đŸ”¶ Hifiman Edition XS

Yeah - we’re gonna wait for updates from @esaroyan60 before we start banging down doors. But we will be heard, surely. I hope they rectify this and not make us do that - they sound like fair folks to me, this could be a backstab for them too, maybe they’re not in on it.

But we’ll see how this unfolds first. @esaroyan60 do update us. We’re standing by.

i mean i’m sure they didn’t do it on purpose, but this kind of thing happens ordering from aliexpress and taobao all the time. could have also been stolen in transit. either way, somebody has to answer for it.

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Yes, someone will have to answer for it and set it right indeed.

Greatly appreciate the responses.

DHL is refusing to take any responsibility and doesn’t care that we have ten (10!) [empty] packages of theirs that will never be delivered. One of the DHL contacts on the phone simply stopped responding for about 4 minutes. Was never angry with her and simply asked her how she thinks we should proceed and she finally responded saying she could transfer us to another person; when she did, it simply sent me back to the main menu.

Separately, my wife has been looking at every tracking number (DHL & USPS) of every empty trashed envelope stuffed in our box and a pattern has emerged: all packages have a DHL Global tracking status of “EN ROUTE TO DHL ECOMMERCE” last updated on 12/15 and a USPS tracking status of “SHIPPING LABEL CREATED, USPS AWAITING ITEM” last updated on 12/11. I have no idea if any of the other products were from HiFiGo but I’m guessing they are not. We are now trying to locate an email address for the recipients to inform them of the situation and let them know they won’t be receiving their packages. I have also reached outo HiFiGo via email and chat but haven’t heard back. I’ll try the Discord too.


Well if the package was stuffed with other DHL deliveries, then it happened while under DHLs watch so they ARE responsible. Get angry, get loud, and get your way. Yelling at companies is surprisingly effective as is demanding to speak to someone higher up than them. If they’re in the wrong, it’s their job to put up with you being pissed off. It isn’t fun, but they gotta know they fucked up. Hifigo most likely isn’t at fault but they should be able to give input and possibly back up your order to the shipping company.

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Get the SP200. It’s not the most inspired or flavourful amp, but it pushed my Sundaras like mother fuckers very much to my satisfaction. You’ll get about 6W SE into the XS of clean power. I don’t think you’ll do much better for $140. I haven’t heard Toppings new offerings, but if you’re just looking for a super powerful SE amp using tech that was highly (and still sort of is, but less so ) only a couple years ago, it’s hard to beat. I sold mine a while ago, but if for some reason my G111 doesn’t sound good with them I might just buy it again. I was looking at the Schiit Asgard, but that’s $110 more dollars.

I see Hifiman is now selling these in the US via eBay. It is being sold directly by Hifiman. Ships from IL in the US or from china. 30 day return policy, 1 year replacement. $499 shipped.


Also direct from Hifiman in the US. Also $499.


They also have their page on the .com website:

also seem available from their Amazon for us:

and their store online:
Edition XS

Officially priced 100USD less than Ananda.


I’m so stoked that they’re on Amazon. That’s just about as easy as it gets. Sucks that there’s no $400 introductory price in the U.S. like the was on launch in China.

@Falenkor you can probably get them now risk free faster than I can get you a pair lol. Up to you.

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Will there be advantages in replacing my amp from liquid spark to SP200? anyone using the SP200 with the Edition XS?

the sp200 has about double the power which makes for more control and also has quite a bit more dynamic range and lower noise. there will definitely be advantages, but to get that extra power you’ll also need to drop your DAC volume. the sp200 is dead neutral and the spark has a little flavor to it so there is a sonic difference in just sound as well, though which one you’d like more depends on your taste. i actually like the liquid spark a lot, but it isn’t a power house.

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Considering its from hifiman directly just selling on amazon as a platform? No, hifiman has tried to smack me with that 10% restock fee for shipping stuff back to them a few times for just the box itself being slightly banged up(despite it just being due to poor packing and handling of the shipping provider). It’s due to this I don’t deal with them first hand whatsoever less I am buying brand new primarily due to the warranty involved since hifiman love to have quality control problems. Appreciate the headsup though.

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There’s also the matter of the holidays now - New Year’s here.
I guess sadly this will take some time to sort out.

We all wish this is as quick as possible though.

This is from Hifiman, I have three Hifiman headphones, from different sellers (all from China) and they all came with that sticker in the corner of the outer box. This is my Edition XS outer box, which was within a plastic shipping envelope. The others looked exactly the same and had that same sticker in the corner.

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If you have issues with stability or it being loose. I got this tip from Disastermouse on Head-Fi: Dekoni Nuggets. Now much more secure on my head.


You sign for receipt of the parcel and not the state of the contents, if the courier won’t let you open and inspect the package before signing then they better provide an Xray facility otherwise they can have it f*cking back :+1:

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That sucks man, that’s why I’ve been moaning about not buying them from China(well I was thinking more about them arriving broken), but yeah happened to me with some anker headphones and then a speaker, the mail company stole them, if you used paypal it’s an easy claim at least but even any credit card company should take your side on this one tbh

Also still not on my local amazon T.T, not like I have money after christmas tho.

Sure, and this really looks like some DHL or USPS internal theft and he should not be liable for it. Just clarifying that all Hifiman headphones ship in that outer box with that sticker and seal, the sellers get them sealed like that from Hifiman. It’s not a HifiGo thing, it’s a Hifiman thing.

From the hole and the DHL labels stuck in the box, I’d suspect this happened after the package got to the US, and it’s a DHL or USPS employee. I think this is a US logistics issue, not related to China. This sort of postal/courier theft seems to be pretty common in the US, at least there are frequent reports of it. Either way, OP didn’t get it, so not his problem.

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I knew it! HiFiMan is using the same playbook as it did with the HE-400se: Release it first in China only to great popularity and then push it out to the world.

Great news! Thanks for the find, OP!

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Thank you–good to know. Our bank has refunded the money as the claim is pursued, HiFiGo has been very responsive, and my next step is to contact USPS. I’m hoping their involvement will light a fire under DHL’s ass as it’s becoming even clearer that this specific DHL location (Whittier, CA) has a history of bad behavior. From other similar experiences that I’ve found online, I’m hoping that we can make enough noise to prompt an investigation. Otherwise, I would advise those in the US to avoid DHL shipping right now with as much from China that flows through LA.

I should also add that whoever did this is good enough to have passed all of the weight checks along the way. The tracking confirms the shipped weight from HiFiGo (1.8 kg) was carried through to delivery even though what I received was hardly 0.4 kg.