🔶 Hifiman HE6SE

Did you not think about going with a thinner cover like a nylon, or do you think the OEM is fine?

OEM one was fine. I’ve tried other stuff, both thicker and thinner and the thicker ones weren’t great but the OEM ones and thinner all worked just fine. I still just run mine open and they go in a drop bag I had lying around whenever I walk away from them for very long.

I used some Dekoni tuning foam (thinnest one)

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I am trying to purchase a custom cable … Anybody know how the 3.5mm’s are wired. So far I have found some off hand Tip is positive, ring is not used/connected. sleeve is negative. I do not have an ohm meter handy to check the continuity of my cables


any dual 3.5mm should work… out of the 5 I had they all worked and my Hart audio cable is great as well


Anyone try these on a Vidar? I see someone has one up on buy/sell.

i have and it’s ok but nothing special. never really grabbed me as an incredible synergy.

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You definitely can DIY the grill! U just have to buy the material and cut it out yourself…


They look amazing! Great job!


that looks clean is that brass?

It’s aluminum to save a bit of weight not much but the cans are heavy enough and every bit counts… The light from the keyboard was reflecting off the surface of the grill giving it that color I believe! I was thinking about polishing the aluminum to a mirror shine but I worry it would make it look cheap!

curious what amps people are using to drive these

Adcom GFA- 555 II

(with speaker taps and Schiit Sys for volume control)

For me, it is the iFi Pro iCAN. A perfect partnership made in music heaven!


Singxer Sa1 here—very pleased with the pairing.

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Burson Soloist 3XP

Akitika gt-102


Violectric HPA-V281 mostly, the best pairing of amps I own. The Adcom GFA555II @XyleFBB mentions works decently (tho not desk friendly, lol). The stunner to me was how well my Cayin HA-1Amk2 tube amp drives it. Wow! I knew that amp was a brute but I was shocked it handled the HE6 so well.

To my ear Asgard 3 and Monolith Liquid Platinum, 2 amps I have very high opinions of, had noticeable dips in the FR with HE6 and lacked treble control, making them sharp and sibilant.

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burson soloist 3x in high gain bypass mode and parasound a21+