🔶 Hifiman HE6SE

Think I’m gonna pick up a jot 2 I have a THX AAA amp right now but it’s gonna be too much clean I already know…

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The Jot will certainly do better than the THX AAA.

i’d look into an a30 pro with a pair of burson v6 vivid duals swapped into it. lots of power, clean, and the right sound (after the opamp swap) for the he6.

Have you done that? Sounds interesting

I’ve swapped them into a couple topping amps and it’s what they need. Which one or ones you need to change out in the a30 pro, I’m not sure, but I bet it’s easy. Would probably need flexible dip8 extenders to make it fit but that’s $5

If you actually ever want to SEE a Jot 2 amp, better try to get one from the used market. I have been waiting going on a month and a half now for even a word from these people and nothing. I’m starting to think it’s never going to come now. Just sayin, if you do order get ready for a very long wait…

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Their current backorder is 6-8 weeks so you’re just at the start of the expected lead time. My experience was that you hear nothing from them unless you make contact.

I’m not making excuses for them, either. I ended up canceling a Modius/Magnius order earlier in the year before they started posting long backorder times.

Oh I reached out. The excuse I got was because I had the audacity to order a Black one and not a Silver one I will wait the 6-8 week minimum and like it. I wasn’t real impressed with that answer but decided to try and wait it out given the component shortage etc. However, I have already passed on 3 different alternate amps trying to be patient. I’ll give it till the end of October and will most likely cancel the order on 11/01 if I don’t hear anything more. Which we all knw I won’t. So I’ll be shopping for a different amp I suppose. Pretty lame, if you ask me.

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I hear you. In my case I think it was for the best. I ended up purchasing a D90 and A90 from a forum user.


got my HE6se’s right before the sale ended was wondering if anyone found other headband replacements than the hifiman hybrid headband/Audeze headband? I found something on ebay that looks like a ripoff hifiman hybrid but says it only supports the 1000 series

I am just going to use a few Dekoni Nuggets.

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I just used the deerskin strap from Modhouse and connect with black felt zip ties. Was intended to be a stop gap but really didn’t need anything else.


honeycomb grill mod complete I ordered the ripoff hybrid headband on ebay should be here by next month.
Goodness these are so good sounding why does the build have to be garbage lol


Will you post a link for the headband … I planned on modifying the hifiman band you can get on Adorama for the 560v2 … its 40 bucks. I looked, but couldnt find the ebay headband.

Found it

Did you cut that honeycomb grill yourself, or did you purchase them? Wondering if it is a DIY thing I can pull off.

I’ve heard of people doing it themselves but I just ordered mine from Ebay @MrAyrit

I was thinking of trying the 560V2 headband as well but last I looked it was out of stock

What did you put behind the grill to keep the dust out?

The mesh that comes on the stock grill comes right off and some craft glue is all it takes to stick it on the honeycomb grills.