IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

Questionable business tactics aside, “Square planar” smells like a lot of marketing spin though.

Kind of like how Drop once marketed a model that they said had a driver that had both planar and dynamic properties.

The MEE Planamic. :slight_smile: I picked it up last year on a heavy discount. Nothing special and needs eq to be decent.


yasss that one. forgot its name. probably the same driver as the one in the meze rai solo

No the picures did not show them looking similar in design. I will say I think the rai solo had a good driver, but bad tuning. That 4k middle finger is just a pain to deal with imo.

they are similar in design. both had moving coil traces weaved into the diaphragm. even if they’re not the same driver, they have the same principle

FR dump. AKG N5005 reference filter, stock tips (orange) vs. Comply T-500

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I’d say they are similar, but the planamic diaphram seems more 1 sided planar like, where the Meze design always illistrated it as more of a standard shape with traces to improve the response. Ie a poor mans planar vs higher end dd etc.

don’t believe everything about renders. the meze render looks more realistic. the drop render looks like a 10th grader did it in powerpoint.


Seeing as 90% of my listening is through the Qudelix, and seeing as I’m running round in circles trying to find the perfect warm IEM… this is my first EQ. Applied to the Serial.

Had them in for the drive home and I like the change so far.


Fair point, I’ll drop it then lol seems interesting on paper at least.

The qudelix EQ is a winner for sure. It’s pretty funny your EQ for the serial is to elevate the low end. You really like a warm iem!!

PEQ is wonderful , Magic 8 Ball Hiby MESB is magical. If you haven’t tried mabey another great venue to get your perfect sound signature.

I have a Hiby R6 Pro and a FiiO M11 (non plus non pro) coming along to compare soon, I’ll give MESB a spin on the R6P!

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The FiiO M11 provided me with one of the most digital, distant and sterile sound signatures I’ve ever heard. Just, disgusting.

And it was $660 when it first launched. :clown_face:

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Oh, so it was you that bought this 200$ R6 PRO from head fi before me? :rage:

Good for you! :slight_smile:

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Looks pretty similar @Mufflertape
Only the bass venting and slight damping difference looks different.

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Blon03 + tuning foam + Moondrop Spring Tips


In context of cost.


Love modded 03.

Still inferior to the N3 but that is discontinued now so rip…


Hey everyone. I’ve tried a decent amount of IEMs, nothing crazy but maybe 10 sets. I came from a very basshead/ v shape mentality but slowly that has been shifting.

I started to gravitate towards more neutral harminish tuning but now I’m finding them a bit too shouty because of the pronounced upper mids.

So I’m starting to grow curious of the sound signature of iems like the dark magician, yanyin moonlight, mangird tea. Mellower pinna gain, less 2 - 4 k, overall flatter FR.

Is there anything in the 100 - 200 range that you all would recommend like that?

Also, is there a general term for that sort of sound signature?

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