IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

As a bass freak, I’d like hearing your thoughts on how far behind (or close) the KBear Rosefinch is to these big boys. Just as a “trying not to break the bank” option.

If you had to budget your way to one of these pricier sets, how well could it hold you over, is what I wonder?

I don’t have a Rosefinch I’m afraid, or plans to get one. :person_shrugging: I’ll let you know if anything changes.

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Got a pair of Spinfts in from Penon, CP145 small (green stem). A whole different world to the chubbier red/yellow/white (CP100?) Spinfits I’m familiar with. Combining fantastically with the Serial, the bass is very punchy, sub bass still rumbles, but the treble is super clear.

It’s crazy how much treble and clarity is added, this is a really high energy set with these tips, without losing any bass prowess! Mids at least equal to before.

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Did anyone here make it to CanJam SoCal 2022?

It has finally happened, its official now. XBA-N3 and XBA-N1 are discontinued.

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Wore the Maestro Mini on the way into work. Didn’t sound like a silly-bass-levels niche set. Sounded like a warm balanced set with even more bass when even more bass was called for. I love the small shell size too, and with ePro Horn tips the seal/isolation is very solid.

At this point it’s accurate to say I’m reaching for the Serial and the Maestro 50% of the time each, but I’m not only reaching for the Maestro specifically for bassy tracks, just as a different all-rounder.

I love the warmth, and spaciousness too.

The Serial still beats it for value atm, it cost me a decent amount less, and may be more versatile overall, though that’s a distinction I’m finding less and less applicable for my ears.


This really spikes my interest to hear it one day. The graphs just makes you assume it’s in your face bass at all times. I’ll have to keep eye open for a used set eventually.

You keep reminding me why the Penon Serial is the top of wishlist right now.

I am between contracts, so I am not spending much ( OK, I did order the Olina SE ) until I have something lined up.

I finally found an IEM worth settling for until I can afford endgame :star_struck:

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Not on first listen… but I’ve mentally adjusted to it so that even when it’s not the only IEM I’m listening to on rotation, the bass really melds into the full profile. Of course apart from mental burn in there have been eartip changes (and I doubt it matters but for disclosure for those that do, cable changes). Source/gain changes a little bit too.

Your neutral is already warm, that’s why. That graph doesnt lie :joy:

Guilty as charged. I swear it didn’t used to be this way! I’m a an NM2+, SSR, and Tin 2 veteran!

Edit: I still maintain there’s a way of doing warm right - never liked the NA2 or the Orb.


I know I seem like I’m talking out of my ass about this set, but Akros’ review (in terms of how he describes Rosefinch, because I haven’t heard the IEMs he compares it to) is very spot on.

The driver is so malleable (responding to EQ or to modding), that there is definitely a ton of room to play with it.

I’m still waiting for all my IEMs to come in so I can do a big compare, but I’m already willing to say I expect this to be the best driver of all the IEMs I try out.

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Whizzer Easytips SS20 - these don’t fit or sound like any wide bore tips I’ve heard. They just disappear.

Listening to Like Sweetness by Warpaint in the Maestro Mini with them. I’ll have to try them on other IEMs too.

I’ve been trying to avoid shorter eartips with the Meastro given “the gaping maw”. Very odd design choice. I have screens that go as large as 4.8mm diameter that fit the hole exactly (would fit inside it though), my guess (untested) is that 5mm dust screens would be able to sit with their adhesive band right on the thin nozzle wall. I think that would create a protective screen, and probably still need changing occasionally from pulling off with tip changes.

Edit: Gentle and crisp with Feel it all the time by Soccer Mommy, but blazing and feisty with Metric’s False dichotomy

EDIT: Switched to the Serial after a while tomorrow. I think it does get the edge over the Maestro, which did end up sounding a shade too colored after constant listening. I think a factor in my usage is that I’m often listening with high background noise (driving, running water) which cancels out some bass - the Maestro manages to sound warm with all of that going on. The Serial i splenty warm enough in normal listening situations, but in those cases with background noise, some of the warmth is canceled.

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LETSHUOER EJ07 REVIEW - Relaxed Immersion

Ever since I started my IEM journey three years ago I have been longing for a set that will allow me to be fully immersed, and be connected to the musical experience with no distractions and intrusions; a set that would take me on a journey that I would never want to end. Well, after two weeks with the EJ07 it’s safe to say these are that set… although with some nitpicks as well :wink:

Let’s start with the MIDS (listening done at 85db):

The EJ07 has one of the cleanest mid-ranges out there. There is zero bass or treble bleed, allowing for clean separation and clarity; it’s as if I’m staring into a glass river at the start of spring in Canada. The mid-range is neutral, and I can see every detail in the clear waters with zero coloring. There is plenty of detail in the mids, but never artificial through boosting certain frequencies. Vocals are accurate and at a perfect distance being not too far out and also not too close. In Traces of Time by Rainie Yang, the EJ07 does an amazing job separating and layering different instruments from flutes, to pianos, violins, and saxophones. There is zero interruption from any instruments with all of them playing harmoniously together to elevate the overall experience of the music.

Here I’m looking for:

  1. Cymbal crash air and decay starting from 3:11
  2. Clarity of instruments starting from 3:11 as well as any bass bleed
  3. Dynamics and openness of vocals and instruments starting from 3:29 (no muffling or piercing)
  4. Clarity of Piano notes at 3:33, Violin at 3:35, Saxophone at 3:39, Piano notes 3:50

Out of the IEMs I’ve heard the EJ07 and U12T plays this song the best with the difference being that the U12T picks up more detail with better layering, vs the EJ07 having better 3D and scaling. The EJ07’s staging places the music “far-but-not-too-far” giving me a great sense of depth along with equally great width and “around-the-head-feel” when the song dictates. Even though the treble isn’t elevated the 07 still manages to have an expansive soundstage without the downside of having too much air that would affect note-weight and thinning out the sound. And for the cherry on top, the 07 has the best sense of 3D out of any IEM I’ve heard, yes, better than the U12T (although it has a wider stage). I’m not even going to try to get into the technicalities of how that was accomplished, but if anyone is looking to be bombarded by instruments and nuances from almost every angle possible, then this is the set. This is possible thanks to the 07’s precise and fast imaging (attack & decay), which imo, is endgame level just like its mid-range.

TREBLE (listening done at 85db):

As many of you may already know the 07 has a reputation of being a “dark” IEM when it comes to the highs, and I can definitely see where this worry comes from, but imo “dark” is the incorrect term. Yes, the treble is not elevated and doesn’t extend as well as others like the Variations or even the Monarch MK2, but details are still clearly there; it’s just that they don’t stand out, but rather play a supporting role to the mid-range which is the star of the show. To me, the treble (cymbals for example) is a small distance behind all the other instruments, ready to be called upon when it needs to be. This restraint is ideal for longer periods of listening, as well as incredible volume scaling. This style of tuning allows for zero sibilance (even when I keep cranking it up), and also thanks to the great dynamics on the 07.

In Model by Li Rong Hao, I can hear the cymbal details and air clearly, but they’re at the perfect distance that doesn’t 1. Destroy my ears at higher volumes 2. Interrupt or take attention away from the mid-range. Here, I’m looking for energy from cymbal splashes starting from 3:28, and sibilance/air at 3:56 where Li’s vocals and instruments join together. This is another track that has killed many IEMs with elevated and uneven uppermids/treble that the 07 plays perfectly; incredibly immersive with zero sibilance or unevenness that would otherwise create discomfort and ruin the immersion.

On the Strangest Thing by The War On Drugs, the 07 does a fantastic job in instrument separation and layering starting from 3:33; at 4:28, and 5:07 resulting in zero mud. It plays the track beautifully and cleanly, allowing perfect amount of energy for the electric guitars to hit the feels while retaining that incredibly immersion without being sibilant even at high-volume listening.

Overall, the treble elevation on the 07 is perfect for me since I’m sensitive to high frequencies and I also listen at high volumes, but I can definitely see how others would want more extension, especially if they listen at mid-volume. As even and smooth as the dynamics are on 07 are, Treble heads should probably avoid this set :sweat_smile:

BASS (listening done at 85db):

As for nitpicks, here is where it happens. Although the bass is very clean, fast, and separated… I just want more of it. I can pick out the bass textures on tracks where the bass is more emphasized, but most of the time the low-end is too buried for me, especially at mid-volume and for genres like rock and pop. In Time by Hikaru Utada the sub-bass is too soft at times with not enough rumble, but can get more impactful at high higher volumes when I crank it up, which again goes back to the 07’s incredible scalability. Here, I’m looking for:

  1. Impact at 0:19
  2. Bass texture and detail starting from 0:48
  3. Bass/Vocal separation starting from 1:17
  4. Drop at 3:32
  5. Any bass bleed from 4:10 to finish

Again, I don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea, the low-end is very accurate with zero bleed into the mids and is probably perfect for those looking for less low-end energy, BUT my inner basshead wants more of that sub-bass rumble and thump… Starting from 2:25 (U by Kendrick Lamar) Kendrick is cry-rapping in a druken state where the 07 plays it back very safe and accurate as the bottle clanks starting from 3:46. It recreates the timbre and atmosphere of the track naturally and beautifully, but again, a +5db low-shelf at 100hz EQ made the track even better with that sub-bass in the background :stuck_out_tongue:


Compared to the OG TEA the 07 has a similar tuning and I, as well as others, agree that it’s a more-refined version of it: A step up in clarity, staging, separation, dynamics, and timbre. Although for vocals I’d still take the TEAs when it comes to overall immersion and texture; there’s just something about the vocal on the TEAs as if they’re coming out directly from your body, or almost like you’re one with the singer. The overall presentation is definitely more forward on the TEAs, which I prefer more than the 07 sometimes depending on the genre. For example, for ballads and light-rock I reach for the TEAs 100% of the time over anything else, and for rock, alternative, classical it’s the EJs; both are still an incredible set even after all these years. Now, the real question is: Is the 07 worth almost $900 upgrade over the TEAs? Technically, no, but if your library consists of rock, alternative, indie, and classical then yeah… but wait for sales :stuck_out_tongue:

This is an easy recommendation for those who prioritize mids and also listen at louder volumes (as the 07 should be listened at). You should find something else if you listen at mid-volume, like treble, or are looking for a warm/bass set since the 07 is tuned neutrally and needs volume to really shine just like the TEA. Detail wise both the Variations and IE600 will be much better for the price, but in-terms of clarity the 07 holds its own ground; immersion wise the 07 wins hands down no competition.


Although I do think there are drawbacks to the 07’s tuning (loss of micro-detail in the treble), but for what it’s trying to do (mid focused) the 07 hits the homerun and some more. IMO the 07 is one of the best sets when it comes to the overall musical experience and immersion. Its unique tuning, expansive staging, pinpoint 3D imaging, and incredible dynamics invites the listener to keep cranking up that volume knob (with zero harshness) until they’re in a whole different world. The 07 is currently the closest to my ideal endgame, and the cult-following around these are definitely well-deserved. It’s one of the rare sets that perfectly balances immersion and relaxation.

Once again special thanks to @Sonofholhorse for sending these over, and thanks for reading!

Final Ranking: A+

Personal Preference: S

Updated List :sunglasses::


My Fan arrived! Love the stabilized wood on this set more than the one I used to have.
Using with the OS133 cable just because.
And JVC Spiral Dot tips.

First track: Go As a Dream by Caroline Polachek. Crystal clear. Beautiful mids. Controlled but big bass when it arises. Stage is on the larger side. Sound fantastic!

All the coherency and timbre you’d expect of a single driver.

Confines by Black Pumas just came on, sounds great so far. Imaging very well. Super clear and crisp but still warm. Loving it!

Movements by Roots Manuva. This is high quality bass. Very clean, but lots of impact.

EDIT: Absolutely nuts for What do you want from me by Pink Floyd, was great with CCR before that.


Very well written. EJ07 was the last current release on my list I longed to hear. Couldn’t justify the new price though. Luckily I scored one the owner claims to only be a month old for an amazing deal. As an OG Tea lover and fan of darker sets, especially more laid back treble, I’m super excited for it to arrive. I have a hunch based on your review and others they’ll go down as one of my favorite sets. Sitting right there with the OG Tea, OG DM, UP and Mahina. I had owned the U12T for awhile, before I got more versed in the hobby, just something at the end of the day didn’t sit right with me in it’s presentation. Maybe I’ll get a chance to revisit it one day and have a chance of heart. Not in any rush though at it’s price. Especially with the way the ChiFi market is killing it with releases at half or more of the price and the frequency they put them out.


What an absolutely epic write up. Makes me want to go out and find a used pair. :metal:


You won’t regret it :metal:


Some of my everlong favourites on a single post.

Take my :cookie:

I should review ej07 someday lol