IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

A single DD (and planar) are much better than low BA count setup usually.

(Even the IER-M9 has 5 BAs there and that is not a high number.)


oh no, thats symptomps of underdampened shell causing reflectionsā€¦
(at least it would be in hps, iems shouldnt be bothered by them as muchā€¦)


Saw this and what very very tempted.

Glad youā€™re enjoying them :metal:And ya it takes some time to get use to, but when it clicks it clicks hard. The scaling is honestly sooo good. I find them really good with alternative and rock. Do wish thereā€™s more sub-bass but thatā€™s just me :stuck_out_tongue:

Curious to how it compares to your other ā€œdarkā€ sets!


Well, at least itā€™s not on every song! Iā€™d say it happens 25% of the time.

Ya think Sony, the oneā€™s who created the Z1R, would tune the bass better lol. I think Iā€™ll pass on the EQ cuz Iā€™ll have to EQ all the other ones just to be fair :sweat_smile:

keep me updated on buds2 pro vs Apple. I might get one of those in the future :slight_smile:

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Iā€™m not surprised Sony didnā€™t do anything. I read a comment that Sony hit the ground running Pods2, but this is not true. I canā€™t stop laughing :laughing: :grinning: :laughing: :grinning: :joy:

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:joy: Just gonna rank it right now before it gets lower:


$400 CAD lol.

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There is also the Kiwi Ears Orchestra and the new Symphonium Meteor that just came out. They are both around SA6 money.

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Iā€™ll most definitely be keeping my eye on these sets in the future when Iā€™m ready (and able to convince the wife) to drop big bucks on another set. Thanks, man!

Dear Padwan-robot, let me introduce you to the magic of the:



Guess I also have to introduce it to your wife then!


You have M3x again? :open_mouth:

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Nah, this pic was taken an year ago. I lost all my pictures and I have RSV on a loan, so I had to literally search for some :rofl:


Iā€™ve heard some absolutely banger reviews on the RSV - they are quite pretty too, arenā€™t they? :heart_eyes:

This! ^ :joy: Iā€™m going to show her this, sheā€™ll get a kick out of it!


Ay I also a set of RSV for sale on head-if js :smirk:

I always got a sharpness (not sure if in mids or treble?) with the RSV even with tip rolling. Combined with the bass not being DD, it wasnā€™t a keeper for me at the price it sits at.

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Oh boy :sweat_smile: best of luck on that sale, brother. If I had the cashola Iā€™ll be all over it.

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RSV is still my vocals benchmark. Oh boy, what a set.


A new BT DAC/amp, this time from IKKO: iKKOĀ® Heimdallr ITB03
No specs yetā€¦