Can’t seem to access it
works for me. did you do something to get ip banned?
But I was glad he might be dead. There are too many Head -Fi guys here, which I personally don’t like.

better than reddit
Nope just went to look and got the above…no sleep lost just wondered
No problems for me either.
Strange as I’ve not posted too much lately and certainly nothing combative so I guess it’s someone on here that has issues with me posting there? or what else again not bothered but just confused.
On my end I tried it in incognito (not logged in) and it still works.
And also tried doing that with my VPN set to the US.
In your case it looks like the site doesnt even load at all, so it cant be that you gotten banned from them since it would need you to log in (and access the site first).
clear your cookies n cache…for Head-Fi at least.
Should be able to use incognito to check first, if that works then yeah clear the cookies/cache.
Can’t access it at all either with iPhone or MacBook Pro so can’t log out etc but no worries pretty sure I can live without it
If you open an incognito page in the browser, it will open every site in it completely fresh without cookies/cache (not logged in!).
Tried on the missus phone, just the same and she’s not on Head-Fi
Weird ISP block maybe? Could try to use a VPN to another country. (Proton VPN has a free version and is the best free one.)
Maybe but truly I’m not that bothered I was just curious
Are there mods you could email outside of Head-fi to just ask “why?”
if you have cellular data, disconnect from your WiFi and see if that changes anything?
Still the same.
I don’t think they have mods? and even if they do I can’t log on to ask them
disable cellular data and see if it works on WiFi?