IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

Wow the BL-07 graph is smooth


Here’s a physical look at the LETSHUOER S12 unboxing, better than just the promo shots lol


Thanks for the ping, and shout out to our photographer Eva who has done a banging job for the vid and modeling for the IEM.


Looks better than in pics, but either the model has small hands or the set is huge :slight_smile: but hey it’s almost 15mm driver inside

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I like the color and industrial design of the S12. The tuning looks impressive! :fire: :boom: :metal: :fire:

Arrived in 5 days. Impressed with Linsoul on this.
Here burning them in on an M11.
First impression: Lovely bass depth, controlled highs, good midrange presentation.


MRS shared his first impressions of Yume Midnight! No listening impressions yet, so hopefully other reviewers will start posting vids soon

Just finished my Moondrop Nekocake review yesterday with all EQ impression and graph. Took a while

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I got my Tin T3+ today, and they are pretty good, here are my initial impressions.

  • The sound is basically a more energetic Mele. It dropped a tiny bit bass and gained better cymbal strikes. They are similar, and the Mele is less fatiguing, but this will appeal to people who like more sparkle.
  • The acrylic shell looks great. For people that had condensation issues on the Mele this might be an alternative that may not have that issue.
  • The stock cable is meh, better than the Aria, worse than the Mele.
  • It came with three kinds of ear tips, two silicon and one foam.
  • I am not sure about the comfort on them, which is probably a bad sign. They sat better in my ears after I changed the tips to final e, which made it sit further out.

I was surprised we don’t have a thread for this IEM, I have a feeling this one will be pretty popular. It hasn’t gotten a ton of reviewer traction, but it has a great sound profile, and I am betting it will be an easy recommendation for people next year. Tin has more reach than Tripowin, so it will be easier for people to find.


I said that, then checked again on YouTube and it has taken over the top under $100 for zpolt and Dan’s Audio Reviews. Gizaudio said it was a close call with the Aria, which said only wins due to the detail, and he preferred the signature of the T3+. The Honest Audiophile really liked it. AudioLevels said it comes down to if you like bass or neutral signature.

HBB did as well, even saying that he really liked the tuning more than any Tin IEM he had heard, and that it was very similar to the Mele, joking that it didn’t come in blue ( he reviewed it right after blue Mele was announced at Thanksgiving ).

I think these must have just started shipping to non-reviewers around the holidays.


Sound was really good but I sold mine because it was hurting my ears after half an hour.

Another plus is that it’s good for FPS gaming. I liked the 3D staging while playing CS:GO.

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It isn’t that bad for me, but it definitely isn’t comfortable either.

I think it is that weird bump / saddle thing in the middle, which makes me think I could fill that in with putty and it might be more comfy. Or try a double flange ear tip, to push the case out from my ear further to test that.

The other thing might be the total width. It measures 23.3mm across, which is the widest set I have currently. I am finding that as IEMs try to get bigger, they are starting to get bigger than the space I have available in my ears.


Impressions/Review of the T3+ by the Shortbus legend himself.


did you notice his homebuilt was in a Mele shell ?

I find it interesting he bashed on it without really saying why, just that he didn’t like the driver.

The T3+ really is a brighter more energetic Mele in a less comfortable acrylic shell.

Received the Quarks and holy crap you were all 100% on the money! incredible for $13, I was not expecting that lol so I am gonna order a couple more for friends and family :sweat_smile:


Quarks are possibly the best go to work/kick around IEM’s that can be bought.


To be fair, his homebuilt prototype was just using the Mele shell but with an Oxygen driver, so it’s not saying that T3+ was bashed in relation to Mele per se.

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I didn’t know the history on his homebuilt, so that is useful.

I am sure if I were comparing the driver from a $270 set to one from a $70 set, the cheaper one would look bad by comparison.

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Here: Start from 3:00


So I figured out the hotspot on the T3+ for me, and was able to put a piece of foam on the case to fix it and now I am really enjoying that set. That concha saddle was just a bit deep for my ear, and it extends up quite a bit, and nearly touches my antihelix. If your outer ear is small, this is going to be an issue.

The more I listen to the T3, the more I like how it how it handles rock instruments. Percussion instruments are done really well on it, the extra treble energy really translate well for cymbals. It also does great with guitars, which is why I listen to rock in the first place, so I am really pleased with it. I won’t call it great, but it is pretty good for the money.