šŸ”¶ Hifiman HE6SE

I never heard of this XS before. In any case i got the HE6se used for an excellent price exactly from one of the people who found it to be underwhelming, i want to improve my chain as much as i can to make the most of the HE6 but if i donā€™t get 100% that is fine, i already think it sounds great driven by the Modius + 789 stack.

I also got the 789 used for a good price, i am making incremental steps to see where i can get and all my other cans will benefit from that.

I still feel like there may be a better amp under $1000 for me though

@Resolution has a HE6se with a Topping stack like yours and he loves it, i bet it sounds great specially if you like a more analytical sound vs a coloured one.

Itā€™s not so much a colored vs uncolored thing with the he6 though, itā€™s more of a control thing and the a90 absolutely does not have enough low end control to let the he6 shine. Soloist vs a90 is laughable in terms of control in that the a90 has seemingly none by comparison. That being said, I still would recommend something with a touch of warmth with the he6 being that is a bit clinical in itā€™s tuning but if you like that I still think the a90 doesnā€™t do it justice. The reason people rant about the power requirements is that having too much power can always have the volume attenuated but keep the control that the power provides. With that control the sense of space skyrockets as does bass both in authority and capability to dig deeper into the sub bass. All this being said, if you have a D90, an i2s input like a douk U2 pro will drastically improve bass clarity when your pushing your amp hard when it starts to struggle and that added clarity will give the impression of more punch as well which comes from a more precise input and I just canā€™t stress enough that it isnā€™t subtle.

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Well i donā€™t think i will ever invest the necessary amount of money to hear the HE6ā€™s full potential then, but what makes me doubt that the difference can be so big is the fact that it already sounds better than all the other sets i have ever listened to even with a Modius + 789 stack. That difference would probably take the HE6 (a $599 set) to a Susvara / 1266 territory, just hard to believeā€¦

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With hard to drive headphones control is all you need to make them shine. I would assume the susvara and 1266 would sound mediocre on a zen DAC but most people that own them have nice source chains and I feel itā€™s worth mentioning that the he6 is very much an $1800 headphone despite the adorama price break. If youā€™re ever in Washington Iā€™d be more than happy to let you a/b them on different chains and see for yourself. I personally almost got rid of the he6 when all I had was a 789 but kept them around for the sole purpose of using them as a power and control test bench and one day I struck gold after taking advice from @M0N and they came alive like I never thought possible. Also worth mentioning that there are people out there with susvaras and he6s that prefer the he6 due to itā€™s macro dynamics once driven well. Iā€™ve said it before and Iā€™ll say it again, the he6 sounds very good on most chains but nothing spectacular and once you find something that works well with them you realize why they were a TOTL headphone for 20 years. Theyā€™re the single pickiest headphones Iā€™ve heard in my life and I wouldnā€™t recommend them to anyone not willing to accept that as their caveat.


Okay, my HE6SE arrived today. Iā€™m powering it off an Aiyima A07 speaker amp, which definitely sounds punchier and clearer with these than my JDS Atom.

The stock pads were a touch bright for me (not unpleasant, just not my preference). Iā€™m rocking some Dekoni Fenestrated Sheepskin pads for Beyerdynamic now and the tonal balance is much more to my liking.

Itā€™s still really early, but unlike a lot of meme-worthy setups, I donā€™t immediately feel disappointed by HE6SE + Speaker Amp :slight_smile:


The A07 was my speaker amp starting point with rolling opamps and it can be pretty decent especially with a decent power supply. Donā€™t be afraid to dive into it and do some very slight and very easy mods! Opamps drastically increase clarity and a nice power supply pushes that noise floor down quite a bit over the stock power supply.


If you would consider used amps, you could get a hell of an amp for under $1K.

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I think you might get more out of the XS with that chain.
Of course I am talking out of my ass in that I have never heard the XS. But I have been reading good stuff on a few forums about them.
And apparently they are easier to drive. And cheaper. Since they arenā€™t sold in North America I bet they would be Very easy to flip if you werenā€™t happy with them.


I have no problem with used gear, i am actually trying to buy an used Cayin IHA6, not sure if that one would be a worthy step up from the 789 though.

Anyone here tested the HE6 with the Cayin? Apparently that high current mode is good for theseā€¦

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Iā€™m happy to say that so far I have not noticed a noise floor, so perhaps the power supply i got is clean enough for my needs.

Hi, Thanks for the feedback, I actually own the M1570 which I got a good a deal on them as a open box from Monoprice, so for now I am happy with them. I am actually considering a used Focal Elex for the collection, being hearing good things about those headphones.

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They are a nice headphone. I just sold mine about two weeks ago.

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Well that Cayin certainly has a lot more power. I would guess it would be a noticeable improvement.

Kleiberā€™s rendition of Beethovenā€™s 7th is sublime on this setup. Itā€™s cliche, but I can distinctly hear every part of the orchestra, but without it sounding clinically dissected. Timbre isnā€™t as perfect as a Sennheiser, but woodwinds, horns and strings all sound distinctly like themselves and different from each other, so itā€™s good enough. Low strings are clear and detailed and well placed in the mix. I can hear the attack and tone of the tympanies, and feel the rumble-the bass control and extension are phenomenal, all without being elevated or intrusive.

Iā€™m often dubious about claims of technical superiority outside of tuning differences, and I heard a certain YouTuber mention that the HE6SE sounds an awful lot like the HE4XX. Superficially that is true, as theyā€™re tuned really similarly (outside of the bass extension), but on my speaker amp the HE6SE performs in a completely different league.

Dynamics - in the quietest passages itā€™s delicate yet still clear thanks to a clean black background. Then when things get loud, it hits like a freight train. I had to check my SPL meter a few times to make sure I wasnā€™t just listening too loud, but in the very loudest passage it only hit 87dB SPL(A), which is really not bad on highly dynamic orchestral music like this

Tactility - irrespective of pitch, thereā€™s a palpable physical tactility to the attack of instruments that Iā€™ve only ever heard on one other headphone, the LCD2C. But unlike the Audeze, the HE6SE achieves this without a weird tuning.

Separation - whether quiet or loud, everything stays well separated and clear.

Detail - yup, thereā€™s lots of detail, including the occasional errant noise from a bow hitting a music stand. The cool thing is that the detail doesnā€™t sound exaggerated or in my face, itā€™s just kind of there for the taking.

So yeah, first impressions are positive indeed.


Iā€™m currently on topping d30 pro and a3o Pro. I like what Iā€™m hearing but I know theyā€™ll flair better if I upgrade my amp. Will it be an improvement if I match it with A07? Seems like a decent budget speaker amp. If so, how can I hook the cans to speaker amps?

i feel like any gain in control youā€™d gain from getting more power, youā€™d lose in detail from the worse amp topology having significantly less dynamic range. i guess for the price itā€™d be worth trying out to see how you like the increase in power and you could do like i did and use it as an opamp flavor tester to see what you like and buy accordingly down the line once you find your sound. thatā€™s how i wound up with a soloist, by opamp rolling until i found the v6 vivids and had to hear the real deal.

Iā€™ve head that when you install the jumpers on singxer sa1 makes a big difference with the he6. just another thought for ppl still looking for a amp

I built a cable like this. You can also buy them from custom cable makers.

Regarding dynamic range on the Aiyima amp-I have no powerful high end headphone amps to compare it with, but Iā€™m very happy with the dynamic range of the combo compared to other headphones that are well powered by my Atom.

So I just simply start from low volume? Any other precaution to take to avoid blowing up my cans when I hook them to speaker amps?

An afterthought, I do have an existing speaker amp for my karaoke setup! Perhaps I can try on that before deciding if I should get the Aiyima A07!