đŸ”¶ iBASSO IT00 Single Graphene DD

Yes most good cables have lower impedance. Also just wondering, most multimeters when measuring cables will sit at around the 1 ohm or a bit more mark since they typically aren’t good at measuring lower than that, so generally I would say that something in the 1.5 ohm range could come down to the multimeter not being able to accurately measure the lower real impedance (but it depends on the quality of the tool you are using to measure). But since you have the faaeal cable coming in at .16 ohms you prob have a decent ohmmeter

Pretty much, either for the good or bad lol


Wondering how well these would run as a permanent ’ bluetooth’ headset using a kz Bluetooth set?

They appear easy to drive?

Thinking of them as a run/gym set.

pretty low impedance (16) and high sensitivity (106) would suggest that it is easy to drive.

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Outstanding iems for the price!!
Much prefer signature to Starfields (which still have a place)

I’ll try them on my desk amp with balnced cable.

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Nice, glad you like it. But wow did you get it in 1 day???

Yeah, love Amazon
expecting it tomorrow
they surprised me too

Would these benefit from balanced?

I say most iems do, it “wakes” them up but that is because the balanced port on the amp is almost always better (have more output power) than the SE port.

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That would depend on how the amp manufacturer prioritised their output/s, if your amp has a balanced out then its probably prudent to use it, however if your amp only has a se out this can be as good as a balanced one a’la iFi iDSD Micro and Hugo 2.

I have the Topping A50 which has the balanced 2.5mm. Picked up the whole stick specifically for the tin p1

I think in relation to balanced, I keep thinking of it as if I’m ‘overclocking’ the iem like on a PC, that I’m somehow causing it to degrade the iem by feeding them more power.

Is that my faulty logic at work?

BTW, what should I be listening out for if there is a ‘channel imbalance’ ?

Music you know well should show this up straight away.

The IT00’s are very easy to drive compared to the P1’s, the only thing I can see being a possible problem is hiss?..if not then no problem, the IT00’s can go loud without distortion :loud_sound::loud_sound::+1:

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Loved them, but right side went skewed on me yesterday.
Lasted just over a month.
Thankfully an Amazon purchase, so return will be painless.

What happened ? No sound at all or channel imbalance?

Channel imbalance. There was sound, but distant in comparison to left side. Made sure with different cables and sources etc

Good set, enjoyed the tuning.
Guess just QC

I have p1 and starfields to cover me till my Lz a7 turns up.

oh, the A7 will make you forget about the rest of your iems lol. :+1:

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Looking forward to them.

still a solid and enjoyable set and it’s still working ok :+1:

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I got these just about when they were first released, but I also got a few other things in at the same time so I didn’t give these much time. The last week ive been exclusively using these and it’s been a very enjoyable set.

I was thinking about stepping up to a higher tier of iem in the near future, but honestly the sound of these and the fit is making be reconsider that for the time being. Sound is nice and balanced to my ears, and they are so small and light that I forget they are in my ears. Great set for the price.

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Also, scrolling up a bit I noticed a little bit of talk about the stock cable. FWIW I’ve been using the IT00 with a PW Audio No.10 cable. Seems silly I know, but I have it here so why not use it. I don’t believe I ever tried the stock cable but maybe I will do that to see if I notice any difference.

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Well he pretty much agreed with me on this set?..

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