IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

Start with Tri x HBB Kai. It’s treble is based on the treble of Dark Magician, it’s sub-$100, bassy warm but balanced, and it’s probably your best bet without actually going up for those expensive sets.

TRN TA1 Max at about $50 is a “try it and get your feet wet” option, also a warmer, thicker option.

Tri Starsea at about $130 is also extremely good (IMO) but doesn’t have the dip in the early treble that the other sets have that. It is not bright, but it’s not mellow either.

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GLHF with that treble.


The S12 treble is close to my upper limit. I can see going for more.

If you equalize at 300hz for the same amount of bass, it’s actually less in the early treble up to 8k than S12. Which is to say, it’s volume dependent.

I wouldn’t play PR1 at moderate-high to high levels. But low volume listening will sound fine. But I don’t think I’d be a good judge because I don’t hear too much past 12k, without excess volume


I do agree with Gobber: the PR1 seems to be a little more v shaped than the s12. It just means the mids will be more recessed. The bass to treble ratio seems to be quite similar with s12.

Is the S12 worth it

What’s everyone’s #1 rec for an all BA set under $150? I’ve never had one and I’d love to just check it off my list.

Olina SE or IKKO Obsidian OH10

I mean those are good picks for sure, but mans asked for an all BA set :joy:


That’d be nice however, the Olina is a DD and the OH10 is a hybrid.

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I was trying to be polite :joy:

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Sorry misread that one Audiosense DT200 would be a good rec


Never had a pair of all-BA under $150 that wasn’t a 1BA, but I know people seemed to really like the Audiosense DT200 for around that price. My favorite 1BA under that price was the KBear F1, but it’s long out of production.

That’s what I’ve figured, there just aren’t that many good multi BA sets under that price I have my eyes on, but I assumed maybe I had missed a few good sets. Thanks for the Rec, man.


All good brother, it happens! I’ll definitely take a look for sure.

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Audiosense DT100 and DT200, sounds pretty close to a DD actually.

GS Audio ST1 if u want a more BA-like sound.


Interesting - I’ll have to check those out for sure. Funny enough, I failed to think of this but my man @nymz hooked me up with a pair of customized ST1s but I haven’t gotten the chance to sit down and really listen to them all that much. Thanks, @Rikudou_Goku :metal:


Honestly I wouldnt bother with BA iems anywhere budget priced. They are just too flawed here. You either sacrifice timbre and/or timbre for tech. Or you have good timbre and tonality but then the tech is bad.

But those 3 I mentioned are the ones I would go for IF you really want to get a BA iem. (I know, we are all addicted to catching them all lol.)


You hit the nail on the head man, lol it’s literally just that itch of actually hearing all the possible configurations. I have sets that hit all of them except an all BA set - but I think I’m going to actually sit down and take out those ST1s @nymz gifted me.

Eventually, in the future I’ll try to either buy or at least demo a high end all BA pair - like the S8 or hell, the U12t if I’m lucky enough. You’re definitely right about the compromises all BA sets have in the price category I’ve referred to, though. It’s unfortunate.


yeah, enjoy them.

DT100/200 should be pretty similar to the Sony IER-M7/M9 though, so if those are in your radar, the DT100/200 might give you a taste of them.

SA6 seems like the best in value to me at least.

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