on budget gear Iā€™ve tried alot of products where people say it beats a lot and most of the time to my ears it ends up being false.


I mean, for the record I find the tygr worth more primarily due to itā€™s imaging and soundstage. I wouldnā€™t go as far to say something crazy as this is better than elex or dt 1990 though. Helios on the other hand are getting quite the amount of hate. Just looked up its frequency. That is definitely a bright treble

compare it to a 990ā€™s frequency chart they are quirte similar except the 990 has better bass extension.

Compared to the helios?

yeah the 990 has a slightly more v shaped signature though but both have the midbass and treble hump

the treble is different though the helios has more lower treble focus while the 990 is pretty neutral up tille mid to higher treble. which is what a lot of asian gear tends to do is an emphasis on the upper mids to lower treble often resulting in shouty sounding mids and treble

To emphasise female vocals a bit like the Final A8000ā€™s do.


Not enough! They still make toys for them! People are celebrating our alien brainwashers and overlords! LOL

Thatā€™s fairly interesting. Agreed on the 990s treble too. I went and placed dampeners on my dt 990 I went and picked back up. Works beautifully. Now has my dekoni elite velours on it, 3 ply toilet paper behind the foam on the driver, and a filter on itā€™s cable. Dropped that treble like a brick sounds good but I might remove the filter on the cable or the 3 ply.

This is a sound that bugs the hell out of me and what I was getting from my hifiman 400i on the mids heavy aggression very shouty to my ears. I canā€™t stand it and if I pick up a headphone with that I instantly toss it lmao just something I learned about my sound tastes. If the helios is like this whatsoever I will definitely pass on it.

Mass genocide, kill them all. Therapy be damned. lmfao

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Thank you for posting this review! I was curious how they compared to the X2HR and the DT990s. I see a lot of talk about the 880s, so itā€™s nice to see a broader range of comparisons. This review may have me buying these to replace my SuperLux HD668Bs for my gaming headset.

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In terms of bass they are very similar but tygr has more body and warmth less treble in comparison. DT 990 is just that very sparkly ethereal like high frequency itā€™s lovely but not for everyone.

Ah those superlux, those are more of a balanced detailed and natural sounding headphone, surprisingly good for their pricepoint. A step up from there that is similar, considering the pricepoint, would be the Sennheisers lineup such as those in the 500 series, and maybe the 600 or 660 S. I do believe the tygrs are absolute fantastic for their price in casual gaming just not the greatest for competitive whatsoever as they have far too much bass and not enough treble to make competitive cue cards sing appropriately like a dt880 would