🔶 Hifiman HE6SE

I am curious about the grill idea. I might try taking them off next week and look for differences.

The grill thing comes down to a couple factors. Soundstage goes up but not drastically, tames high frequency resonance but not by much and a byproduct of that is the mids seem a touch fuller. Bass detail is where I think it makes the most difference. It makes the bass clarity quite a bit better. There was a guy that definitively proved that the steel grills were actually effecting the frequency response because of how strong the magnets pull on high powered sources. I’ve heard people say they don’t like what the grills do but they were also on pretty weak amps.

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I will just start by removing mine for a day and see what I notice.

summarize it pretty well. It can’t be a mid monster because its lower mid dip and upper mid focus

I spent the entire day listening to these headphones and was Very impressed! These are amazing.

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Happy birthday buddy :partying_face: glad to hear you’re enjoying the :musical_score: on that set :+1:


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Happy Burfday!


Happy Birthday, @ShaneD . Glad to hear you are enjoying the new cans.


Thank you and I have them back on this morning. I am really enjoying them. Hope I still feel like this in a few weeks. :grin:

Sounds to me like you will. I didn’t know you had an iFi Pro iCAN. What a dude! That’s a serious piece. Congrats, and happy listening.

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I picked it up used as that was the only way I could afford it. And it was still the most expensive head-fi purchase I ever made. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

It is GREAT with the HE6se V2’s, M1570’s and T60 Argons.


What are your thoughts on the m1570 vs the he6se on the ifi? It was a long time ago that I tried the m1570 and I was on way lower tier sources and was fairly unimpressed but I feel like it could have some of the same benefits the he6 gets from the step up source wise and im curious about them all over again lol.

The Pro iCan absolutely transforms the M1570’s. It is like listening to speakers.
I really am anxious to A-B the two next week.
I will spend probably the whole weekend listening to this set-up. Then I will do some quick A-B’ing among the amps. Then, Monday or Tuesday, I want to A-B the M1570’s and even the Focal Elex’s. All three headphones have, IMO, a very full and well rounded sound. I may not need to keep all three?

Fun week ahead! :headphones:


So, hypothetically, if someone were to buy a speaker amp for these headphones, what would be a good recommendation that isn’t toooo expensive? Hypothetically… for a friend…

Also, would it work to take two 3.5mm aux cables and chop the ends off and attach a banana plug to hook them up to said speaker? Again, for a friend…

In theory, yes (but have a good outboard preamp for volume control). But, it will be difficult as most pre-maid aux cables have maybe one or 2 conductor strands per channel and will be tough to solder too. You’re probably best off buying a 4-pin female XLR connector and connecting 2 runs of speaker cable to that, and then using a balanced headphone cable. But you MUST used balanced here, not SE.

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So I spent over $30k trying different speaker amps and they all pretty much sucked and @M0N suggested a few to me and one was the parasound a21+ and it floored me compared to all the rest. Now, that being said, after getting the super charger for the soloist I think I might prefer the soloist more now but before the super charger I might have preferred the a21+. In my situation (very old house and old wiring and using the he6se in high gain in power amp mode, volume attenuated by a passive preamp) the difference was absolutely massive. Like I’ve seen some people’s reviews say it’s a subtle change but I’m guessing they weren’t using extremely demanding headphones in maximum power output mode. And for what it’s worth, I’ve also tried pretty much every single headphone amp under $1000 as well on them and not one sounded anywhere near worth using on the he6 in my opinion. Just my two cents.


I am a very novice audio enthusiast … just want to put that out there. I found an amazing deal on a Burson Soloist / Composer stack, just bought the HE6SE’s

I have tried the HE6SE on a Marantz SR7015 and on a Burson Soloist / Composer stack … no super charger.

The HE6SE sounds better on the Soloist … by far. Little bit punchier in the Bass on the Marantz, but everything else suffers.

On the Burson stack. Using the Dac for volume control and the amp on high gain volume bypass mode … it’s LOUD at 35 on the volume knob (0 - 99). If I switch the volume control to the amp. Same LOUD at around 55. My subjective “sounds better” is using the DAC to control volume.

The Soloist radiates more heat than my home theater receiver … I may purchase a kilawatt power meter to just see how many angry pixies this thing demands from the grid

and my hat is off to Pokrog for sharing his experience on the arduous journey to find the best amp.

I am incredibly amazed at how shitty a Zen Dac v2 sounds compared to the composer (as a source, still using the soloist or marantz receiver as an amp). This stack has absolutely expanded my horizons.


I think they have great slam and impact, with the right amp. But they are Not a basshead’s wet dream. I think it is a really well rounded, full sound. And the clarity seems to be getting better every day. But of course this depends on the music.

Hacked together a 3.5 aux cable with some speaker wire I had to try these on my HT receiver. Definitely the best I’ve heard them (tried on the Jot2, g111, and mt604). Space opened way up, and they became softer in the mids and treble. Bass now has significant impact. It’s quite pleasing.

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