He said she’s really cute.
Well yeah, I also vetoed a very ugly lamp she’s wanted. It’s not like actually telling someone they can’t have it, but you’re not buying something the other person hates when it’s sitting front and center in the living room.
I haven’t, but I’ll take a look! And maybe a wider media center is a good idea to look into as well.
Edit: @OldKingTuna welcome to the forum btw!
Fair enough @Martward I probably should have kept the comment to myself. After a painful marriage and still frustrated with myself for living with relationship woes I thought/was taught were acceptable, sometimes my concern for others overwhelms my ability to leave them to their lives. Hope you find a solution that works and gets the most from your system
Try the, “i thought you me card”.
That’s what got me the speakers in the first place . She’s one of those people thinks the ones build in the TV are more than enough, I guess nobody’s perfect.
@Corwin I get what you’re saying, I know someone who was in a marriage like that. Believe me, my girlfriend puts up with a lot of stuff, she even offered to pay half even though she doesn’t want them. Hope you are doing better for yourself!
We probably could joke all day with the WAF.
But. The angle on the floor will not give as much, what a stand and good locations might give.
It’s a compromise. If the sound would be 4, then you would have 4.2 with angles. Small change.
Hopefully someday the stands will “suddenly” appear out of nowhere and the lady won’t even notice. Who knows. Some manage to get away with many things before anyone ever notices. lol
“Gift from her mom” or other devious plan.
What about some of those wooden pot stands?
IMO most speaker stands look kind of not inline with modern decor lol
They ALWAYS notice…
Won’t such stands be way too light and shake?
Nah the problem isn’t the stands, it’s that the speakers themselves are very much in eyesight if they are on stands.
Stick a pad under for traction only speaker that try to walk on me are miccas from their vinyl wrap is my guess.
You could get one of those that have three sections and you could put your speakers in the middle, so she can camo them with other plants. And if you get them to match your speakers, then they shouldn’t pop out as much. I don’t know if that’s a great idea, but it’s an idea.
They probably will sound better if you can angle them up a bit so they direct the sound more ear level, as long as you don’t have something between them and you that blocks the sound.
I’d test it out by placing a book or something under the front before ordering a stand to angle them, test if you hear a difference.
Or some really cool/pretty acoustically transparent cloth to drape over the speakers… Something nice looking or maybe artsy looking? Lots of interesting solutions when you think about it. I am thinking of pure silk sheets or something to hang over my speakers when not using them (dust and dog hair preventative).
Lingerie for speakers is better than hats for bats !
Yes! I live alone anyway… I’m sure my dog won’t care… Great idea!
Furry speaker covers, someone is going to push a million units.
Youre welcome.
Dangnabbit! Money making idea for Pinterest! Something like this only larger with holes for the speakers. Customized to any furry you like
Little trap door in the back for the cables. The belly area can be speaker cover material. Kinda only half joking, even come out with a seasonal line. Mr and mrs santa speaker covers.
Come out with a “seasonal line” LOL. So awesome lol