šŸ”¶ HiFiMan Sundara

Agree sundara is not made for portable even if it is rated as easy drivable but their not. To get bass body and speed you need really big amout of power. Donā€™t know if 6 wats is really necesarry but with my 3 w they really sounds much better than with portable dacs less than 1 w. Not saying about phones. Possbly with 6w they sound even better only i never tryed them with so much power but it is really possible. Planars from hifiman likes quality amp powerr :slight_smile: yeah they will never be boomy beats or some sony or jbl type of bass but it is miles better in quality than such shitty bass headed headphones. If only want more real bass not boom box type. But we all like sundara with good amp so who says they dont have bass ir only meams they not driving them good IMO

Wouldnā€™t be able to tell you if 6 vs 3 makes a difference.
Jumped straight from 0.6 to 6 xD

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Hi all, I am waiting on my Hifiman Sundara package to come in the mail.

In the meantime I donā€™t have an amp, and have been bingeing on review videos for the past couple of days.

Iā€™ve arrived at the Xduoo xp-2 pro, these will drive the Sundaras well right, or is there something else around the same price I should get?


@Rebeltr0users Do consider the Asgard 3 for Sundara. Love mine, the extra
power really brings them to life and provides great Depth.

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Iā€™m pretty happy running the Sundara through the BTR5 balanced, which can output more power.
Also, it sounds great on my Schiit Hel, as well as a Magni 3+ / Loki combo (to boost that bass just a tad).

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I wouldnā€™t consider it. Itā€™ll sound fine but youā€™ll find the bass lacking when you feed it only 300mW.

As stated multiple times throughout this thread, to sound their best Sundaraā€™s need power. You gotta feed them those electrons to shake loose that big planar enough to produce bass. It will run off anything, including the headphone jack of your iphone 4sā€¦ But itā€™ll only sound good when you allow it to suck power

Thanks for the advice so far. So if I can get the Xduoo xp-2 pro (Bluetooth) at 300mw for the same price as the Xduoo XD-05 basic (not Bluetooth as standard) at 500mw that would make more sense?

Iā€™m on my third pair of sundaras now :smiley:

first (old pads) I sold because I didnā€™t think they were worth the money (I sold them too quickly!)
second, I wanted to get back to them and they came with one driver dead

Now, the third pair (new pads) - everything is cool and dandy, exceptā€¦ when putting it on my head, on the right side I hear ā€œsqueakingā€, like the right earpad is not made too well and it has some air in it and some small hole that when air passes through it, it makes funny soundā€¦ eh

anyway, I bought another set of pads and will change to them when these break or that sound is not stopping (I think it gets less noticeable with each time).

Just wanted to say, QC issues are real, I would put them, build quality wise pretty low, but I came to like its sound.

Yeah I am also on my second pair already. Mine weā€™re fine but the had channel imbalance after I droped them once. Not very sturdy. But if you can get them from a good dealer (I got mine replaced for free) Iā€™d get them again every time because they are so unique in their sound.

I had a similar situation. first pair had some weird left driver flaw, the second was scratched up to hell, as if someone took a screw driver to them. Third pair was the charm, though! They look and sound great! I wonder why quality control is an issue for them

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Dunno but it definitely stopped my money being handed out to them when considering ananda :frowning:

I think driving them mobile will always be a compromise.
Looking on this threat most people who truly ā€˜loveā€™ their Sundaraā€™s are driving them with around 3 Watts. SH-9, 789, A90, lots of Jotunheims,ā€¦

Again. You wonā€™t be unhappy at 0,3 watts. Youā€™ll get 95% of the mids, 99% of the highs and 100% of the open airy feeling of the Sundaraā€™s, nevermind the comfy pads (at least I like 'em). Youā€™ll just miss likeā€¦ 40% of the bass

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Iā€™m looking to upgrade from my X2HRs. Would the Sundara be the best step up in this price range? Iā€™m hoping to find more detail and I donā€™t mind losing some soundstage.

Whatā€™s best depends, probably is the best planar in that price range if you are looking for a ā€œnaturalā€ sounding planar. More information about what kind of sound and headphone you are looking for will help.

Thatā€™s the upgrade path I chose. I havenā€™t been disappointed.


Do you want a neutral sounding headphone? Yes? Proceed.
Do you have a place you can buy them at that will easily replace them if somethign is up (mine are perfect but I heard for some QC is an issure)? Yes? Proceed.
Do you like or want to try out planars? Yes? Proceed.
Do you have the power to drive them? Yes? Proceed.
Is your budget limited to below 500~600$/ā‚¬? Yes? Then these sound like the headponies for you!

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I donā€™t own anything made by Hifiman but I have heard too many stories (including from many people in this forum) that I am too afraid to buy used or from a place with no good returns policy, no matter how good a deal it seems to be.

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Loud minority.
Then again I never buy anything over ā‚¬50 from a place with bad return policies. Even from the most reputable brands

looking for a sidegrade, love these headphones but iā€™ve had them for a year and could do with a new set to compliment
beyer treble hurts so avoiding the dt 1990s unless thereā€™s nothing suitable
have a k5 pro, only real amp iā€™ve had so if changing to a zen can with true bass on would be a good enough change at anybodyā€™s suggestion might try that too
might try the he400i 2020 or the se 2021 heard itā€™s similiar with more bass and at half the price if i donā€™t like it itā€™d make a decent gift
any recs?

Iā€™m considering an HD650 or Meze 99 Classic for my next pair.

Both are very not-Sundara like so I could have very differing experiences switching headphones

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