šŸ”¶ Hifiman HE6SE

Sorry to hear! Hopefully you can do a quick swap.

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Adorama is pretty damn good at making things right. Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll take care of you.

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Yep they shipped the replacement immediately, arriving tomorrow


They sound great, much better than before lol


I got the ripoff hybrid headband, holding off swapping for now since I donā€™t wanna take the driver out of the shell to swap the mounts, seems solid quality though, I also got some extra pad mounts that Iā€™m trying to get some zmf pads onā€¦ either gonna have to do some gluing or cutting

So, you have to take the drivers out to swap the headband?

If the mount is different yes (pop the driver out tap out the mounts and put new ones in)

you should be able to unscrew the pieces and just reuse the stock screw in the same way as the stock headband.

Holes on the ripoff are too small to use stock mounts

Also different shapes entirely (stock 3/4 of a circle, ripoff full circle with a little bit sticking out)

Hey guys, i got myself a pair of HE6se from Adorama and i currently have an Asgard 3 which is clearly not sufficient for these.

I have purchased a Drop 789 used which will be here soon hoping the extra power will be sufficient but i am reading mixed reviews about this pairing, some say the 789 is just not enough and some say they are great if you use high gain and lower your source volume.

So my question is, will i still be losing a lot by using the 789? There is a Emotiva A-100 for sale right now for $200, maybe that is a better amp?

Btw, it is worth mentioning that i am a bit of a basshead so after i EQ i will need to use a negative preamp, not sure how many dBs yet, maybe up to -10dB (donā€™t judge me, lol).

Also, have any of you guys tested the HE6 with the Cayin IHA6? It is supposed to be a good option if you use the high current mode.

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as of right now I donā€™t have anything more powerful than the 789 so canā€™t say if itā€™s holding the 6seā€™s back or not but I can max out my 789 at medium gainā€¦ pretty power hungry lol, also I contacted flux labs about their FA-12S which should have a bit more power than a 789 and they said it wouldnā€™t power the 6se properly so waiting for my FA-10 now lol

Just received the 789!

Yep it is more capable than the Asgard 3 and it will probably be sufficient for people who donā€™t use a -10dB preamp, but for me it is barely ok on high gain with the volume maxed out :frowning:

I doubt the Jot2 will do it for me as well since it has roughly the same power as the 789, what is the next step up? I am trying to not spend a lot of money on this, hahaha

Actually let me re-phrase, which would be the cheapest amp i can get that would make the HE6 really slam?

Tough to do it cheap. My Violectric V220 canā€™t drive them. My Liquid Platinum gets them loud, but they donā€™t sound special.

The previous iFi Pro iCAN was very pricey, but I got it for half price used. It will still likely cost you at least $1K used though. It also powers the T60 Argons very nicely.
Both of them only require mid gain.

And the bass boost and 3D effects just make you want to run every headphone though them for fun.

I honestly prefer a few sets of my headphones through my Vio and LP amps, but the iCAN is kind of a catch-all. And a nice addition to any system, if you can swing it.

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First and foremost pads. Pads pads pads. If it has the hifiman name and comes with pad rings installed on them, they suck for bass. Iā€™ve pad rolled easily 50 different pads on them and only a couple sound right. 115mm AliExpress leathers are decent, Brainwavz XL micro suede gaming pads are decent. Dekoni leathers are ok but part of the benefit from the other pads is you get noticeably more soundstage which IMO is somewhat lacking in the HE6. Grills can also extend the bass lower.

The reason I was suggesting the V6 vivid opamps was because theyā€™re a v shaped opamp and it is significantly better at boosting bass than EQ.

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Cool, i have already removed the grills.

Which pad you think helps with bass slam the most without compromising on the rest of the presentation? I already have extra mounting rings.

I want to say the brainwavz xl gaming pads. The foam is kinda dense and the cooling gel seems to be that extra bit of seal and dense material and both together keep a lot of bass in but the AliExpress 115mm leathers are thicker but compress a lot more and wind up accomplishing basically the same thing once theyā€™ve squished down with clamp force. If you donā€™t care about soundstage, the dekoni leathers are really good too but too small for my ears and they get pretty hot quick.

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I guess I shouldā€™ve mentioned I run my 6se balanced lol, with 11/11 coming up Iā€™m looking at replacing my 789 but I didnā€™t see much with significantly more power right now Iā€™m thinking the A90 though

what dac are you using? cause i find i hard to believe that even -10 db would make it not enough volume i cant even get to 50% volume with the jot2. 35-40%ish volume is plenty for me. im just wondering if its low signal voltage thingā€¦

if you really want slam you need a class A amp or atleast a class A bias amp to get that punch and weight your looking for.


I am using a Schiit Magnius and now with balanced cables from the dac to the amp the volume is pretty ok even with -10dB.

But i still miss the slam and weight everyone talks about.

I would like to find an amp under $1000 that can deliver that, if such amp does not exist i will probably settle for this one.

I will probably switch dacs though, the 789 + Modius stack looks horrible! lol