I am looking for a pair of headphones for £400 ($480) that are actually obtainable in the uk. I was looking into the Fostex TR-X00 Purplehearts but uk shipping is only available currently when going for the EU version, that would add another $110 to the price tag, this was not the same a few days ago. I would like other recommendations on both open and closed headphones, with removable cables being a must and decent build quality would also be appreciated.
I’ve heard beyerdynamics are decently priced there. The dt1990 is a very detailed headphone, albeit a bit bright, but definitely worth a look. You also might want to check out the hifiman sundara.
If you want something similar to the fostex, the Denon D5200 might be something you could find used for a decent price.
The Sennheiser hd660s is also a great headphone around that price range
I have never been a fan of beyerdynamic or a bright sound signature, so that sadly crosses that off the list, i like the look of the Denon’s though, but unfortunately they are quite expensive. I am interested in the 660s though, how do they stack up against the hd600?
The 660s are a better all rounder imo then the 600s, and have a lot better imaging and soundstage. They are not as neutral, but have similar detail, and actually have usable subbass. Build is great and almost identical to the 6 series.
Edit: overall more “fun” then the 600 and 650, but not as sweet mids
I have found a local audio shop to visit so i will probably try them out before i buy them, but so far they seem like the best option for me personally, thank you…
The 660s are a better all rounder imo then the 600s, and have a lot better imaging and soundstage. They are not as neutral, but have similar detail, and actually have usable subbass. Build is great and almost identical to the 6 series.
Edit: overall more “fun” then the 600 and 650, but not as sweet mids
^^^ This x2 plus I like the mids too when tubed
You could look at the theiaudio phantoms on amazon Thieaudio Phantom Planar Magnetic Open Back Over-Ear Headphones https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07TSHN9SS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_cP9xDbZAB5QCF, but you’ll be investing in what is essentially a prototype. They said they will be coming with an “improved” version at “some point”. For me, no planar comes close to the potential they offer in the midfi roundup. They are without a doubt the best. But I will prefefise by saying that I really hate the sundara, which is it’s most competitive competition. If you dont then I wouldn’t bother with the phantom for now.
the HD660s are definitely amongst the very best Sennheiser has to offer, with only a big jump in price to get into the HD8xx family to do better.
that said do try planar magnetic headphones out, they’re wicked awesome!
I like the idea of those but after learning that a mod is necessary for them to get to their fullest potential, i was kind of turned off about them; the build also looks a little flimsy, like lower end beyerdynamics. But if i don’t like the 660s i will maybe wait until the improved version, or save for some lcd-2c’s…
The place i am going to visit has some Audeze and Mr Speakers in store, i will definitely try them out, and if i like them, i might just buy some.
The 2c’s have a very agreeable sound profile, warm and unfatiguing. Not the best for “critical analysis” of your music, but there’s not many other concessions to be made if you don’t care for that aspect. You can get them for ander £500 used but on scan they are still at their bass price of £600. There is always the verums and the vokyls which both got rave reviews, but share the same problem as the phantoms, being a level of uncertainty.
What would be the best place to find used headphones then? Ebay has never really worked out for me (at this point it doesn’t let me log in anymore) so are there any specific sites for buying and selling audio equipment? I like the look and reviews of the vokyls, they have a very campfire-audio-packaging type of look to them, but the fact that they are only on kickstarter currently and they are only a new name doesn’t scream reputable company, so i probably won’t go for anything too exotic.
The vokyl’s will be going into commercial production when they are done delivering the 1000 or so models to their backers (including me). It planed to be around December. As for ebay, gumtree and any other used market place. I tend to find the more high end the item being sold, the less likely the owner is to fuck around or be clueless as to what they are selling. This was certainly the case for when I was buying a expensive used road bikes. As you went up in cost, the more information and pictures were taken detailing the item, as well as more receptive to any questions I had. Sellers are out to scam only the most clueless individuals and most sellers know those people are not trying to by very particular and niche audio products (unless we talking about the audio products that are a scams by them selves, but that’s a different topic all together). Also, looking at more specialist markets like av exchange forums on places like reddit, headfi, or super best audio friends will have people that are generally far more reliable, but it might be harder to find what your looking for especially in the uk.
Sorry, I didn’t answer your second question. You want to find somewhere you can easily return it to. So either somewhere local or just by amazon since its completely free. In fact, if you can afford it, I’ve always tried to buy 2 or 3 of the headphones I like the most, then use the 30 days to find out which one I ultimately prefer the most, then just return the rest. It saves me having to travel to a demo room every time (especially without a car).
Maybe a used pair/open box of Quad Era-1’s? I believe they’re fairly well received in the UK.
Mrspeakers have really excellent build quality and comfort, but can sound kinda dynamically compressed, but still something to look into. A used aeon flow closed can be around your price range perhaps
The quads are nice as well. Good build, focused sound, and pretty comfy
They’re basically the same as the Brainwavz Alara which retailed for £319…
Good to know! I keep forgetting about the Alara’s. I need to test drive these in the near future.
I think currently, the 660s are my best bet without demo-ing any, thank you for all your recomendations though and i will take them into my considerations…