IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

Some rave reviews of CCA CRA! Start to wonder if this was also secretly tuned… Or KZ/CCA have really figured out how to tune! Maybe DQ6 X HBB will use the DD from CRA :wink: @hawaiibadboy

Thinking of getting the Fiio FH9.
Do you feel it is way too much bass oriented?

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New planar from Shuoer

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Is it me or are we getting a lot of planar IEMs lately?

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A couple of us already bit the bullet on them, the early graph suggests that its very similar in tuning to the 7hz Timeless, although it’s a different driver (14.8mm vs 14.2mm) and a different housing. A rep from @shuoer confirmed that it is indeed a tuning that is essentially the final production version.

@fabiokelm We sure are!


I think the S12 will have better soundstage or holographic presentation than the Timeless. That’s my prediction lol


Hard to tell until we get them, but I’m assuming that it’ll be similar enough to a timeless in a more comfortable form-factor with maybe some additional staging changes due to the larger driver.

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I’m hopeful, the vent just needs to be as useful as possible, and Shuoer does have a good track record of proper venting :crossed_fingers:

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If that’s the case, it’s game over. If they manage to do a timeless with ej vodoo magic…



Yeah, I have high expectations!

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It has bass, but I wouldn’t say it has a terrible amount of bass. For my taste it had ok subbass and too much midbass, but I dislike midbass more than most.

Still I think considering the price, you can probably find something better value. In my subjective opinion: The 220$ Timeless (or 120/150$ Shuoer S12 probably too) destroys the FH9, but of course it is all about preference… but still… you can get one of the popular cheap tribrids or join @nymz tea cult and save some money.

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Do you mean the 7Hz Timeless planar?

yes, exactly that one. The S12 supposedly has the same tuning and driver all while being cheaper.

I’m kinda lost on this conversation, but the answer will always be Mangird Tea.


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Thanx, I am actually a happy FH3 user looking for something maybe more punchy and refined without paying too much for that.

Has anyone heard the Reecho SG-03?

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It had some early hype, but I haven’t heard much about the Tin T3 Plus.

How are people enjoying this IEM?

It was getting compared to the Mele and Aria on YouTube reviews, mostly because of the price point ( the Aria and T3+ both are about the same price ), but I am curious what folks think.

I also think HBB directly compared to the the Oxygen and Hanna v2, which is what the graphs look like, which was is amazing given the relative prices of those three sets.,Tinhifi_T3_Plus,Tanchjim_Hana_V2,Tanchjim_Oxygen

It’s horrible, no bass presence, much elevated upper mids. I don’t know maybe my unit was broken or my ear is not formed for this iem. When I kept pushing it deeper in my ear canal the sound was actually ok.
Gifted it to a random family member on christmas.

Dan’s channel has uploaded demo comparisons for
T3+, OH10, Mele and Aria this week.

And he also seems to love the T3+.

Michael Bruce from short bus on the other hand tho,
says T3+ driver is crap and not rec’ed them.


Thanks, I watched that video after work, and decided to pull the trigger. I think it was just another point of confirmation for what I was looking for. I tend to agree with his take on the Mele and Aria, two sets I own, which made his take on the T3+ very credible.

EDIT - They already fulfilled the T3+ order this morning. I am still waiting on the KZ CRN that I ordered 8 days earlier, so that is fun.