IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

I just peed my pants a bit! Thanks.

Am I violating some of this forums rules simply writing two nicknames without writing any opinion? Can I get banned? If yes I will delete my post. Let me know.

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I really donā€™t know, if Iā€™m honest. I was avoiding naming names just due to ā€¦ idk modesty? Trying to be nice? Unsure if it violates any rules.

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I get way more spicy than you sometimes and still here.

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As long as everyone stays on topic and avoids outright insulting and flaming, I think youā€™re good. We keep it clean 'round here. Just remember what Bucakroo Bonzai said: Buckaroo Banzai - Don't be mean - YouTube

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That makes sense - I felt that the 3D renders of soundstage were a bit choppy as well, a little hard to follow but I just chalked it up to me not being as well educated as some of you guys. I think at some point Iā€™ll find someone who explains these various topics easy enough for me to understand, the one thing I get hung up on is some of the vocabulary, I know it seems simple but Iā€™ve already learned a lot the last year or so when it comes to the terminology of this hobby and I guess Iā€™m more of a slow but efficient learner. It definitely helps visiting these forums everyday though - Iā€™m more of a repetition to learn kind of person. Folks like you help a great deal, so thank you :handshake:


Hey all, got a question for those of you who have tried out the Penon Fan. Currently may or may not be able to buy a pair for half their normal price, $70. Iā€™m a huge fan of the Penon Serial and Vortex, so Iā€™m thinking of picking these up. Not trying to only buy Penon, but so far I havenā€™t been disappointed by them lol. I love my Warm Neutral boys, but these more V shaped look like something fun to try out, plus without spending a ton. My main questions are how big are they when compared to the average IEM? Iā€™ve got more compact sized ears, but stuff like the Serial fit just fine for me, itā€™s even better fit when itā€™s something smaller like the Cadenza or Vortex.
The bass looks exciting and slightly arousing, but Iā€™m wondering how much of a hit the mids will take since it does put more emphasis on bass and treble.

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@GooberBM is doing a whole penon roundup now so your timing is very good!


Iā€™ll get you a more detailed answer about sound quality but I can at least answer the size question right away:

Hereā€™s Vortex, with OG Fan and HBB Khan:

  • Vortex is the tiniest IEM Iā€™ve ever held. Itā€™s comical how small it is
  • Khan is easily chonky in comparison to the Penons
  • On a scale of tiny/small/small-medium/medium/medium-large/large OG Fan is medium-small to maybe medium

Thanks for the size comparison. Starting catching up on your reviewsā€¦and damnit you made me hungry again lol.


From my very limited impressions with OG Fan, Iā€™d ask a question: Are you more satisfied with the treble/resolution from Penon Serial or Vortex? Because while theyā€™re both warm, Vortex is brighter with more resolution than Serial.

If you want more like Serial then Iā€™ll get more into it but OG Fan would be closer to that. If youā€™re liking the clarity/resolution of Vortex, the Fiio JD7 is your boy at near that same price as the Fan youā€™re (not) looking at.

A sleeper choice is the KBear Ormosia but itā€™s more leaning to the neutrality of Serial so thatā€™s more of a redundant buy.


Itā€™s like a tug of war for me when looking at the Serial and Vortex. I love the extra detail and resolution of the Vortex, but I also love the better sub bass and warmth of the Serial. I am surprised that the Fan is closer to the Serial, I thought itā€™s V shaped sound signature would have it be in a different category. Not that itā€™s a bad thing though. Iā€™d say for the most part, I prefer the Vortex though.

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Decent sized nozzle width though, at least to my memory?

Iā€™ve been reading through their Sound Science forum and honestly the frequent posters there are legitimately experts in their respective fields. Extremely knowledgeable. Of course, they routinely dispel audiophile myths and nonsense and as such are relegated to their own little corner of the site to discuss audio science amongst themselves.

Their members are not permitted to engage in sound science discussion outside of Sound Science. Their posts are monitored and promptly removed.

Apologies if this is common knowledge.


Cool I never browsed in this section. Took a quick look in there now and there I see jaakkopasanen the developer of AutoEQ. Nice.

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Found in the sound science section - audiophile myths

This dude hit the nail on the head 13 years ago. Couldnā€™t have said it better my self.


My wife got me a pair of Sony WF-1000xm4 TWS for Christmas and I canā€™t leave them alone, using the EQ in the app puts my Yume II to shame, iā€™ll be returning them soon because I really have no use for them now. I loved them until I got the Sonys, I always thought that these werenā€™t that great because of what Iā€™ve seen people say but to my ears these make me fall in love with songs Iā€™ve heard a million times all over again :raised_hands:


Iā€™ve heard Prisma Azul, S8 and DT200.

Those three sets suffered from bad quality bass. S8 was probably the best.

Bad timbre comes from the tuning and not the driver type. FDX1 (1DD) has a bad metallic timbre, same with ZSN Pro X, I have a ThinkSound Rain3 bullet IEM that has some weird timbre (1DD). On the other hand, the timbre on the Azul is absolutely flawless and itā€™s a 2 BA set.

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Fiio got a dark set, that sure is rare.


Dark? Try nightmarish