🔶 Hifiman HE6SE

How did you place the nuggets?

did u mod the sa 1 amp to unlesh it?

I haven’t yet, but I’m sure I will try it eventually.

I will simply put two at the top fairly close together.

thanks for all the replies I’m thinking SA1 or one of the flux amps atm

Honestly I’m undecided what I wanna do also… I was wondering has anyone tried the V2 with Schiit Ragnarok 2?

It seems like if you add the EmailPrice=T param to the adorama URL, it shows the sale price but if I just search for the item I get the full price. It let me check out with the sale price. Does anyone know if they will honor it? Or if the shipping time will be long?

i remember m0n saying it wasn’t a very impressive amp especially for the money when i asked him about it and i’d trust him.

@CTOXmas what amp(s) do you have right now?

they will definitely honor it

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hell yeah, I’ve got a soloist 3x as well. looking forward to hearing how they sound


then you are in for a treat. lots of people get the grills at some point and i’d recommend them but pads. oh my god pads make these headphones really something special. for whatever reason people don’t like cannibalizing the pad rings out of the stock pads but you can also buy them directly from hifiman for $10 and then start pad rolling. i personally hate the stock pads, they just aren’t comfortable at all for me personally and don’t have enough bass or stage size.

that sounds enticing to me, I have a set of LCD-2s so I’m used to big cushy pads. Do you have any recommendations?

mainly using 789 and a ifi zen can

I’m currently torn between the cheap leather aliexpress 115mm pads and brainwavz XL micro suede gaming pads. The leathers are super cushy and comfortable but don’t quite store as much impact as the brainwavz. Both are pretty similar in sound and comfort but I think I’d pick the brainwavz XL. ZMF leathers are another good one but they don’t quite stretch the stage as much as the brainwavz XL or the aliexpress 115mm leathers.

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i’d look for a used mid range amp that you could swap some burson v6 vivids into and see how you like the flavor. they really need some bass boost to help them out but EQ doesn’t quite do it right by itself. maybe someone can chime in about the a30pro that’s tried it (i never did when i had one for a brief period) but i think you may be able to opamp swap the a30 pro and it has decent power, low noise, and even though it’s pretty bland as is, an opamp swap would wake it right up if it’s an option.

depending on your dac you might be able to swap opamps into that as well. forgot to add that.

Anyone use these with JLH amp?

I just ordered dekoni elite leather. Lookin forward to change I think. According to what others say it does to the sound. it should put a bit of flavor back in the headphones.

I’m currently running harmonicdyne helios pads and its a smooth bass filled experience comfort up x2

Welp mine have a bad driver

The left one was fine, looks like this: left — ImgBB
but the right ear was sort of stuck to the magnets: right-bad — ImgBB

It sounded kind of wonky and now I know why. The driver played music at first, and then just totally stopped making any sound. Guess I’ll be exchanging these.