IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

I would but due to KZ’s fuck up back then with all of the crinacle and HBB fiasco about their IEMs not having the exact drivers as advertised (it is exact but the drivers are glued, rendering it not working.) I don’t see myself getting a KZ IEM anymore.

Also it’s not helping them much if their tuning is still the same old freaking V-shape, which I am not mich of a fan of, a new tuning could bring a new phase for them.

Only the hbb set was plagued with the glue problem. For the zex pro, the issue was the magnetostat didn’t produce sound in hearable levels; this issue may not be real, since it seems that another brand did it and that’s how it’s supposed to work :man_shrugging:

But kz seems to be learning: they only make single DD since the events, and their new iems appear to have different sound Sig.

Glad at least that they are learning from their mistakes, also I heard that their latest release of IEMs the flagship one, I forgot the name of it, is apparently a very good one.

Good on them, but yeah it might take a while for some people to regain the trust that they have lost.

To be honest I like KZ ZEX PRO/CRN and use it everyday. Mostly for meetings etc as it has in-line mic, but in some scenarios even for music. I don’t find it terrible or bad at all - I think it sounds really good - especially for given price. I don’t know which drivers do contribute to that, but in the end - do I even care?

I mean it’s not really concerning if you like the product, but what is concerning is that when companies don’t tell the full story, like every detail that should be transparent to every customer, because it is our right and we must practice it.

If we don’t have that type of awareness, otherwise greedy companies regardless if it’s in the audio industry or not, will take advantage of us and we need to make responses on how we counteract this, in order to set a message straight.

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If you buy a car with a turbo and is advertised as a “turbo engines car” but the turbo isn’t doing anything except from turning in the void, would you care?

I still have my zex pro too, but I don’t listen to it : the big wing is very uncomfortable for me, and the sound doesn’t move me. It is… Meh to my ears

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The case is that the KZ situation was not resolved truly in my opinion. I think that even the original founder of this “non-contributing” drivers is now not so sure whether this was right that they did not do anything.
Because the case was not that the drivers were not connected, it was the fact that their impact on FR was very minor. And this is not something very unusual for EST drivers in general. There were cases of evident quality failures where the driver sound passage was blocked by glue/resin, but that is different story of bad QC.

KZ failed miserably not explaining properly what was the case, but I think we as a community put a judgement way too early on that company.

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here is some more clarification from Delta Fyre - the man where the originator of that whole story. But that for some reason did not hit the headlines :slight_smile:


This is pretty good…max. difference at 20 Hz is below 1 dB.


Thanks brother :pray:


Nice design! And is the box really wooden?!

Hoping some reviewers pick up Oriolus Szalayi. First batch of buyers have received their set according to Head Fi, but we need someone to graph the beast!

Don’t quote me on that but I think HBB bought it.


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First impressions of some big names:
(Not the first time hearing OG Tea, but a over a year has passed so might as well be)
(My original Canons back, so not the first time for them either.)

EJ07M resin:

  • Imaging really is shockingly good, a major plus
  • Sub bass quantity is good buy texture very disappointing, really indistinct. This is followed by a mid-bass cut so that all the excellent imaged and portioned mids and highs is sort of floating high above a haze.
  • I wouldn’t notice the sub-bass being somewhat blurry if there was a better mid-bass bridge. It’s like a landscape with the broad hazy strokes of the background, skipping the areas of intermediate detail, and then hopping straight to the pinpoint precise renditions of figures in the foreground.
  • I’ll say this for each of these. It’s a fantastic set. I’ve been listening to sets I really like for some time, and finding my personal nitpicks with them. I’m sort of jumping to the nitpicks of these new-to-me sets too.
  • I’ve been using with Spinfit-something, whatever the longish ones that go on very wide nozzles are (and would fall off any nozzle that isn’t a chonker). I can’t recall their name-by-numbers title for it right now.
  • I sometimes expect a bit more bite from the upper range of vocals. I’ve volume crept on this set several times when it comes to vocals, especially male.

Xenns UP

  • I’ll need to give these longer, as they’re spiritually the closes to what I’m coming from (the Serial).
  • As I’ve mentioned elsewhere, I don’t find the bass overwhelming or remotely bleedy at all.
  • It runs the risk of sounding a little too smooth and subdued overall (will it have enough texture/rasp for classical music?) but it certainly needs more time.
  • Using the starlines they came with atm, interested to maybe try the Yanyin tips on them.

Yanyin Canon

  • I knew these had lost out to the Serials to me before (for personal preferences only, not better/worse) and are a whole different price tier. So I had low expectations trying them on again after having waited so long to listen the the Up and EJ07M and enjoying them. Even expecting little I was impressed. These are absolutely value anomalies. The tuning suits me very well. I started out with 000, found it to have the most bass quantity out of any of these so I switched to 010, but came back to 000 for now.
  • Very well rounded. No EST treble but excellent BA treble, which at some times can sound more natural.
  • Livelier than the above, when it comes to classical strings etc.
  • Sub bass is definitely textured, treasured biocellulose at work. Mid-bass packing a good punch too.
  • I’m not much of a switch-switcher, but given the drastic change they make, I can see messing with them every few weeks making more sense than hopping between completely different IEMs to satisfy varying moods. Plus cost…
  • The fact this performs best on SE from low powered sources is an appealing feature, apart from being more affordable itself as an IEM, that also adds the affordability of not needing to drop money on DAPs etc.

OG Tea

  • I was looking forward to enjoying this more, as my ears have changed in their preferences a fair bit since I last listened to them. I thought I might have grown towards it.
  • Funnily enough the imaging isn’t sticking out to me as a defining feature, compared to EJ07M and to some degree the Canon.
  • Crinacle is the only person I know to consider these outright “wonky”, and I feel inclined to agree though I don’t share his taste in much. As I already said, these are all excellent sets. I can enjoy the Teas a lot, and they are better than a ton of other options especially at the price BUT, certain things really do just seem off to me:
    • In bass drums/notes… I’m going to struggle to describe this right. To be honest I think of musical attributes visually but I doubt that would make sense to others. It feels like a long bass note with a tapered end is given extra bloom and then a muted early finish, like an onion shape. I’ve probably lost you. But the bass notes seem “rounded” in a way that I can’t ignore.
    • The other place that is odd in percussion, is sort of higher middle frequencies like snare hits in a rhythm. They just sound off, or at the very least a little lacking in impact to me.
  • The high frequencies sound really good.
  • Sub-bass quantity is great.

I’ll have to put Serial back into rotation soon for comparison, yet alone the Vortex which I have the chance to EQ enough sub-bass back into now that I have a Qudelix 5K again - although something about that really goes against my grain. Since discovering just how open-backed the Vernus are for sound-leaking, that has ruled them out for me as something I could use commonly due to my circumstances (either in a room with my wife (sound leaking out = bad) or doing dishes/driving (poor isolation = bad). Otherwise they’d be a very interesting comparison pair with the Vortex. A lot going for them, and some of it unique.

This is the biggest moneyhole I’ve ever made for myself, so I’ll have to pick which ones I’m ready to let go of during the next week or so. I do have specific tracks that help exemplify some of the above, but not formally noted I’d have to go back through my recently played tracks… and sadly writing the above might be all I have time for tonight.

I absolutely treasure being a father to my girls, but it doesn’t leave time for much.
My thoughts are with Chris for how he adapts to combining his thorough reviews, with specific examples and comparisons, with fatherhood. :beers:


It sounds to me like you’re describing what would be called attack and decay in music production terms. In this case being the driver characteristics vs the instrument characteristics.

“Attack refers to the beginning buildup of a note. This means how quickly the instrument expresses all of its frequencies and if there are any differences in the onset of harmonics. Decay refers to how long the fundamental frequency and harmonics remain at their peak loudness until they start to disappear.”

I also understand where you’re coming from with “round” sound. Producers nowadays, especially electronic producers, can heavily influence the way a sound is “shaped.” I can’t exactly put it into words but I get it lol.


The aforementioned Spinfits for big nozzles, fitting the Vortex thanks to cores cut out of some solid white F-Audio tips that I had for who knows what reason.

The low end is drastically changed. What’s nuts is how easily these fit into a listening session with all the above names. These are below $250 new, and single DD. This is no ordinary DD. Good grief. Isolation with these tips is great… but I am worried about sound leakage which seems pretty pronounced through the back vent. At the brain end of my ear however these are just stupidly enjoyable and dare I say it impressively technical too.

Edit: looked them up, Spinfit CP155. Sorry for being lazy.


If you ever get the cp240 double flange, they come with nozzle sleeves for smaller nozzles. Works like a charm every time


This. It’s usually what affects timbre the most as well.

Ok, so I have tried other tips for my Airship and so far, the Final E Tips seems to be the only that fits my ears really well, along with the sounds that it delivers (probably a placebo, but it sounds just right balancing out the sounds.) but the downside of it is that it can get a bit oily, therefore there are times that the Airship will just slide off from my ears, a minor con but most of the time it sticks just fine when it’s not oily.

Going to try the Azla Sednaearfit Regular once it arrives, for it might even improve the fit due to its longer stem. Also, if you guys are curious about on what the VIVID edition did to my Airships, in terms of sounds I am getting from it, not really my thing but I will be using it to other IEMs that I have in my collection.