IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

Keep your eyes on the U3t if you’re looking at 64Audio, early impressions sound like they’ve essentially made a “budget” U6t, which is itself kind of a baby U12t. I have a U6t and it’s the most interesting all-BA I’ve ever had, dynamic and unlike any other I have ever heard.

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It’s tough because they have this very special faceplate and I told my self I wouldn’t use them too much to preserve the look of em - but I think I shall take em out and use them for what they’re intended for.

You got me in that, I completely forgot about those.

Ohhh interesting - any idea on price range?

The custom (A3t) runs a whopping $899, no idea if the universal will run parity with that price or cheaper. I imagine more word will be coming soon. Another player to keep an eye on would be Symphonium Audio; they don’t really do any budget sets, but they’ve been making serious strides in the all-BA market.

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That’s pretty eye watering in terms of price, for me at least. I’ll definitely be on the lookout. Thanks brother

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Worst-case scenario, you could always borrow my U6t at some point if they urge really strikes you.

Well then, I am absolutely flattered good sir - I could never ask you to send out a $1300 set to me, that’s a whole lotta responsibility haha

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Meh, as long as it gets there and I get it back close to how I sent it, it wouldn’t kill me lol. I’ve lent a lot of gear out in this hobby, and I have yet to get burned.

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You’re a brave man, good sir lol well, your set would be in the best hands with me, I’d tell you that. Thanks again for such a kind gesture, brother. If I ever do find the bravery to say “yes” I’ll come find you lol


@Sonofholhorse Bruh $899 for 3 BA… better be some godtier level tuning lol.

@domq422 Ya man, Guy is da man :sunglasses:


That is crazy, but look at the IE900 - one DD for over a Kilobuck - we’re all crazy for being in this hobby :smiling_face_with_tear:


Samsung Galaxy Buds2 Pro Impressions:

  1. Very fun tuning with slight v-shape
  2. Bass is detailed with good texture and treble has good extension (can sound sharp at high volumes on certain songs)
  3. Soundstage has good depth but lacks width; less open and expansive than AirPods Pro 2s. Inside your head staging/cone shaped.
  4. Imaging and separation is also good but slightly behind the AP2, not as precise and cymbals feels light at times and not the clearest.
  5. Vocals and treble are more forward with more bite vs AP2
  6. More exciting vs the AP2 that’s more balanced and laid back
  7. Detail and clarity are similar vs AP2, but treble and bass is more emphasized and takes more of one’s focus.
  8. Some stage echoing (not in the good way) and resolution feels over-sharpened like it’s using a filter; not as refined as the AP2 to me, but again, more exciting.

Next, Sony WF-1000XM4s :eyes:

(sorry for the crooked pictures :laughing: better ones later)


I’ve come to feel that implementation is all that matters; not cost, not driver count or type, just quality parts and tuning. Obviously people can only buy what they are able (or willing) to afford, but the above criteria can be found at every price IMO. Your options just go up with price.


20 minutes with the Sony’s and… oh boy… it’s veiled asf. Muddy, details are recessed, soft, or as fantano would put it:


You’re absolutely correct, brother. I agree - driver count or configuration stops mattering after a while in this hobby, especially if you’re in it as much as we are.


I have to be honest, I am NOT surprised lol

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You can get BGVP DM8s for $200 used sometimes, I like them quite a bit. Out of all BA sets I’ve tried, I know these are at the least well but differently tuned, and the vented BA is decent for not being a DD.

Easy rec: Auido Lokahi.

The Thieaduio Voyager 3 is cheap and definitely interesting - sometimes good for a guilty “why I am liking this” for occasional sessions. One of its tunings has tonality not far off the Andromeda.

I’ll see if others come to mind… DD is my wheelhouse, over BA, over planar, so I’ve had little reason to try many pure BA sets.


Used Lokahi $180: Rare 1st-Owner Audio Lokahi 7-BA IEM (S to A Tier Ranked) $180 | Headphone Reviews and Discussion -


You will have to play with its app EQ a lot lol. It’s a mudfest like usual Sony

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I’m enjoying the EJ07 so much I haven’t even picked up another set to listen to sense it arrived. I will say it wasn’t an instant win for me. Think mainly because of the elevated subbass and the larger midbass slope. I don’t have any other sets so sloped and usually thought this was a turn off for me. However, paired with the rest of the tuning it works for me here. Glad I gave it some time and patience because wow it’s a spectacular set. The following quote from you hit the nail on the head.

Particularly the part about cranking it up. After my brain burn-in settled this is where it excels and opens up. Lower volumes the tuning is just okay but, cranked up it’s phenomenal. Higher volume allowed the midbass to be more heard and have some extra rumble to the subbass. The soundstage became larger, imaging more defined and immersiveness elevated. The tuning has been a real treat with EDM. EJ07 is easily a keeper I’m my books. Need to get around to some A/Bing to other sets. I’m excited to see where the long-run will place this against my other sets.